Identify a game with stylized 3D, good animation and we work in an Office


Oct 13, 2018
Hello !

I did a thorough Google search beforehand... but I couldn't find this game.

I remember playing it a while ago....
One of its particularities is that the characters are drawn in a rather “simple”, stylized 3D... I'd say it reminds me a little of cell-shading, without complex shading.
You could say it looks a bit like a game made on Unity.

I also remember that I thought the animations were pretty good. Above average, in fact.

Story-wise, the MC worked every day in an office (which is classic)... The boss was a woman, I think.
One of the girls from the company (the main female character) lived in our modern apartment (a shared flat) upstairs, which opened onto the main room, like a sort of mezanine. She had her own bathroom on the far left. It was accessed via a staircase on the right.

I also remember that one of the firm's employees, a young man, was a problem. I'm not sure if he was spying for another company and/or flirting with the main girl.

That's it. It's all a blur :D sorry.
But I thought it was a really good game at the time and I'd have liked to find its name again to see if it had evolved.

Thanks if it reminds anyone here!


Oct 13, 2018
To explain a little better what I meant by "a rather “simple”, stylized 3D... I'd say it reminds me a little of cell-shading, without complex shading. You could say it looks a bit like a game made on Unity."
while i was looking for the game in Google Images i found few other games with similar graphics :

Broken Dreams :

Dream Office :

in my fuzzy memory I think there were 3D graphics like this... but more beautiful.
thx Prometheus51 if you can tell if you have the same memory or if I'm wrong.. as i'm not sure.


Oct 13, 2018
I hope someone answers this. I, no joke, I was about to make a thread looking for this exact game.
I got a good news... and a bad.


But... as feared it.. it's tagged as "Abandoned" :cry:
(It's become a curse with this type of game... more than half of my favorite games here are finished abandoned. Our Fate, The Coceter Chronicles, my New Neighbors,..ect...)

It's Her Little Secret
The graphics are even nicer than in my memory. It's sad it's stopped.