Mod Ren'Py Save Game Description [1.5.2][Mattock]


May 27, 2018
-easier access to up to 99 save-game-pages
-optional button to delete savegames on screenshot (no need to use keyboard)
-possibility to add a description to each save-game
-can "take over" description of existing saves with middle-click, or longpress on touch devices.

last piccy of SGD used

Updated: 2025-02-26
Version: (2)
potentially compatible RenPy-versions: 7.?.?.? - 8.4.?.?

General note on any mods!
MAKE A BACKUP! BEFORE! installing any mods!
(e.g. for Win that means: 1) complete "renpy-game-folder"
(including "renpy-game-folder"\game\saves\*.* !)
AND 2) (2nd) savegame-folder under %APPDATA%\RenPy\
(the content of both "saves"-folders ~should be identical...AT LEAST make a backup of your saves! )

Download in a spoiler-tag(for registered users only):
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depack the archive(MttkModSaves_?version?.zip) into your "renpy-game-folder"\game\ -folder

delete the folder "zMttkModFolder"(and all its contents) from your "renpy-game-folder"\game\ -folder
(there will be left some persistent-variables and all save-games that have been given a description by this mod will still have it, and it will be shown in the load-/save-screen until the file(slot) is overwritten or deleted)

incompatible games:
-Love & Sex: Second Base
-Ecchi Sensei week1-2-3 (reported by Ive-11 ; thank you, confirmed)
(-MOTE2 - use adjustment)
-Superpowered (tho untested adjustment made)
-Thirsty For My Guest (Season 4?) (reported by Belzeebub ; thank you, confirmed for
(-Depraved Awakening - normally too old)
(-Island of Lust - use adjustment)
(-DOOMINATION - use adjustment)

Damsels and Dungeons Lab Rats 2 Unlimited Pleasure The Headmaster Come Home SwordofWonder MOTE2
(ignore the cryptic line above the page-select-buttons in the screenshot of "Come Home", those were just some test for me for string-compatibility)
Hypnosis Experiment Depraved Awakening Island of Lust DOOMINATION Doll House Doll City
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May 27, 2018
-incompatible games see up
-adjustments made for, prior potentially incompatible, games see down
This MOD tries to "replace" the "file_slots"-screen, which is a RenPy-default-screen(usually in screens.rpy). Games that do not (~really~) change this screen, usually have the "navigation" on the smaller left side and the wider right side is composed of three elements:
-the editable page-name(e.g. "Page 1")
-2 rows of 3 save-game-slots(numbers can be changed by dev) (clicking either saves or loads a game)
-the page-number-buttons, by default "< A Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >"
See the screenshots of the MOD in 1st post to get an idea...
If the game already shows more than the date and time when the save was made; or there is some input-field to give a description/name: that game of course is incompatible with this MOD...
more notes on compatibility in spoiler:
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adjustments made for:
-Unlimited Pleasure
-Waifu Academy
-Sword of Wonder
-Master Of The Earth(2) - Reborn(MOTE2)
(-SuperPowered(SP) - atm. untested with actual game-version!)
-Depraved Awakening
-Island of Lust
-~-for more info see changelog

how to use:
When the Save-screen is being shown(and your version is compatible(see up)), beside the page-name-input(where you can give the save-game-page a name instead the number), there a two new buttons:
"save-game-description" and "opts (&help)"

This is an input similiar to the page-name i.e. you can use backspace and delete, also the cursor-keys to navigate; pressing enter or left-click de/activates the input; you cannot mark text. Edit the text to a description you want to have for your next save-game.
Then left-click on a save-game-slot to save the game.

As you don't want to type in always e.g. "day ??: ??? done" you can middle-click on an existing save-game to "take over" its description.
For touch-devices you can also do the alternate action, which is mostly a "longpress"(by default I increase duration to 1.5s), to "take over".
The description of that save-game will replace the text in the input-field(initially "save-game-description"). Middle-clicking on a save-game that has no description will set the input-field to "SGD", so you don't need to press backspace so often(/long) to clear it.

