A Zombie's life 1.0 beta


May 18, 2017
Savegame editor

just need to find out what values are for what
Nov 20, 2023
just want to ask does anyone have save files for this game.
ive been looking a lot for info but sadly nothing

from here i get that the OG links and thread got banned. You can honestly find it on the patereon and on other sites though they may have the older versions (or newer idk)

i think xgames has a primative version but again better to get the updated version on the patereon itself and support the dev

ive been looking for info on if choices matter like:
-telling Mrs. Perez if her husband is alive / signs or not
-if shooting son what happens (idk replay several times)
-if you don't have all the survivors with you
-who to chose to go with you to the hospital
-helping leslie and sasha or not

and one i wanna know is
-how to get the convince isabella option since they give you only 2 options of shooting isabella and get the harem ending (which has her in the artwork for some reason on the left side lmao)
have her make the cure which gives everyone a "happy" ending relatively speaking and society goes back to normal.

i know theres a guide in the game files but it doesn't state exactly what to do how it affects the game etc.
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Nov 20, 2023
if anyone knows how to convince isabella please lmk. It's such a headache as well as in some areas like the sealed door where you find the dog and the big zombie you just find at the sealed entrance. There is also the gate that can be forever reienforced apparently.


May 17, 2018
ive been looking a lot for info but sadly nothing

from here i get that the OG links and thread got banned. You can honestly find it on the patereon and on other sites though they may have the older versions (or newer idk)

i think xgames has a primative version but again better to get the updated version on the patereon itself and support the dev

ive been looking for info on if choices matter like:
-telling Mrs. Perez if her husband is alive / signs or not
-if shooting son what happens (idk replay several times)
-if you don't have all the survivors with you
-who to chose to go with you to the hospital
-helping leslie and sasha or not

and one i wanna know is
-how to get the convince isabella option since they give you only 2 options of shooting isabella and get the harem ending (which has her in the artwork for some reason on the left side lmao)
have her make the cure which gives everyone a "happy" ending relatively speaking and society goes back to normal.

i know theres a guide in the game files but it doesn't state exactly what to do how it affects the game etc.
Seems like i have play it all over from the begining.


Nov 11, 2022
ive been looking a lot for info but sadly nothing

from here i get that the OG links and thread got banned. You can honestly find it on the patereon and on other sites though they may have the older versions (or newer idk)

i think xgames has a primative version but again better to get the updated version on the patereon itself and support the dev

ive been looking for info on if choices matter like:
-telling Mrs. Perez if her husband is alive / signs or not
-if shooting son what happens (idk replay several times)
-if you don't have all the survivors with you
-who to chose to go with you to the hospital
-helping leslie and sasha or not

and one i wanna know is
-how to get the convince isabella option since they give you only 2 options of shooting isabella and get the harem ending (which has her in the artwork for some reason on the left side lmao)
have her make the cure which gives everyone a "happy" ending relatively speaking and society goes back to normal.

i know theres a guide in the game files but it doesn't state exactly what to do how it affects the game etc.
Kind of late to your reply, but I'm completely confused as well. I don't know how we're supposed to convince Isabella at the ending. Are we supposed to beat the big bad evil guy (who's actually just the remains of Isabella's son that mutated because of the scientists' failed experiment, supposedly) and NOT get his blood sample? Or do we just beat him without ever getting involved with Isabella? (And yes, apparently you can go to the final endgame zone with the boss before you've even rescued everyone or progressed through their storylines.

As far as I can tell, telling Leslie where you live affects whether or not she shows up at your house when Marcus (Sasha's son) raids your camp with his boys. If you lie to Leslie or stay quiet, she won't know where you live and consequentially won't come to your home in the ending - which would likely mean her and Sasha don't make up in the credits scene.

Similarly, Sasha also won't cooperate with you in the credits scene if you leave her while she's being attacked by the zombies. I accidentally picked the option to shoot her son when he's blackmailing Sonya with the prison keys, but that didn't affect the ending as he ultimately turns into a zombie that can still talk (somehow), and I still got her "good route" in the credits. I don't know how her storyline's affected if you choose to kill Marcus when he's threatening your family in the final part either, since I didn't try it out.

