VN - Ren'Py - Bad Memories [v0.9.1] [recreation]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For me personally, this was 'the' VN that got me paying attention to the genre again, I was always aware...just wasn't much for the reading when it was always the same old ,same old, after my first few Bad choices (pun-intended), more playing for the scenes and bored of the repeated reasons that led to them...and this was before the female aspect was added in.

    This game drag's you through alot of quite possibly real situations from abuse and broken homes to old forgotten faces and foolish accusations by people bent on your past that can't see that you've changed.

    It also has some that you obviously wouldn't expect on a normal basis, but well within realistic, if not a bit far fetched (generally the mc's home life here), but that's to be expected.

    Good story, high quality visuals, and extremely well thought out, it's still one of my favorite VN's to this day and I eagerly await each release, I'm even waiting for the game to end for the extra content that comes after it :LOL:

    Highly recommend this one to people looking for a more down to earth story with good scenes and content at the same time.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Jace Me

    Just Completed the Current Version as 0.91 and here is my review

    Nice Character Modeling
    Good Animations
    Enviromental Modeling was quite good
    Nice Lewd Scences and Plenty Of Good Looking Girls to Play with ;)
    MC Chills out by half-way through but you have to select "Nice" Choices for Mother

    TOO Angry MC - Very Off-Putting and Nearly Stop Playing in the Intro
    MC Disrespecting his Mother - Couldn't Tolerate that and posted about it in another Thread
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    It is quite good. I think you've already tried the games with a similar premise ('A young man with issues returns to his family home, harem ensues'), but here the developer seems to actually like every single character, which is reflected in writing. The tone is somewhat serious, although the game is not without humour.

    I have two main concerns about 'Bad Memories'.

    First, it seems too safe and formulaic in the type of story it tries to tell. There is certainly ambition to do something geniune, but the darker and more serious themes, which form the backbone of the plot, are in part watered down and in part nonsensical. It is like there could be two story-roads to follow, one more serious and one more fun, and 'Bad Memories' decide to lie on both, not commiting fully to any.

    Second, although sexual content here gets better with some honestly great scenes, the game in general kinda loses focus, while not being a proper sandbox where this is not an issue. There is no pressure in the story, so I'm not quite sure what to expect. Maybe we're coming to a happy end, but I feel that some time is needed to make harem work, and it seems to me that the proper, fullfilling way to do so will take too much development time. There are also bits and pieces of overarching plot (somethins to do with mind control?.. It is not prominent and may be a spoof), which seems not to interest the developer much. But we'll see! I'll be sure to come back to this game some updates later.

    I don't want to criticise this game too much. It is good, and If you like incest and harem AVNs with somewhat angry vibes and a more dominant touch (no BDSM here, just a general feel), you may like it. At the very least, it is worth noting for anyone who likes adult VNs.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    What's the point of giving you choices with characters if it doesn't even do anything. Should make it so the MC can just ignore Jada, she's a terrible character and forcing the stuff with her ruined the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! Love the characters and humour! Love the little minxes. Love the art and girls. Animation too!

    And the women are all different sizes: not all 6 feet tall, not all huge breasted (definitely not my fetish).

    One of the 3-4 games I love to watch out for.
  6. 4.00 star(s)



    Not gonna lie, I was about to shit on this so fucking hard, because of the rough start, but i got used to everything, and as time went on, began enjoying it quite a bit.
    Now the first reason I was upset is the premise. MC moves to town/city due to job transfer, into an apartment, that was appointed to him by his real estate agent. So, get a hold of this: not only that apartment gets burned down, but there isn't a SINGLE one available for rent in a whole city, not only that, but EVERY hotel is FULLY booked, AND while having his OWN HOUSE that he LEGALLY owns, he chooses to spend a night at a run-down motel somewhere in the ghetto. His excuse to not stay in his house is that his mother, that he hates, also lives there, but she has no right to the property, and he can simply kick her out, but he doesn't want to - for reasons that aren't explained. When you meet her, you're presented with an option to be rude and reject her several times, which doesn't make sense from a player's perspective, because we don't know their backstory yet, so it seems like a troll choice.
    Another problem, that will hopefully be fixed on release is "sandbox padding". For example you can wander around the house from one room to another for absolutely no purpose at all, when the game clearly just wants you either to stay where you are or to move from point A to point B.
    Adult scenes's animations are a bit too slow.
    I'd also prefer if there were less references to irl stuff, as it does break immersion.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed at v0.9]

    I've been following this project for a few years now, even bought it on Steam, and I'll admit I remember it being a lot better than it is.

    While there are some good elements to it, there's just a generally amateurish vibe to every aspect that stops it from being anything other than average.

    Let's get the least offensive stuff out of the way: the renders are dated by this point; the models are generally attractive, but there are a lot of goofy expressions and a general lack of thickness; and the sandbox parts are, as far as I can tell, pointless and annoying.

    The worst part is the writing. Every character is immature and annoying to varying degrees, with the worst being the MC. He's just really petty and bitchy, which combined with the room-temperature IQ and the attention span of a horny goldfish make for a very frustrating protagonist. I also find most other characters annoying, Ellie being the exception since she mercifully doesn't speak.