Neither "save-game-description" nor "SGD" will ever be added to the save-game.
more notes on usage in spoiler:
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Changelog in spoiler:
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more about "store.save_name" in a spoiler:
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compatible reported games:
-Damsels-1.10.1-pc (RenPy 7.1.3)(SGD 1.3.4)
-Lab_Rats_2_Mod-v0.37.1.1-market (RenPy 7.3.5)(SGD 1.3.4.a)
--!-> there is not really enough space for 2 lines on top of the save-game-slots...found no easy solution...but as long as there's nothing wrong with the store.save_name, there is no 2nd line...I tend to ignore this
-UnlimitedPleasure-0.4.2-pc ("old" version) (RenPy 7.3.5)(SGD 1.3.4.a)
--!-> this game uses a different font! you can use the adjustment to enable that font to use with the mod also
-Waifu Academy 0.9.8a (RenPy 7.4.5)(SGD 1.3.4.u) + version 0.10.0(RenPy 8.1.0)(SGD
--!-> this game has its "Return"-button not in screen navigation. you can use the adjustment to recreate the button
-The Headmaster (RenPy 7.3.5)(SGD 1.3.4.u)
-ComeHome-.5.14.1-pc (RenPy 8.0.3)(SGD 1.4.0.a)
-Sword of Wonder 0.99 (RenPy 7.4.4) my full MultiMod
-Master Of The Earth(2) - Reborn(MOTE2)
--!-> a conversion from file_picker AND you can easily switch back(see screenshot in post 21)
-Hypnosis Experiment Android (SGD 1.5.1)
-Depraved Awakening 1.0 (RenPy 6.99.12)(SGD my full MultiMod
-Island of Lust 1.0.4.E (RenPy 7.4.X)(SGD 1.5.2) my full MultiMod
-Doomination 0.25(RenPy 7.5.0)(SGD
-Doll City 1.1(RenPy 7.4.0)(SGD my full MultiMod
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haf phun, greez Mattock
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Jul 3, 2019
Is there going to be an update to this? I think we're getting to the point where a lot of Devs are updating to the new versions of Ren'py


May 27, 2018
Is there going to be an update to this? I think we're getting to the point where a lot of Devs are updating to the new versions of Ren'py
yes, I'm ~"regularily"~ "updating" "this"
BUT you can easily see from the lightning speed of my reply,
that I'm NOT the fastest one! i.e. it'll take some time for updates...

I just updated to 1.3.4u
I checked the mod with RenPySDK 7.5.1: the_question: WORKED-> raised my compatility to 7.5.?.?
then I checked with RenPySDK 8.0.1: the_question: as expected 2 problems, I "fixed" them and now
MttkModSaves_1_3_4u is working with that too.
BUT I'm not confident enough...
(if you take the risk you can change my config-var to(e.g.): mttkModIntTooBigRPYver = 80100)
I want to play a RenPy-8 game myself before I deem my mod compatible.
(as said it works with the_question...but that is the most simple game...)

do you know a ~good~ Renpy8-game? tell me!
I'm having many things I want to do before that, but if it catches my interest, mebbe I skip some things
~I must do~ before having another fun

EDIT: removed MttkModKeys coz now part of SGD
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May 22, 2019
yes, I'm ~"regularily"~ "updating" "this"
BUT you can easily see from the lightning speed of my reply,
that I'm NOT the fastest one! i.e. it'll take some time for updates...

I just updated to 1.3.4u
I checked the mod with RenPySDK 7.5.1: the_question: WORKED-> raised my compatility to 7.5.?.?
then I checked with RenPySDK 8.0.1: the_question: as expected 2 problems, I "fixed" them and now
MttkModSaves_1_3_4u is working with that too.
BUT I'm not confident enough...
(if you take the risk you can change my config-var to(e.g.): mttkModIntTooBigRPYver = 80100)
I want to play a RenPy-8 game myself before I deem my mod compatible.
(as said it works with the_question...but that is the most simple game...)

