
Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Man there is a whole world of difference between a standing hug and a girl asking you to lie next to her, snuggling up against you and yes, lifting her leg high enough to lay on your crotch. Look at the screen shot, I'm sure it's on your computer already.
*Nervously deletes photo from computer* :whistle:


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Not inadvertently, no. She will immediately withdraw her leg when she realizes what it might be touching.

She certainly uses the MC with the whole grinding thing, but I'm reluctant to say she really takes advantage of him because a) she seems surprised when she enjoys it herself, and b) the most objectionable parts of that scene would have happened with or without Maya.

Quinn is the one taking advantage of the opportunity for her own ends, because she's decided to turn a simple errand into a perverted prank. Maya could have (and arguably should have) flat out refused, but she wasn't calling the shots.

So again, it's a mistake on Maya's part, clearly. But just as the MC should have refused to steal panties from the HOTs, I don't think that failure is an unforgivable sin. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic.
are you comparing the theft of a pair of underwear to grinding?

all the characters do countless nonsense but establish me all guilty so no guilty doesn't like it

the girls finally apologize to MC and MC forgives them

when Maya says that MC has given her countless opportunities and she has wasted them all it doesn't seem to me there is much to rebuild

which of the two sides was more in the wrong is not in doubt in history. now it has passed and it is no longer important


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I'm sorry if I made fun of you a bit, but I was amused by the idea that you had found all these reasons of interest in a moment of filling a fairly transitional chapter.
No offense taken.

but you are absolutely right, all these small everyday moments serve to create that bond that then give meaning and drama to the important moments in history. so in fact there are no useless moments when we see the characters interact with each other.

however there are 2 and a half points on which I do not agree with you anyway.

I start from the half point because it is the most subjective one. the day after interactions with Bella are among the best, they are both tender and fun (not just the caress on the hand, but also the jokes between the shelves, the gag of Derek's phone call ..). but until proven otherwise, for me nothing about Bella is significant. the dramatic scene of chapter 3 had no consequences. the fact that all DIKs (including mole) know she had sex with MC I doubt it will have any consequences. Bella continues to oscillate between a nympho, a desperate wife close to collapse and a girl who is falling in love. everything about her is transitory.
I think we're going to have to wait for Bella's secret to come out before we can judge this properly. But personally, I see Bella's erratic behavior as very much in character. That woman clearly has some serious issues, she's just managed to hide them for a long time.

That's why I find the MC's insistence on tearing off her bandages so disturbing. Maybe it will help her in the long run, but it's a hell of a risk and I see no signs he's even realized the dangers (to Bella or to himself).

the other point I disagree on is the matter of routine with Maya and Josy. up to that point we have already seen them attend college courses together and have lunch together. and they are both much more successful moments than the studio, which is really boring, even the part with Josy is a hidden tutorial. so it's the third example of their new routine, but it's the worst, least fun and most boring.
(a little digression, I would have liked it very much if the friendship path had had some exclusive scenes, even just some more dialogue, instead it is clearly the path of the unlucky and the losers)
But that's only two scenes, and remember the lunch scene is optional! It takes more than that to form a routine. The repetition is important.

the last point I disagree with you on is the ankwardness among 4. that is basically a wrong scene. I repeat myself: the only two who should be strongly uncomfortable with each other are Jill and Josy who are fully aware that they both feel, or have felt something for MC, and instead they are the 2 most serene and get along very well (probably for some need for a plot to be discovered), we don't know if Maya is aware of it, but having never mentioned the fact, she may not be.
furthermore the fact that the scene is identical even though MC has no interest in Jill makes it even more wrong and a filler by definition, which has the only function of being the nth warning to MC about the risk of being discovered (like the chat with Derek, the reflections with Jill's photo etc which are still much better scenes). so it's a scene that has a (redundant) function but makes little sense.
Are we disagreeing here? I agree, the scene needed a lot more work to cope with the different stages of both relationships. But that just means DPC bungled the execution. It doesn't mean there was no point to the scene in the first place.

p.s. I will not fall into your easy taunts on KRJ, no ass, more cows :p :ROFLMAO:
You monster! ;)
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Seriously, I have to write this all out again?

First, read the ep 4 library scene again
View attachment 916385 View attachment 916386

Try to put yourself in the MC's shoes. Do you think that he might have thought that there was a possibility of a relationship here? And how would you feel when this possibility of a relationship turn's out to be that you were an emotional crutch for this girl? And now that she has what she wants, you just don't matter anymore. Especially given that she never even told you that there was already someone in her life?

Josy did tell MC that she had someone else. He then did the right thing and told her this is farewell. But Josy insisted that it was not farewell, only good bye while crying and hugging him. Don't you think she was sending him mixed signal's here? Don't you think she was holding out the possibility that there could still be something between them?