    I appreciate the years of effort poured into this, but the product just isn't worth it. It's a shame, but the nostalgia goggles had me good on this one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice Game, with good Renders and pretty good detailed animations.

    The Story is surprisingly different to the usual ones.
    It has his little failures, but which Game has not?!
    The Dev is cummunicating active with the Community.

    This Gem and its dev has very much potential. Love it... :giggle:(y)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Really hot harem game, heavy on the taboo side.
    It would be a 5 star for me if the development was a bit faster and constant as I started playing it 3 years ago and last update has taken a full year.

    Having said that, this last update, although not long, is bigger than the previous ones and has finally progressed in the story quite a bit. So hopefully that means the dev will start picking up the pace as this is a project that's been fairly compensated in Patreon.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this game is quite disturbing but reflects some of the shit that happened in my life. It's so damn hard to find an adult game that makes you reflect on the demons you have inside your head. The art is absolutely incredible and the disturbing story is a big bonus.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really one of my all time favorites of all time mainly cause it's a dev that is actually committing to a good lesbian harem while simultaneously committing a male harem at the same pace. The downside is the solo dev does take a very long time between updates, but every one has delivered more awesome content. If you want to support this dev, the game is for sale on steam, which is also where he gives updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    . Harem
    . no jealousy
    . easy to get to scenes
    . renders pretty good
    . mc isn't a little bitch

    When playing these games, I'm usually just here for the incest to be honest, but this game is great even if there was no incest. My favorite character is Katherine, the one on the far left in the main picture. There's already quite a good bit of content in this game, but there's so much room for more, and I can't wait to see where this game goes in the future.

    I don't look at the story too much though, and when I do, sometimes the characters' actions don't make sense. Not too obviously though.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    + no jealousy drama
    + harem
    + Ellie
    + 3somes
    + not a slow burn
    + renders
    + mc is not pathetic in sex scenes, he know his stuff and girls don't have to tell him what to do
    + story is ok, nothing spectacular

    - boring & short sex scenes, not a lot of positions and sometimes bad angles
    - Jada, too much of her, she is annoying
    - cockblocking
    - first person kissing scenes
    - music could be better

    I played as male MC. Wanted to try FMC but not interested in "pure" lesbian playthrough without any straight content, it's too boring.
    Overall it's decent avn without deep story and unnecessary drama. 3 stars from me
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Game and story is pretty decent in some parts but lacks to much in other parts and the start is just brainless...

    MC goes back to a city hes appartment is on fire and cant find a new one, then he runs into hes mother which he hates with a passion and never want to see again and you can pick to just leave her ass which i did, then she gets very pushy like stalker pushy and calls MC at the hotel he stays at which she was never told about....then he gets kicked out of hes hotel room and apprently every room in the hole city is he finds a shit motel and gets a room there which he cant take so he leaves early goes for coffee and the stalker walks into the same coffee shop...and for some idiotic reason MC now opens up to hes stalker mother? i mean why when he wants nothing to do with her just leave....but then she offers him a room? and MC does a 180 and accept to live with hes mother who he hates and never wanted to see or talk to again? and that is some shitty story and brainless start that just dosent make sense what so ever.

    Then your trown into a sandbox, no hints no nothing about what your supposed to do...but you can only do one thing go to the bathroom and to make it really really idiotic MC then walks into the bathroom and see the mother which he hates in the shower and then goes out and back in to peek? and thinks about how hot she is i mean what the fuck?

    Then MC turns into a pure pervert with the standard mindset of a 12 year old, thinking about hes mother not wearing a bra i mean why would he even give a shit....

    But hes a serious creep getting hes mother to do play with her tits and shit while shes high on drugs not having a clue what shes doing, i just hate this type of MCs, he also starts touching her tits and that pissed me off since i have 0 interrest in the bitch like at all...and your given aboslutly no choices in anything making it feel extremly kinetic and out of your controle.

    And the sandbox is just aboslutly pointless, you cant do or change anything its just like clicking a progress button when you click the right spot on the map to progress nothing else, so theres just no need for it to even be there.

    Also would love to know why Ellie isent a virgin, shes had issues ever since MC left cant talk and she has apprently fucked someone? how does that make sense to anyone? the only reason could be that MCs dad raped her over and over but game never tells you that, only that he was about to at one point before he got killed, but it makes it sound like he never got the deed done so again why not a virgin? nothing really make sense in this story.

    And MC is almost as bad as hes dad by abusing hes own mother.....and this is what people like? i mean i just dont get such a high rating for something like this.

    Then theres fake choices where both options leads to the same choice, so why even give a choice?

    Girls 4/5
    Well i liked alot of the girls except the mother really so that was good, theres also a little diveristy in builds but not much.

    Animations 3/5
    They are pretty average but ok.

    Music 3/5
    Again just average background stuff nothing special.

    Choices 3/5
    It lacks in choices with the mother, MC abusing her makes not sense not even if hes doing it for revenge, it only shows thats hes turning into hes dad which isent a good thing in any way.
    Atleast it seems like you can turn down the mother atleast for now anyway and you can turn down any other girls to i belive, well except Ellie i guess? havent tested that, but atleast you have a choice in who to fuck so thats good.

