VN Abandoned Angeloucia's Legacy

Dec 28, 2023
My development has changed drastically after a good and thorough critic from a friend whose opinion mattered in favor of a new story and content and also new art and engine will be Renpy. This is our new heroine. Everybody meet ANGELOUSIA (Unknown symbols on the right picture is just her name in Linear B) All older renders were removed plus story plots and posts. The renders though will be posted on my artwork thread. Click on my left signature gif and be transported there to see them.:LUL:
"Angela" is derived from the Greek word "angelos," meaning messenger or angel, hinting at a person's potential to bring light and positivity into the lives of others.
The term οὐσία(ousia) is an Ancient Greek noun, formed on the feminine present participle of the verb εἰμί, eimí, meaning "to be, I am", so similar grammatically to the English noun "being". There was no equivalent grammatical formation in Latin, and it was translated as essentia or substantia. 000-Angelousia Promo Double_2673x2160.png

This post will be an ongoing demonstration for progress on Ren'Py. A little bit of tweaking on the gui, some new teaser, or a new interaction. Be sure to replay it if you're a fan or curious.
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Formerly 'thatoneguy543w745387'
Apr 28, 2022
You mean dark hair Yes? Right me if I am wrong...Well If that's the case...Blond and red hair was also among Greek genetics of the time but not many people Know of it...then we're talking about mythology and as you probably know Apollo was spending half the year as Thor in Scandinavia while replaced by Dionysus on Delphi Temple. He was having many children with the can't go more Aryan than this...and this is why I love blonds and redheads myself...You can never get bored...Hence my main characters are "fair-haired" and I love my humble opinion!:LUL:
PS. If you watched my video animation...I have renders where you'll see that Mycenaean soldiers are more Greek in the sense the world knows them from the drawings...and yeah there is also a Minoan dark haired collaborator scout among them(named Cleto)...So yeah there's definitely more known to the world similarities there...but I'm not joking blonds and red hair were once among the ancient Greeks...Helen and Achilles son(Red hair) [from wikipedia In , Neoptolemus ( ; : Νεοπτόλεμος, : Neoptólemos,  'new warrior'), originally called Pyrrhus at birth ( ; Πύρρος, Pýrrhos, 'red'), was the son of the warrior and the princess ] [How is Helen of Troy described?
Helen was widely considered the most beautiful of all mortal women. In his Works and Days, Hesiod describes her as "fair-haired Helen" (165). Homer repeatedly describes her in his works as "Helen of the lovely hair" (Odyssey,15:58), "white-armed Helen" (Iliad, 3:119) and "Helen, queen among women" (Iliad, 3:422).27 Ιαν 2021 So looking at some of the oldest origins of her story in Homer's Iliad one can see her described as “... fair-hair'd Helen”(240) meaning she was indeed considered to be blonde or light brunette.] [

[What color hair did Greeks have?
Most people in ancient Greece had dark hair and, as a result of this, the Greeks found blond hair immensely fascinating. In the Homeric epics, Menelaus the king of the Spartans is, together with some other Achaean leaders, portrayed as blond.}
The minoans are fascinating, not many people know about them. So kudos to you you. If i remember correctly, they actually predate the greeks by a thousand years or so.

The minoan pottery, murals usually depicts them as darkhaired/complected though


One interesting thing is that ancient minoan fashion seemed to be big on showing off the nude body.

Women wore dresses that showcased their bare tits.

Men would wear loincloths, and sometimes flamboiant headdresses.


But at the end of the day its your game and you can make em whities if ya want to.

Im looking forward to it. I dont think anyone has done an ancient greek/minoan game on here yet, so im interested to see what you make of it.


Formerly 'thatoneguy543w745387'
Apr 28, 2022
Look...I am of Greek heritage...and I grew up reading Greek Mythology...I love Minoans and I am dark hair and skin myself...but I love Aryans too...I love blondes and red haired beauties...My main protagonists are not dark for this reason. Usually children of Gods take blond or red hair from their parents...
Yep, theres just something special about gingers isnt there? They just have a certain something that makes them erotic.

View attachment il_300x300.5966548226_l1k4.webp
Dec 28, 2023
I'll find her Minoan name and I'll type it in Linear B too...I've researched that too...their written language.
HER NAME WILL BE MARGARITA (Margarites is ancient Greek for pearl) I will post her render... In ancient Greece, the pearl was dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite emerged from the water through a shell and therefore could be compared to a precious pearl. The Phoenicians had probably brought pearls to Greece, but it was only after the Persian influence that men and women began to adorn themselves with them.

Homer rarely mentions pearls. He's probably talking about them when he says: "Gems that shone like three bright drops hung from her ears".

Pearls for the ancient Greeks symbolized the tears of the gods and the dewdrops of the moon.

This is going to help me morph her face

Margarita_V2_1671x2160.jpg Margarita.png The_percussionist_3783x2160.jpg
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Formerly 'thatoneguy543w745387'
Apr 28, 2022
Wow! You researched minoan Language? Wasnt expecting that on porngame forum. Its a wild world sometimes...

Is it similar to greek?


Formerly 'thatoneguy543w745387'
Apr 28, 2022

You really did your research for this one! You know their history as well as how their language works. I myself only know a little about them as i have only watched a few documentaries about them. I only have the bare-bones information, and its been a while so i forgot a lot of it (Im more fond of ancient Sumerian Mythology / history). But the Minoans were definitely a fascinating people. I should look them up again...

Its research like this that can make next level writing.

Are you planning on making this into a visual novel?


Also the girl looks fantastic! She looks almost exactly like her image. She even has the same exact nose shape, and eyebrow shape, and eye color.

You even got accurate headdress and titty-showcasing dress (they were a people of culture lol).

Shes totally gorgeous! Almost makes me wish i was born in 2000 bce!
Dec 28, 2023
Ah and my assistant writer was double checked by me in Google. They're maybe nice "his" fancy words like that obsidian shore...but reality context matters too so here is the map with obsidian findings...the island deep down is Crete and there is obsidian near Knossos:

Is there obsidian in the island of Crete.png
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