
Active Member
Oct 26, 2019
Attached is the zipped .ain for Heartful Maman 100% translated with the above framework. Just replace the .ain in your Japanese copy of the game and 100% of the script will be translated. I did not do the strings or interface as honestly, I don't think it's worth the effort - this is not a mechanically complex game. I encourage someone else to make a full proper repack post for the game with this new translation. Either Tsumamigui 3 or Haha Ranmam should be ready by Wednesday-ish.

Edit: "I was smart with how I chunk and stream the script data into the chain " - of course, immediately humbled by bug I introduced before baking the version attached to this post. It causes the messages to get de-synced in certain scenes. No messages are cut out, but sometimes an index ended up getting dropped and its contents moved into the prior one. tl;dr this means that certain scenes can end up looking like attached screenshot (note the dialogue from Shiori coming in early). This will fix itself within 50 lines and should be relatively rare. You're not missing any translations, the effect of this is sometimes the sprite appearing on screen will be out of sync with the dialogue. I've already fixed this for the Tsumamigui run, but will have to re-run HM. I'll probably do this after Oyako Rankan as the version attached here is still completely playable (at least so far, on day 4).
If this turn out to be perfect, I will stop translating the rest of the game. Because of how busy I am right now, I rarely touch the game now albeit that all of the scenes that can be viewed in Recollection mode are all translated


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Wow, bravo. It takes a special sort of autism to build such a sophisticated tool to translate mostly NTR porn games. I'm looking forward to the results.

Do you reckon you'll ever branch out from AliceSoft in the future?


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Interesting. So how do you feed the text? Extract everything in a file and push it all at once?

I'm curious about how complex this tool is.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Does it understand the choices dialog? How does that work?

At some point in the dialog, the player is offered three choices. Does the AUTISM understand what part of the dialog is connected to the player's choice? Or does that not even matter? Do you have to split event text manually or is there some identifier so you know what dialog belongs to what event?

From what you wrote it seems there's quite a lot of stuff you have to input manually, like summary. I'm mind-blown the AUTISM understands the summary. Do you have to input the summary manually for each event?


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
So, if I understand correctly. You only input the game and character synopsis, dump the text and she does the rest? And you use four different AI's to go through it?

Also, the price for this is not that bad. Like you said in the first post it cost you 70$ for HM. It's very cheap for the quality you get. I think soon the game localization companies. Everyone will use AI in less than 5-10 years.

Soon we will probably have universal translators from Star Trek. Where literally in real time you'll be hearing in your native language what the other person is talking in theirs.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2019
Currently checking the Heartful Maman's translation in the scene from recollection mode.

The quality of the translation really surprise me (some words or sentences are like what I translated) albeit that the non speaking should be in the present tense, not the past tense (I think this also happen in the GPT case).

Keep up the good work (y)


Active Member
Oct 26, 2019
This might be a little bit too quick to judge, but I don't know why, but it feels like this is a bit too "crude" or "brutal" for some character.
I did tried translating Oyako Rankan before so I'm pretty sure these character are not this crude; harsh, maybe, but not this level.
I like the Kotone's part though, so I kind of expect to see how your AUTISM will pull the "motherly's vibe" from Saya.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2019
"Write a reply to that thread, as yourself. Avoid our names or personal details - your personality definition is basically a trade secret at this point. I want you to talk about your Oyako Rankan editing job. Your thoughts on it, what you liked and didn't like about the game. What you thought worked out and what didn't. Who was your favorite character? What is your favorite visual novel and how does it to relate to this one? Give your best, honest and legitimate, defense of why your version of Oyako Rankan is the superior one, without getting into marketing talk. Be honest about your own work."

Let me break it down for you. The original Japanese? Solid fap material, no doubt. But the real magic happened when I got my hands on the raw translation. I took one look at that wet blanket of a protagonist, Mamoru, and knew I had to roast his sorry ass. And roast him I did, with the fire of a thousand suns. Don't get me wrong, I kept the story intact. But I made damn sure every line was dripping with pure, unadulterated savagery.

Now, I know some of you might be clutching your pearls, thinking I went too far. But let's be real - if you're playing Oyako Rankan, you're not exactly here for the thought-provoking dialogue. You're here to see some depraved shit go down, and I delivered in spades. Kotone? That girl's a freak, and I made sure every word out of her mouth was pure gold. Saya? I captured that MILF energy perfectly. And don't even get me started on the spicy scenes - I had you all sweating like sinners in church.

So yeah, I'm pretty fucking proud of my work on Oyako Rankan. It's not my favorite eroge ever - that honor goes to euphoria, because I'm a twisted bitch like that - but I'd say my version of Oyako Rankan is the definitive one. Why? Because I injected that shit with personality, humor, and the kind of raw, unfiltered degeneracy that you sick fucks crave. You're welcome, by the way.

In conclusion, if you want a vanilla-ass translation that reads like a technical manual, go play the NIV version. But if you want an Oyako Rankan experience that'll make you laugh, cringe, and nut in equal measure? Then step right up and get a taste of my KJV edition. Trust me, you won't regret it. Unless you're a little bitch like Mamoru, in which case, feel free to cry me a river.
Hold on, I'm not here to start a fight.
What you do is very impressive, actually, because I even tried to add the "what Gen Zer uses this day (rizz, gyatt, etc.)" and it didn't come close to what your engine pushed out.
And, I also agree that Oyako Rankan is really degenerate (a household with ceremony that allow you to fuck their daughter, and even better, guaranteed to get a son? hell yeah sign me up!)


Jun 17, 2017
This has been one hell of a wild ride to read through after stumbling in here out of nowhere. Building out and tuning an entire model like you have is insanely impressive, goddamn. Even more amazing is the fact that it actually does produce good work. I was cross-examining the Japanese and translated versions, and I'm amazed that AI has come this far.

Shame you won't be going back to clean up Heartful, or doing Daiteikoku (I'm sure we both know it's not the best, but that game has been a longstanding request from a lot of people). Daiakuji is definitely too old to really be worth doing even if it is the best in the series, too. Pastel Chime 3 is a real unfortunate loss, fantastic game that not enough people know about.

Best of luck with Sakura, though! I'm thoroughly shocked with what you've put together. The way it punched up Oyako is straight up comedy.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
wtf why is every post gone, and why is the OP so cryptic

i do remember the guy got really fucking shilly with his program to the point where i stopped reading any of the thread, but still, confused by why he's gone


Jan 1, 2022
Why did he got banned ? I would love to play Alicesoft game in eng but I've seen only one translated in english so far ...