I am kind of having enough of this place, so this will be my last response to comments like this one or criticism that's focused on fundamental things in my approach, things that will never change. I wonder if some people here are just trolls or have limited comprehension abilities.
"Are the smileys in the dialogue really necessary?" You mean the 2-3 times there are emojis in V0.1 and V0.2? That never show up again in later updates?
"Everyone has just a surname why MC has Surname + name ?" Beside "The Maid" all characters have a first name, some have both a first and last name, so I have no idea WTF are you even talking about.
"Maybe remove the thank message at the end of the 1st part? it announce v0.2 but we are allready playing v0.5"
No, this is not a problem for my patrons because they play every update when the update is out, plus some of them use those screens for save points. I am not going to fuck with that because someone who pirates the game finds those screens an inconvenience.
"And imo choices should have consequences, 2 choices having the same result (sniper or grenade launcher) doesn't really make any sens, if the result is the same just don't let us chose (same for sex scene "end" or "watch again" isn't really a choice when we can reload). I really hate fake choices."
The "end" or "watch again" is not a choice... it's something I decided to code extra so those who did not save before the sex scene don't have to click back so many times and can just rewatch the scene.
The proper choices in the sex scene are those who control what type of sexual content and what type of foreplay the player will pick, so those who want a more dominant or sensual option can pick what they like, and those who, for example, don't like footjob can skip it, and yeah, you can't do that in a KN can you?
Why do I even bother... Some of the comments since the leak were actually useful for helping me make a decision on something, and the community here won't like it for sure

. It's a shame that because of some loud minority, the rest who just downloaded and enjoyed the content for free, will now lose too, but hey it's not my problem.