- Jun 1, 2017
- 21
- 15

Greetings infidels.
I am banana and I am a very friendly men, i am sort of spoiled and rich but it is very okay for me to be that, rapidly moving on. I am a retired mafia boss in a roleplay gaming server, i blew up a guy with rpg and then rage quited to avoid getting fired from my mafia boss position lel fak men, i am actually a very fascinating veteran here but i just am too lazy to go in details, i am into many porn stuff what is 18+, i dont do 18-.
i have lots of friends here and i am a brilliant person and if you have ever met me i assume youve loved the time being with me cause of my charisma, creativity and as mister adoringfag says, pinoy stuff, he is bloody racist but i hope one day he gets forgiven by the congress who are in heaven, fak men.
i am over 18 years old but not going into details to avoid perverts like souleater or loda or maybe otter the tcms who is a weird individual with great potentiality of this sexual future of ours, i am a very professional player actually but im too lazy to prove it, i got lots of knowledge of scripting developing but i do it only when i feel to do so.
i hope you liked my introduction and im going to update this like a facebook page of mine
I post time to time some people here who have been a great loyal banana side-kik in order to make this world great again
Qaywesday or waddeva the guy name is, great men, great men yes, was my side chick in the beginning of era but then he disappeard like a rotten banana, i love you from the bottom of my toilet homegirl
GREAT PEOPLE OF F95ZÜNE my führer OIZ has a g reat gift for great dedicated long nosed individuals with a great gasserly chamberly comfy booth
be sure to post here to show your support of banana and banananism.
if you ever need help, ask me always, im number one live help.
Update from many months ago to present time:
fak men I have some historical artifacts to share, you guys need to check it~!!!!
many loves, bananacyanide the lover of your lover
I hope you like this hard dedicated work and waste of my precious time..

I wud layk to give my special salute with two fingers crossed on my jaw to pepe le skunk dunk skank, a great men completed my banana color with this great banana color, fak men
I am not troll i am very serious individual who brings great faith and humanity to this human kind so please deal with it and stop crying like a whining kid you are, if you get roasted or you think youre cool cause youre gay, okay... bye...
hi im back just to edit ye, i forgot to add rules in my introduction thread
i like making my own rules since im a justiceful man
1. you can chit chat here and be a cool guy cause yes
2. follow rules, make them yourself or just be cool and be like me
3. i am banana
hello new edit yes
some infidel PMed me on discord to tell you guys to post some weird shit quotes youve seen from me so he can laugh his ass off and wank on his sisters panties,