Mrs. Perez seems to stick with the main character regardless of whether or not you tell her about her husband's sign or that he's alive. In the "Make cure" ending, she asks the others to lie to her husband about how she's dead so she can stay with you. And in the "bad" "Kill Isabella" ending, you shoot her husband as he walks in on you two having sex, and Perez doesn't seem to care at all about his death.

The locked door where you get the dog doesn't do anything, as far as I've played the game at least.

The big zombie you find at the sealed-off entrance to the city is just a regular big zombie that you kill. Nothing special about that one.

About who you take to the hospital with you - I'm pretty sure it's just an extra affection point that you have the option to choose who you give it to. I went with Liz (main character's mom), and she ended up having 13 affection points, unlike her default max of 12. So I'm guessing, for example, if you went with Abby or Alex or whoever else - they'd have 12 affection points and not their default max of 11. Minor difference. But this is just my theory, and I haven't actually tested it out with all the companions yet.

Again, to conclude - if anyone knows how we can convince Isabella and get the 3rd ending, PLEASE tell us how to. The game's walkthrough guide note in the files doesn't give us any hints about this, and neither do we get any hints on how to do it during the actual game either.
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Ipi ipi

New Member
Nov 26, 2022
Kind of late to your reply, but I'm completely confused as well. I don't know how we're supposed to convince Isabella at the ending. Are we supposed to beat the big bad evil guy (who's actually just the remains of Isabella's son that mutated because of the scientists' failed experiment, supposedly) and NOT get his blood sample? Or do we just beat him without ever getting involved with Isabella? (And yes, apparently you can go to the final endgame zone with the boss before you've even rescued everyone or progressed through their storylines.

As far as I can tell, telling Leslie where you live affects whether or not she shows up at your house when Marcus (Sasha's son) raids your camp with his boys. If you lie to Leslie or stay quiet, she won't know where you live and consequentially won't come to your home in the ending - which would likely mean her and Sasha don't make up in the credits scene.

Similarly, Sasha also won't cooperate with you in the credits scene if you leave her while she's being attacked by the zombies. I accidentally picked the option to shoot her son when he's blackmailing Sonya with the prison keys, but that didn't affect the ending as he ultimately turns into a zombie that can still talk (somehow), and I still got her "good route" in the credits. I don't know how her storyline's affected if you choose to kill Marcus when he's threatening your family in the final part either, since I didn't try it out.

Mrs. Perez seems to stick with the main character regardless of whether or not you tell her about her husband's sign or that he's alive. In the "Make cure" ending, she asks the others to lie to her husband about how she's dead so she can stay with you. And in the "bad" "Kill Isabella" ending, you shoot her husband as he walks in on you two having sex, and Perez doesn't seem to care at all about his death.

The locked door where you get the dog doesn't do anything, as far as I've played the game at least.

The big zombie you find at the sealed-off entrance to the city is just a regular big zombie that you kill. Nothing special about that one.

About who you take to the hospital with you - I'm pretty sure it's just an extra affection point that you have the option to choose who you give it to. I went with Liz (main character's mom), and she ended up having 13 affection points, unlike her default max of 12. So I'm guessing, for example, if you went with Abby or Alex or whoever else - they'd have 12 affection points and not their default max of 11. Minor difference. But this is just my theory, and I haven't actually tested it out with all the companions yet.

Again, to conclude - if anyone knows how we can convince Isabella and get the 3rd ending, PLEASE tell us how to. The game's walkthrough guide note in the files doesn't give us any hints about this, and neither do we get any hints on how to do it during the actual game either.
Just played the game myself and spent around 20 hours beating it. (Used a few cheat tools outside of the game aka MTOOL to bypass few of the buggy ass thing, also never managed to finish the gas event, I'm just braindead and can't find the last car fuel for some reason)

I think to get the 3rd best ending, you just have to get max affection for Isabella. I had only gotten the option to pick shoot or cure ending. ( No convince Isebelle ending, I probably should of went back to get that max affection, but just ran out of patient.)

Also, you can brute force what the requirement by searching the files. You could also see the picture of the ending in the graphic/picture.

Edit: I found the walkthrough for the other ending; yeah, it's the same as I thought; it's just a single extra step, aka get Isebelle to max. (The txt I found online shows what the requirement needed, I can't be bother playing the whole thing out again just for the similar picture ending.

Cure ending

Just play the game normally and sleep with the women only if needed to. When you reach the end of the game you will have this option unlocked.

