- Jul 24, 2017
- 893
- 2,234
Well, if you're at a loose-end, my grass needs cutting.Yeah, it's called retirement.
Well, if you're at a loose-end, my grass needs cutting.Yeah, it's called retirement.
I know that...You're totally wrong about me pushing the Devs. I'd never dream of doing such a thing. I make suggestions, as do many other people. And the Devs encourage us to do so. The whole point of Discord is to get people involved in making suggestions and discussing the game. So your notion, that the Devs are in some way put under excessive pressure by this, is incredibly wide of the mark. If you took the trouble to join the discussion on Discord, you would know that. But of course you'd rather use your colourful imagination, than rely on actual facts.
I've said before, the Devs are quite capable of making their own decisions. They're not little kids who cave in, because a few people on Discord or Patreon put forward some ideas. If they decide to follow any of those ideas, it's because they really want to, and definitely not because they feel they have to in some way. I've made loads and loads of suggestions, and they've probably picked up on a handful of them. Most of them get rejected because they don't fit in with the Dev's plan for the game. So your insinuations that I and others have an undue influence over them, is just complete nonsense.
I'm only going by what you're saying. You say you don't interact with the Devs on Discord, or anyone else for that matter. And you're silent on Patreon. I don't understand why, when you make so many comments here? If you want to get across to the Devs your point of view, as you make clear on this thread. Why don't you just go and tell them on Discord, instead of hoping they might see one of your posts here, during one of their infrequent visits, or that someone else will bring it up for you? If you bring it up on Discord, the Devs will either agree it's a good idea or just ignore it, because they think it isn't.I know that...
you are repeating yourself
I'm not insinuating anything and as you admit, you are suggesting to the developer...just used a different term...but the gist is the same
I don't want to hint to the developer, but I like to support the Patreon game pages that I like... and when something like useless short novel happens, I just stop supporting.
you're free to do what you want... I'm also free to avoid interfering with the developers' work!
This is why I use Discord in a different way and I'm not actually supporting the Patreon page, my behaviour makes a lot of sense...there are thousands of supporter in patreon page but many, like me, don't participate at discussions.
are you saying my behaviour is meaningless?
I'm on discord but I have turned off notifications bc it is boring for me...
I use Discord only for "THE LAST BARBARIAN" cuz there are interesting walkthroughs about that very complex game.
"Anna Exciting Affections" does not require walkthrough and i'm interested only in the story progression.
If you pay for the travel costs and my hotel bill, sure.Well, if you're at a loose-end, my grass needs cutting.
wait wait !! i need to make popcorn before your next postSeeing users who have posted more comments in 1 year than I have in 4 makes me think. Now if you don't mind I would like to publish the story of my life in many small posts to catch up a bit.
So, it was the year 2002 and I had recently discovered the McFlurry Oreo ...
McFlurry Oreo! Omg Now I want one so bad!Seeing users who have posted more comments in 1 year than I have in 4 makes me think. Now if you don't mind I would like to publish the story of my life in many small posts to catch up a bit.
So, it was the year 2002 and I had recently discovered the McFlurry Oreo ...
Since I made this comment, I've since found out that the Devs originally intended to have a scene with the Taxman in the coming update. But they decided to delay it slightly. So it looks like we can expect a scene sometime on Saturday or Sunday. So a lot earlier than I originally anticipated.No, were still waiting for Anna to go on that date with the Taxman. The Devs are still planning for this to happen eventually, but so far there's been no definitive response as to when it will actually take place. Bearing in mind, what they have planned already for the coming days, it's unlikely to appear until late the following week , at the earliest. Which effectively means at least 18 months to 2 years in real time.
Can you post my phrase where I wrote this?
it's you who's thinking that I said clearly that I want to get across the DEV!
You claim that you don't want to tell the Devs what to do. But the statement above is effectively saying that Chapter 2 is crap compared to Chapter 1, and that the main reason for this, is their decision to put Andrew in a coma. You're stating very clearly that they need to change this, to make the game better.I've loved CH1 because IMO is far better until today,
The story progression in CH2 is stuck... because Andrew is still in a coma ... and still nothing really relevant happened from what is described very well in the first chapter. There are only some a new characters (policeman, detectives) and it's not known for sure that Earl is really dead...at least that's my personal opinion.
This game is great and my constructive criticsm are just related to improve the CH2 as well
and i hope some of the devs listen to me...as they already did in making a VN version
You don't have to worry about this. Even if they did read such comments, they're not going to rework anything beyond the last update. You sometimes get alterations to the previous update in the current update. But beyond that it's not going to happen, unless someone discovers a major error, that requires a rewrite.I don't want that someone of the team comes to read my post because i don't want that they start reworking old scenes in CH2... this will cause delay and delay on the update.
For me there are errors but they have to work in the progression of the storyline!
The most prolific poster on this forum, posts more in one year, than you will in the rest of your life. And about 9-10 times as much as I do. It's all relative you know. He averages about 20-25 comments every single day of the year. There are 5 other people who have made over 20,000 posts in the last 5-6 years.Seeing users who have posted more comments in 1 year than I have in 4 makes me think. Now if you don't mind I would like to publish the story of my life in many small posts to catch up a bit.
So, it was the year 2002 and I had recently discovered the McFlurry Oreo ...
No need to hurry. With statistically less than one post a day, you've got plenty of timewait wait !! i need to make popcorn before your next post
Never mind, maybe this way you'll get the bug fixed version instead?Still no hero, interesting ...![]()