Guys, thank you for the all the support.
It'll happen, can't say when (not just yet) - but I will make it happen, alright?
Let's do this.
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Thanks Norman.

Thanks man. (best joke)
VR and roll-back netcode for online matches as well, the whole thing.
Well Antonio, let me sieze this opportunity and make something clear to you, and everyone. ('cause that cheap opening image might have suggested otherwise)
I'm not gonna be using ANY pictures made by RAinces.
Mostly to avoid copyright issues, but also 'cause I am making a new game.
But fear not. In my most humble opinion, I get what BBS has that captivated us so vigorously... and I will focus on it.
I'll try to turn the game back to its original roots, where roaming through the house and interacting with the girls as they run their day-by-day errands (which includes what was mentioned, of course), in a creepy way (of course), is nearly all you'll do.
But fortunately or not, it'll start over.
Yeah... yet I'll try to speed up the pace at which things were progressing in the original (back on the days where those casual in-door events would still progress), I will start it all over.
The story picks up where RAinces left it, but as I'll have Bobby returning home after staying a couple years away (nothing fancy - he got caught, and sent away) and as I do not intend to use any renders from the original, I'll have his little night games starting over.
I'll try my best to keep it as lewd & Bobbish as possible. And I do not intent to drop those delicious mini-games as we progress on bigger events, absolutely.
NTR my man, pls read the previous quote.
Thanks syco.
I'm actively trying to make things as reinces as possible. (the good part of it)
I won't even elaborate on the GUI.
You've got a point actually.
tbh? As I was going for an older Bobby, a fuck-boy sounded about right.
Why creeping on the girls then, when you could fuck without effort, right?
'Cause not those girls you can't. Specially when the girls from BBS ain't some horny dumbfucks who can't stand the sight of a disproportional dong. Specially when there's the extra incestual flavor/liability on top of that.
Also, I like that new model kkkk...
But then again, you do have a point. Glad you said it.
And I am willing to listen, it's why the poll is there.
(as a matter of fact, it's also the reason behind that many pictures of new Bobby up there... I wanted to hear from you guys)
I would prefer new Bobby... tween ryan is fucking everywhere. (which is why I was using it)
But we'll see.
What I can promise you thou, is that sexy or not, older or not, my Bobby is still going to be Bobby (and the girls are still going to be the girls we all love - the premise shall remain untouched)
Yeah... it'll kinda feel like that, I won't lie to you.
But I must try to cash in some money from this, l-aeiou. And I don't know if I'll get that if I make use of RAinces game.
Also, I wanna approach things in a slightly different way, my way... finding what I felt done right and keeping it. Changing the rest.
And RAinces code is a nightmare.
And the game is gonna feel somewhat different, that's inevitable - I'm not RAinces. Maybe doing the way I intend to do, the change won't feel as abrupt as it most definitely would if all the sudden the scenes and dialogues were made by someone else. (kinda like the latest versions, tbh)