For me personally, this was 'the' VN that got me paying attention to the genre again, I was always aware...just wasn't much for the reading when it was always the same old ,same old, after my first few Bad choices (pun-intended), more playing for the scenes and bored of the repeated reasons that led to them...and this was before the female aspect was added in.
This game drag's you through alot of quite possibly real situations from abuse and broken homes to old forgotten faces and foolish accusations by people bent on your past that can't see that you've changed.
It also has some that you obviously wouldn't expect on a normal basis, but well within realistic, if not a bit far fetched (generally the mc's home life here), but that's to be expected.
Good story, high quality visuals, and extremely well thought out, it's still one of my favorite VN's to this day and I eagerly await each release, I'm even waiting for the game to end for the extra content that comes after it
Highly recommend this one to people looking for a more down to earth story with good scenes and content at the same time.
This game drag's you through alot of quite possibly real situations from abuse and broken homes to old forgotten faces and foolish accusations by people bent on your past that can't see that you've changed.
It also has some that you obviously wouldn't expect on a normal basis, but well within realistic, if not a bit far fetched (generally the mc's home life here), but that's to be expected.
Good story, high quality visuals, and extremely well thought out, it's still one of my favorite VN's to this day and I eagerly await each release, I'm even waiting for the game to end for the extra content that comes after it
Highly recommend this one to people looking for a more down to earth story with good scenes and content at the same time.