do you know a ~good~ Renpy8-game? tell me!
I'm having many things I want to do before that, but if it catches my interest, mebbe I skip some things
~I must do~ before having another fun
hi thanks for your mod ,i am using it for SnowStorm-v0.3.1-pc_MQ ,it works perfect ,great work
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Cheat Or Not
Game Developer
May 18, 2020
Mattock thanks for the mod, but can you update your mod. Most of the games are now showing - "Sorry, this version of renpy is not compatible yada yada". Thanks again for this mod, this helps a lot
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May 27, 2018
[...]Most of the games are now showing - "Sorry, this version of renpy is not compatible yada yada".[...]
it would have helped a LOT, like a TON, if anybody would have just been so kind to give at least ~some~ names of games, that use RenPy I had asked you 2 posts above!
But oh, well, that one day searching for RenPy8-games was nothing to the two weeks sorting out a way for me to treat my way through PYsix...
FINALLY! it's done! hope you enjoy! (I do!, a LOT!-)


Cheat Or Not
Game Developer
May 18, 2020
it would have helped a LOT, like a TON, if anybody would have just been so kind to give at least ~some~ names of games, that use RenPy I had asked you 2 posts above!
But oh, well, that one day searching for RenPy8-games was nothing to the two weeks sorting out a way for me to treat my way through PYsix...
FINALLY! it's done! hope you enjoy! (I do!, a LOT!-)
Thanks for the update. I got a bug using your mod in - Thirsty For My Guest (Season 4) View attachment traceback.txt


May 27, 2018
thanks for your feedback

I roughly looked at Thirsty For My Guest (the thread, btw. a link is always nice...)
how big is it? (tho even if it were small, I'm not in the mood to download it atm.)
also is said something about "Regarding Save continuation" this could imply that the game itself changes the screen file_slots ?
i.e. just not compatible (at least at first) with my mod...

also the traceback says nothing about "MttkMod"... I'm a bit skeptical about the reason for the exception..

first off please confirm you played the game clean(without my MOD) and it worked.
(and that there is no other MOD installed)

next: what did you do before the exception?

3) please look up and provide file to get the exact RanPy-version of the game
the file: in game-folder there's the folder "renpy" and there is the file ""
I want that
the lookup: in game-folder there's the folder "lib" and there is one folder "python?.?"
what are the numbers that here are question marks?

4)now it gets complicated...I want the file "screens.rpyc"(told about in the traceback)
if you're lucky, it's plain in the folder "game" under the game-folder

if not, do you know Sam's famous unren.bat ?
(if you already know how to use unren.bat please depack pot. "*.rpa"-files and get me "screens.rpyc" if there is a "screens.rpy" there too you can send that also, but mainly I need the .rpyc)

but I have seen there may be a scripts.rpa ...if it is not too big(smaller than 10MB!) you could try to send me that first

if not: a short runup for unren.bat:
-create a temporary folder
-unpack the game into the temporary folder
-unpack unren.bat to the "game" folder
-run unren.bat choose: 1) Extract RPA packages (in game folder)
-exit unren.bat
-now look for "screens.rpyc" in temporary folder
-move "screens.rpyc" out of the temporary folder
-delete the temporary folder

finally create (another) temporary folder and move/copy the files
-"screens.rpyc" (otional: + "screens.rpy" )
there then pack it(I would suggest 7zip, but that's up2u) and attach it here.

I then will have a look at it, what may be the problem and if it could be circumvented.

EDIT: the exact RenPy-version is also said in the part of the traceback.txt you omitted...
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Mister Player

May 9, 2023
thanks for your feedback

I roughly looked at Thirsty For My Guest (the thread, btw. a link is always nice...)
how big is it? (tho even if it were small, I'm not in the mood to download it atm.)
also is said something about "Regarding Save continuation" this could imply that the game itself changes the screen file_slots ?
i.e. just not compatible (at least at first) with my mod...

also the traceback says nothing about "MttkMod"... I'm a bit skeptical about the reason for the exception..

first off please confirm you played the game clean(without my MOD) and it worked.
(and that there is no other MOD installed)

next: what did you do before the exception?

