So in porn, they're referred to as Shemales, Ladyboys, transsexuals, and all sorts of other terms. But I think this is generally considered an offensive term by the community. I asked around and was told that "trans girl" is a safe term so that's what I use in my game. I was using "futa" and "futanari" before but a lot of people informed me that was technically incorrect as the trans girls have no vaginas.
Yes, that's true though I find shemales to be a bit... not derogatory but not really respectful and I said ladyboys not as a disrespect or anything but rather that they are well... boys/girls and not men/women in a sense with the way the school is set up, even if they are technically 18 or whatever (which we all know is just a BS justification in many games to skirt certain laws...


. I'm pro LGBT and yes they are transexual. Just the way it was described made me aslo think of the particular type that is common in some asian countries where they are often referred to as such rather than as transexual, although that could be changing.
On a second note, I actually ended up liking it more than I had thought I would and was actually surprised to discover that the character you play as is actually female. The way she is written just had me thinking male and was both a slight "aww, that sucks" but also "oooh, how interesting". On the one hand I like the idea of the principal being a female "master" kinkster, yet I was secretly hoping that she was actually male and may (at some point) have sex with students and teachers. Being the only male in an all female sex/fetish driven school (in the highest position of power to boot) such as this would put the male in a very unique position of being the almost only person with a penis and could use that to help further the girl's "education" all the while being able to take full advantage of it. I believe I tried all the paths now (unless you added the metal stands to the mother route last night). Also, I picked Luna having the incest fetish, but when going the sensory deprivation route, she ends up with amy (the petite fetish path) instead of one of the twins. I assume you hadn't gotten around to writing that scene yet, but there's a massive amount of potential for a luna, casey (considering her reactions normally) and the twins for a very powerful & unique scene.
There is a scene where a trans girl has sex with a student. I assume you're not into trans girls being fucked though. I don't have a scene like that, but close: There's tongue and finger insertion. Actually, something that most wouldn't be into that I also have: Sounding a transsexual. All of this is optional, though.
Actually, you did a far better job of it than I've ever seen in having a transexual being portrayed. I've noticed a pattern in where when people write transexuals, then tend to almost always be screwed rather than screwing or both. You did a mix and it was extremely well written and found myself enjoying it quite a bit even though it's one of the very few fetishes I'm indifferent to or dislike (in the case of transexuals, I'm merely disinterested, I don't hate it but it doesn't really do anything for me either..... normally anyway).
I actually loved the luna/amy dynamic and events. Tastefully done and adored it (actually felt happy for them when they connected on a special level). As for the tongue and finger stuff... It was actually pretty hot and found myself rather aroused anyway. Very tastefully executed. Props to you and you sir(?) are a very rare breed of writers. You have a skill for details and scene writing that I have found to be exceedingly rare in an environment that it would absolutely thrive. i have a similar skill myself and I will actually send you a copy of a few pages of a book I was attempting to write... Maybe we can help each other out if you like my writing style.
I'm really glad you liked them. Those are very recent scenes so I wasn't sure if they'd be good. I'm always conflicted about your concern. I get a lot of people saying they want their choices to matter. I interpret this as, "You can either do X or Y, but not both." But then there are some that wish they could go down multiple paths. I think I'll have a mixture of both in my game.
They are... trust me. Maybe they can be slightly improved but that would be trying to polish a metal/chrome sphere that's already blindingly bright, at least in my personal opinion. Also, you are completely correct, although there may be a way to "maximize" the content. By which I mean (for example) the "weekly choices" you have where you chose mothers/transexuals... Well, keep those "repeating" for the following week until all have been chosen but keep the other things more limited such as which rooms you can visit in the dorm at night. Or you can adopt some kind of "energy" system in which you start the "week" with a certain amount of energy that can be used for a limited number of optional scenes like say the olivia/mia bathroom, the 2/3 night visits at the dorm, hallway, etc. This way people will be able to maximize the content that they want but keeping the "choose your own adventure" elements. The drawback is that this would increase the writing to be done for scenes by quite a bit (tripling or even quadrupling the "workload" to account for all the possible combinations) and might be best reserved for further down the road when there is more content first and you have a far better idea of where all you want the game to go/explore... On the flip side, if you were to start it now and put in the framework for it, it could mean less overall progression per update but more possibilities for unique content and combinations. Ultimately, it's entirely up to you but those are just a fractions of the thoughts I've had. The most important thing though, is to focus on what it is that YOU want to do/create and write the stories that YOU want to tell.
Great to hear! I want to have a unique outcome depending on which story you choose first instead of just for the art class. Here's why I haven't done it already: 1) It's hard to think of stuff to get from the other classes that could be used in the next class! 2) I haven't put a lot of mental energy into working on it. But, more of this type of thing is in the back of my mind.
Hmm... Referring back to a previous comment about my sending you an example of my writing and contributing if you like, this is an area where I could actually help quite a lot. For example, (depending on certain choices in previous moments) you could have the principle find something like cucumbers, squash, bananas, strawberries, etc while visiting the cafeteria or make it an optional pickup than can randomize WHICH item you get or even better, make what item you get depend on what actions you did or what order you made your choices. While you did quite a bit with paint and brushes in the art class for the metal stands path, you could also have the option for the principal pick up and keep a paint brush while there to use... say during the night at the dorms OR if they chose not to go the metal stands route, then to use during the sensory deprivation path. Depending one which areas you feel like you want to "improve" or add more unique options to, I could help in that regard. Another example is to take jump ropes from gym class to the art class to do "tasteful bondage of everyday items", or test tubes from the biology class for "sample gathering" (female wetness or cum/squirting), or take them to the art class for a "perverted science" theme by inserting the test tubes in the various holes and so on.... I've rambled on enough about ideas but if you like what you read then we should definitely talk more as I would be honored to help you come up with ideas should you want that help/input.
For me it's more of a "it's done when it's done" approach, but I try to release every 2 weeks. A lot of other NSFW devs told me I should not do it more than that. I would have released about every 2 weeks last month but I gave a poll and the majority wanted me to finish all of sensory deprivation before I released it. Why do you ask?
Because I love what you've done so far and it has easily become the number 1 game to keep my eye on very closely. Your game has such amazing potential to me and I can't way to see it blossom even more. Not trying to hype the game or hype myself but... It... It's like reading dean koontz's From the Corner of His Eye or Odd Thomas after trying to stomach the bs crap that was twilight (was ok....ish but overall not that good) or 50 shades of gray (which I dislike as that's -NOT- true bdsm but rather manipulation using cult recruiting tactics and abuse of the bad kind). It's (your game and writing) just plain superior than 90+% of the stuff out now and has the potential to become one of the best there is. Pictures are nice but can easily be forgotten... However it's the story is what will really stick with you long after.
I have been thinking about making early, work in progress access to the game as a pledge reward. This would be almost nightly updates. Not sure if that's appealing to anyone, but it would give people the ability to comment on the current direction and maybe even change it if they think of something I like.
It would be to some but idk if that'd be a good idea for anyone outside of your apha testers/bug testers as it can cause people to become burned out early then lose interest long before it has the chance to truly hit it's stride... Think early access on steam... At first, it seems like a great idea and you're all "oh this looks soooo awesome! can't wait for it to be done but I want to play now" and so you do... but then 2 months later and a massive update comes but suddenly you're all ".... meh". That's caused by the loss of excitement and fun, not to mention the constant restarting and having to see it from the beginning over and over again (which btw is an excellent argument for multiple save slots as that way people can branch their paths and pick up from their saves rather than restarting from the beginning every time when there's been no change).