Isn't Quinn an official LI already? It'd be pretty stupid if she still weren't, considering Chloe wanna-be gonna be one in virtue of forced drama alone.
She's not one of the 5 on the recap at the end of each chapter (Jill, Bella, Josy, Maya, Sage)
It's complicated though. At no point has Quinn had her own "relationship points" (all the main 5 LIs have these as a measure of how the relationship is going). There's no "pathQuinn" variable behind there scenes, where there are "pathJill", "pathIsabella", "pathSage" and "pathMayaJosy" variables.
Also, when you choose a girl at the end of Episode 8, you can directly select any of the girls mentioned above, those selections are now known as "branches": "branchMayaJosy", "branchJill", "branchIsabella" and "branchSage". There is no "branchQuinn". The only other branch (when you choose "other") is "branchAlone" (but we all know it's not really alone

But... When you choose the "alone branch", if the mc's relationship with Quinn is significant, a picture of the mc and Quinn is shown, just like a picture of the mc and the other LIs is shown when you choose them. If the mc's relationship is not so good with Quinn, there's just a picture of a tree or something.
So Quinn is kinda hanging on there for dear life, trying to get a foothold into the coveted "LI Status", but she's not quite there yet. Will she ever make it? I don't know, but there's definitely going to be more of her to come.
You are forced to play the interlude at least once before episode 9
Nah, no one is forced to play the Interlude, you could, like, go and make a sandwich or something...
with how long it takes between updates, its not hard to understand why people dont want a detour. im not butthurt over it, but it seems unnecessary. if DPC wanted us to know this stuff about Zoey and MC, he could have made a little slideshow with all this information and then devote the bulk of his time to the new content
This is not a detour. It's a backstory for a character that's likely to become prominent. Just like some other characters have had backstories, this one just happens to be a bit longer and a little more interactive.
I just think people are very ignorant. It is just an "extras" to the game. Just like some devs make "Christmas extras" in their games, such as DPC did a while back. He decided to give us something else extra as we wait for the next season. But people are all mad and shit. If you wanna keep your LI's do it. If you wanna give her a go, do so. It should be our choice after all, but at the end of the day our choices are based on what the dev writes.
Except it's not an extra. The "Christmas extras" in other games are mostly a waste of time. They are not canon, they offer nothing to the main story, and are there for some fan service but really just delay development of the main game.
But some of them are really funny and enjoyable, and given these games exist for enjoyment, then it's pretty much "mission accomplished".
This Interlude, however, is not an extra. It's backstory for an existing (but mostly neglected until now) character.
it may be "extra", but no matter how you slice it it took time away from development of the main game (which already takes forever between updates). this interlude was not insignificant to make, tons of renders and animations and writing and proofreading and rewriting and so on and so forth. if DPC made this because it is "integral", then there are other more efficient ways to disseminate this information to the players than this interlude.
thats a logical reason for people to not like that it exists, tbh
Okay I've just played whatever this is. Now someone needs to convince me about this wasn't a fucking waste of nearly 4 months.
It took about 2-3 months off the development schedule, starting around Christmas time.
DPC could have taken a 2-3 month holiday after pretty much hammering BaDIK out since late 2018, but instead of recharging by taking a massive break (like every other lame-ass developer in this field who suddenly suffers some form of mental health issue and needs to take a year off), he tried something a little new, but still relevant to the rest of the story.
It definitely didn't need to be as long as it was. At least it didn't need to be for the sake of getting across what was conveyed (i.e. Zoey still hasn't fucked anyone other than the mc, and she's now back in the story), but maybe DPC needed to do this for his own sake.
But to discard this Interlude... There's not a single aspect of the game that 100% of all players like:
- Some want M&J to be side lined because they "cucked" the mc,
- Some hate that Josy and Maya are "forced" on the mc,
- Some wish DnG to have never existed (because it took away from development of the rest of the game),
- Some don't like Jill and would have preferred that dating her was never forced on the mc,
- Some don't want Zoey to come back (because it complicates things),
- Some don't want the Interlude (same reason as DnG),
- and so on...
If all those random dislikes were catered for, the game would be something else instead of what we have. And what we have is a monumental effort from a single developer whose product is an extremely entertaining, very, very professional product.
All I want DPC to do, is keep up the good work.