3) please look up and provide file to get the exact RanPy-version of the game
the file: in game-folder there's the folder "renpy" and there is the file ""
I want that
the lookup: in game-folder there's the folder "lib" and there is one folder "python?.?"
what are the numbers that here are question marks?

4)now it gets complicated...I want the file "screens.rpyc"(told about in the traceback)
if you're lucky, it's plain in the folder "game" under the game-folder

if not, do you know Sam's famous unren.bat ?
(if you already know how to use unren.bat please depack pot. "*.rpa"-files and get me "screens.rpyc" if there is a "screens.rpy" there too you can send that also, but mainly I need the .rpyc)

but I have seen there may be a scripts.rpa ...if it is not too big(smaller than 10MB!) you could try to send me that first

if not: a short runup for unren.bat:
-create a temporary folder
-unpack the game into the temporary folder
-unpack unren.bat to the "game" folder
-run unren.bat choose: 1) Extract RPA packages (in game folder)
-exit unren.bat
-now look for "screens.rpyc" in temporary folder
-move "screens.rpyc" out of the temporary folder
-delete the temporary folder

finally create (another) temporary folder and move/copy the files
-"screens.rpyc" (otional: + "screens.rpy" )
there then pack it(I would suggest 7zip, but that's up2u) and attach it here.

I then will have a look at it, what may be the problem and if it could be circumvented.

EDIT: the exact RenPy-version is also said in the part of the traceback.txt you omitted...
I am facing problem in the game Chasing Sunsets. It is not functioning i.e. I cannot save or load when I use the mod in this game. There are no errors so I cannot give you the traceback. View attachment log.txt But here is the log if it helps. Thanks for the mod btw. It is really helpful.


May 27, 2018
I am facing problem [...]
1st, I'm deeply sorry for the VERY late reply of me...
I'm under pressure for some time now, but the main problem was, I didn't get an EMail-notification of your question. So I just didn't know about it.
Thanks for linking the game-thread and attaching the log.
From what I see from the .log: you're playing a "touch-device"(e.g. android)...
(see up) this is on my wishlist, but I'm still far from getting there...

you're invited to report back for any win or linux games
greets Mattock

Mister Player

May 9, 2023
1st, I'm deeply sorry for the VERY late reply of me...
I'm under pressure for some time now, but the main problem was, I didn't get an EMail-notification of your question. So I just didn't know about it.
Thanks for linking the game-thread and attaching the log.
From what I see from the .log: you're playing a "touch-device"(e.g. android)...
(see up) this is on my wishlist, but I'm still far from getting there...

you're invited to report back for any win or linux games
greets Mattock
Can you at least update the mod so it is compatible to latest renpy version (8.1.1)?


May 27, 2018
Mister Player
argh, already a new minor...
will do, but may take some time...
on first look it's only my "safety" for tooBigVer
you could override that safety by creating a file(e.g.)
(name is not important; extension must be .rpy)
with the following content
define 96 mttkModIntTooBigRPYver = mttkModIntRPYver + 1
EDIT: (untested atm but should work) works!
and put it in the game/zMttkModFolder

just out of interest: what game is already using renpy 8.1.x ?
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Mister Player

May 9, 2023
Mister Player
argh, already a new minor...
will do, but may take some time...
on first look it's only my "safety" for tooBigVer
you could override that safety by creating a file(e.g.)
(name is not important; extension must be .rpy)
with the following content
define 96 mttkModIntTooBigRPYver = mttkModIntRPYver + 1
(untested atm but should work)
and put it in the game/zMttkModFolder

just out of interest: what game is already using renpy 8.1.x ?
Most of the games I am playing. I forgot the names. Actually, when I am loading your mod it is saying "sorry renpy version is outdated, deinstall the mod". So, I hoped maybe it is using some version advanced than the mod.