Convince Isabelle/ survival ending

Play the game as normal however in this case sleep with the women in the game enough times to get them hooked to wanting to be with you including Isabelle.

Shoot Isabelle/ Lust ending

Same as the survival ending however with this one you don't need to sleep with Isabelle any more than the mandatory amount of times to progress the story.


Re-Edit: Just played with a cheat save, beat the other convince isabelle ending, yep. It's the harem ending , to convince her, you just need to have everyone maxed out. Or just have her maxed out. I'm not sure which one but one of them should work, at least after I tried the cheat file and rerun the boss again.

Thank to for cheat save file, I was not going to grind that game again. What a coincident you posted this message right after I beat this game just today.
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2022
Just played the game myself and spent around 20 hours beating it. (Used a few cheat tools outside of the game aka MTOOL to bypass few of the buggy ass thing, also never managed to finish the gas event, I'm just braindead and can't find the last car fuel for some reason)

I think to get the 3rd best ending, you just have to get max affection for Isabella. I had only gotten the option to pick shoot or cure ending. ( No convince Isebelle ending, I probably should of went back to get that max affection, but just ran out of patient.)

Also, you can brute force what the requirement by searching the files. You could also see the picture of the ending in the graphic/picture.

Edit: I found the walkthrough for the other ending; yeah, it's the same as I thought; it's just a single extra step, aka get Isebelle to max. (The txt I found online shows what the requirement needed, I can't be bother playing the whole thing out again just for the similar picture ending.

Cure ending

Just play the game normally and sleep with the women only if needed to. When you reach the end of the game you will have this option unlocked.

Convince Isabelle/ survival ending

Play the game as normal however in this case sleep with the women in the game enough times to get them hooked to wanting to be with you including Isabelle.

Shoot Isabelle/ Lust ending

Same as the survival ending however with this one you don't need to sleep with Isabelle any more than the mandatory amount of times to progress the story.


Re-Edit: Just played with a cheat save, beat the other convince isabelle ending, yep. It's the harem ending , to convince her, you just need to have everyone maxed out. Or just have her maxed out. I'm not sure which one but one of them should work, at least after I tried the cheat file and rerun the boss again.

Thank to for cheat save file, I was not going to grind that game again. What a coincident you posted this message right after I beat this game just today.
Man, thank you so much for telling me all this lol

Wish Nergal gave us more clues about the final update - he just up and disappeared into the abyss after he was done with Zombie's Life

It's definitely a great game, but it just feels incomplete during some sections
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Aug 3, 2021
Just played the game myself and spent around 20 hours beating it. (Used a few cheat tools outside of the game aka MTOOL to bypass few of the buggy ass thing, also never managed to finish the gas event, I'm just braindead and can't find the last car fuel for some reason)

I think to get the 3rd best ending, you just have to get max affection for Isabella. I had only gotten the option to pick shoot or cure ending. ( No convince Isebelle ending, I probably should of went back to get that max affection, but just ran out of patient.)

Also, you can brute force what the requirement by searching the files. You could also see the picture of the ending in the graphic/picture.

Edit: I found the walkthrough for the other ending; yeah, it's the same as I thought; it's just a single extra step, aka get Isebelle to max. (The txt I found online shows what the requirement needed, I can't be bother playing the whole thing out again just for the similar picture ending.

Cure ending

Just play the game normally and sleep with the women only if needed to. When you reach the end of the game you will have this option unlocked.

Convince Isabelle/ survival ending

Play the game as normal however in this case sleep with the women in the game enough times to get them hooked to wanting to be with you including Isabelle.

Shoot Isabelle/ Lust ending

Same as the survival ending however with this one you don't need to sleep with Isabelle any more than the mandatory amount of times to progress the story.


Re-Edit: Just played with a cheat save, beat the other convince isabelle ending, yep. It's the harem ending , to convince her, you just need to have everyone maxed out. Or just have her maxed out. I'm not sure which one but one of them should work, at least after I tried the cheat file and rerun the boss again.

Thank to for cheat save file, I was not going to grind that game again. What a coincident you posted this message right after I beat this game just today.

Can you share your save data, please? I'm having difficulty getting the 'Convince Isabella' ending. I've already done everything, everyone at 11 hearts except mom with 13. Also, I've done both of Leslie's and Sasha's scenes.