    Sandbox 0/5
    It has no point what so ever.

    Content 2/5
    Theres just to little content compared to being 5 years old, it should have been finished 1 or 2 years ago but instend it will proberly takes atleast 2 years more before getting done, i get milking money is nice but still.

    To me story is the most importen part and i felt like it just got worse as it went along, abusing the mother was just to idiotic and everything else is pretty average so cant really give this more then 2 stars.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best true harem games i played.

    The girls are beautiful (and maybe a little too much skinny), but everyone are sweet to the Mc and don't treat him/her like shit for no reason (even the tsundere one, in her own way).

    The side girls are also wandeful, especially Hanna (wich i would love to humbli ask the dev to include her to the main harem group)

    As for the gameplay: is just basic, but pefect as it is.

    This [9.1] update is a little disappointing. I like 100% POV faceless Mc. If you don't show his face from the beginning, don't start now. So for me it already lose a star...

    As for the female Mc face, I don't care. She's bautiful, and I only have problem with men lol

    The rest of the update are neat! The story is progrressing in a good way and of course Hanna is the best. And I really like Katie's submission arc, it match perfectly with her tsundere personality lol
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the review just previous to mine pretty much sums up my feelings as another who played the female path. Though I'm fine with the horndog comments, it's a porn game and it fits well.

    I appreciate the effort put into the female path, but it does come off a bit as the not-main path. Though, I'd much rather have that than nothing.
    The scenes could be made a bit longer to match the male counterpart by adding some more intimacy and foreplay, and some more dialogue and dirty talk/sweet nothings. With that I think it would give a bit more satisfaction to those playing the female path while not deviating from the gameplay style.

    I'm not going to be harsh as some of the other female path players below in regard to how she acts and whatnot, since I can turn my brain off and play as the female character that is presented and still get fun out of it and I'm also aware it targets a male audience that is interested in lesbian content too. I think this is done well to target both.
    But I do agree that player agency to make some of the choices would be good to have.

    In terms of the female path, this isn't the best lesbian game, but not the worst either. I was able to make my way from start to end and did enjoy my time, and will continue if and when it updates. Though it would have been better with some more of the aformentioned items in the lesbian scenes.

    As for the story itself. It was good enough to keep me captured. The characters are enjoyable as well. I could see myself making my way through this even if it wasn't an adult game and just had romantic elements. FF romantic elements, that is.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Admittedly I rewarded the fourth star because the game allows for a female lesbian MC, which is rare enough and much appreciated. The story has a lot of mystery and the character models are unique.

    One thing that I dislike about the lesbian path is that sex is very one-dimensional. There is basically just eating out and scissor and that's where the sex ends. Barely any intimate kissing beyond the sex initiation, no intricate touching and teasing besides pussy-banging.
    That might work when you depict sex with a man, but it's not usually how sex between women unfolds.

    Also, some of the horndog comments of the MC don't fit very well with the serious undertones of the plot, the events between the family members and the trauma that haunts the MC in her dreams.
    I was actually quite close to a downgrade to three stars. But I think that rating wouldn't show enough appreciation for all the work that went into creating two distinct gender paths.
    Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed my time with this game, but the devil is in the details and more often than not the erotic scenes and depiction of intimacy felt quite superficial.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played and i loved it...
    Very good story,great visuals, beautiful Li
    I play as Male MC and im going for Katherine and Rachel as LI
    i have friend-zoned jada and Ellie is unavoidable.
    Overall i believe its one of the best incest VN, i enjoyed it a lot though i found it somewhat small.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I love all the girls featured but I especially love Ellie. The relationship between the MC and his in-laws is very well written and the sex scenes are very well done (especially with the female MC, oral sex scenes between 2 girls are always harder to animate than a cock going into a pussy) and are smooth. The MC knows what he/she wants and doesn't hesitate without ask herself/himself a thousand questions about whether it's right or not. And we don't have the generic DAZ characters we see everywhere, there's real work by the creator on the rendering of his characters. If I had to give this game one flaw, it would be the time between 2 releases and, above all, the amount of play time offered during these releases. The fact that you can choose your gender at the start of the story means that the creators have to do a lot of extra rendering and animation work for a single scene. But the simple fact of creating Ellie makes up for any star I might have taken away, and so I give this game a solid 5/5.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    ... better bad memory. Its about the MC an anorexic unempathic piece of wood of an teenager (female version) thats a bitch abusing the people around her and other anorexic teens behaving like retarded infants or ... well thats your kink, here you go.

    The writing is clearly simple but not succinct, so its dull but not all annoying to read as one can slide over it quickly enough.

    The plot feels totally made up and drawn out, what wouldn't be an issue if it would be complemented by a lewd enough composition of scenes and dialogs.

    Some animations are top, but never on the extraordinary and sparse.

    Graphics 4/5
    Writing 3/5
    Plot 2/5
    Lewd 2/5

    Final verdict: Maybe, if you are bored already