May 27, 2018
Can you at least update the mod so it is compatible to latest renpy version (8.1.1)?
mod updated
compatibility raised
for games with RenPy 8.2.?.?(next minor) it will again complain about wrong renpy-ver.
(this is just a safety, coz maybe RenPy itself may change the behaviour of the file_slots-screen;
most of the time nothing has changed...)
I now tested the workaround from up post, and it works.
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May 27, 2018
Doesn't work with game Dreamland
Clicking on a save slot to either load or save the game does nothing
thx for the feedback
I do have a guess about the problems origin
please try new version(1.4.0.d)

If that does not solve the don't have the "screens.rpyc"(and options.rpyc) ?
If not, do you know Sam's famous unren.bat ?
(you could get the .rpyc with that tool (mebbe see up for some rough instructions)

else: as first step: you're not using any other MOD or translation? (if translation: which? link?)
else: second step (only if no MOD and no translation please!) can you make a screenshot(press "s" on the keyboard) of the save and load screens?

edit @ p1n3@5573 under this post: packer mixed it with the "keys"
(uploaded an archive only with SGD)
thanks for pointing out! and I'm happy (my guess was correct) it works now
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Feb 6, 2023
New version (1.4.0.d) zip has `zMttkModFolder` and `game/zMttkModFolder`
I used the one in root of the zip
Now save/load works
Thank you
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Cheat Or Not
Game Developer
May 18, 2020
Hey, Mattock thanks for the update (it is much belated) but this mod is not working with Sorcerer. Nor the new nor older versions. Wish Merry Christmas to You and all in this community.


May 27, 2018
I didn't get an email-notification, so it's pure luck(or misfortune for me) I've seen this within 2 weeks, instead after some months; sorry about that.

EDIT2: after re-reading your post(s), I want to ask explicitly:
Was your post meant to inform me, that the Sorcerer-game is incompatible with my MOD?
If so, I apologize for my misunderstanding and the following "rambling"!

but PLEASE could you try to give meaningful feedback, PLEASE
"it is not working" says NOTHING and helps NOT.
(e.g. there was an exception while init, or after pressing the "load"-button; +attaching, or quote in a code-block, the traceback.txt !)

(e.g. like p1n3@5573: Clicking on a save slot to either load or save the game does nothing)

in your case the feedback could have been:
"installing the MOD makes no difference at all, the game behaves the same as if the MOD would not have been installed"
which of course makes it crystal clear that the game itself does something with the file_slots-screen and therefore is incompatible to my MOD!

and PLEASE...if you're not blind or otherwise handicapped, when you see a "Save name:" plus a cursor you must understand that this game is just not compatible...

but what did gullible Mattock do? I downloaded 2,6GB (compressed version)
depacked, looked at, cursed you multiple times, then deleted it again.
two hours of my life totally senselessly wasted

in this speacial case...what you could have asked:
hello Mattock there's this sorcerer game; I know it is incompatible, but it has a "scripts.rpa"(11MB) and a "ShaddyMod.rpa"(1MB).
I uploaded those to ~blahblah~(downloadable of course without the need to register) maybe you can have a look at them to do some workaround, coz I like your MOD way more than what they do! Thx in advance

and my answer to that is:
1)the game/ShaddyMod uses the store.save_name! see notes in post2 and if you already made saves with it, you will "see" it in my MOD
2)the ShaddyMod uses "init offset = 9999" (bad)
REMEMBER RenPy tells users to stay in "init offset" from -999 to 999

I(Mattock) will never upload anything outside the RenPy-user-frame.
but, alas, as for screens it doesn't really matter how "late" they are, provided they are defined at init-time;
you could change the init-"time" of my MOD yourself by:
edit "MttkModSaves.rpy" (for version 1.4.0.d2 line 145)
init -399 screen file_slots( title ):
edit "MttkModSaves.rpy" (for version line 174)
init 166 screen file_slots( title ):
change the init-number to 9666
init 9666 screen file_slots( title ):
and save. (for later SGD-versions see yourself)
then my MOD will be used

please no more questions concerning this, and I don't want to see an altered version of my MOD uploaded here
EDIT1: version-specific line-numbers and init-times
EDIT2: asking about potential misunderstanding
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