Then later when she calls him at college it sounds very much like she's about to end her relationship and run away. What do you say then to a girl you've had a crush on all summer? 'OK Bye, have a nice life' Have you ever heard of the concept of drawing somebody forward by running away? Then, after their date together he's just about to leave when she interrupt's him and invite's him into her bed. What do you think you would be feeling at that moment?

The situation is pretty clear, and both girl's admit it, that they used the MC as an emotional crutch at a time when they were both sad and lonely. How would you feel in that situation?
Here's a little recap of MC's life over the couple of weeks of starting college through to the end of Hell Week. I've gone all geekazoid over this, color coding the Maya interactions (green), the Josy interactions (red) and sex-with-everyone-else (purple) to visually show the weighting of what MC's been up to. I've included most M&J interactions while just including all the other sexual interactions. Its a bit of a read but it's enlightening:

  • He's working at a store and has a crush on Josy
  • He finally gets the courage to talk to her and things take off
  • Goes on a date with Josy, he kisses her, she reciprocates and she feels guilty and tells him she's in another relationship
  • When he leaves she indicates she still likes him, he still likes her too
  • First day at college he meets Maya, she's friendly and offers him a hand after he falls
  • She finds out he's missed orientation and she offers to show him around
  • She opens up a bit and says she wants to join the HOTs to get free tuition and he jokes about it with her
  • He meets Maya in class again and after class he asks if she wants to come along with him to the Tri-Betas, she tells him she has a boyfriend
  • Later that evening he goes to call Josy but she calls first, it's clear they both have crushes on each other but when they start talking about relationships she realizes she's being silly but before she hangs up the MC organizes to meet her on the weekend. She's not sure what she's doing but is looking forward to seeing him.
  • Next day in class Maya tries to get mc to join up to gender studies and the two of them go out to lunch. When the conversation comes round to her parents the mc see that it gets her a little serious. Then they talk about honesty and stuff and MC covers the tab.
  • Then all the dorm room drama unfolds. During this time he gets a double handjob from Quinn and Camila and a blow job from Camila
  • Later he meets up with Derek and Maya and Maya is convinced by Derek to let mc stay with her for the night.
  • They chat a bit and then MC finds out she's got some issues with people giving up on her.
  • Then they get changed for bed, she's a bit bashful and then the mc strips right in front of her, shocking her.
  • He wakes up with a boner, she teases him and then she expects he won't be returning to the room for another night as per the original deal (one night).
  • Later that day Maya finds out MC hasn't left yet, she's surprised when he suggests staying longer but she agrees. When he suggests he stay permanently, she declines the idea but she gives her number to him (in case he gets locked out).
  • That night she invites him to watch a movie with her and she is literally all over him - this is definitely her leading him on (intentionally or not). He reciprocates a bit, nothing too aggressive, and she tells him the boyfriend deal was just to stop guys from being attracted to her and says it's probably best if the MC isn't attracted to her too. He says he is. Then they chat about the movie and go to (separate) beds.
  • They meet up next in gender class and nothing happens.
  • She tells him she'll be back late so don't wait up
  • MC gets a blow job from Riona and has anal sex with Camila
  • MC waits up for Maya, even tries to call her, then eventually goes to sleep
  • Then we get the grinding scene which confuses mc, he thinks it's means something but we now know it’s a HOTs prank
  • Then we have the CUMpetition where mc fucks Quinn, she thinks she's shocking him but he teases her and she likes it, then Derek loses...
  • During the evening mc flirts with Mel and Sarah and lets them know he fucked Quinn
  • Later Maya comes to the MC sheepishly, feeling bad for the grinding, mc offers to help her out, he likes her and he wants to talk about whether what took place earlier meant anything to her
  • Later back at the dorm the MC talks to Maya about the grinding, she's hesitant to talk about it and feels bad about what she did and angry that she was the only one that was asked to do it that way.
  • The MC vaguely warns her about Quinn’s prostitution ring (i.e. he tells her fuck all, he should have told her outright but that's another discussion)
  • She asks that the mc forgive her, and the mc agrees that she was being used so he doesn't think it was her fault (plus seriously who would be complaining about a cute roommate grinding you during sorority pledging...)
  • When pressed she tells the mc she still has some things she doesn't want to tell him about (we know now it was about being a lesbian etc. and it was kinda silly that she couldn't tell him)
  • Then she blows up about her family being disappointed in her
  • After some consoling she initiates a makeout session. She feels conflicted afterwards but definitely drawn to the mc. She tells the mc that she shouldn't be using him like this, he says he wants it. They go to separate beds.
  • He meets Maya in class again and he and Derek laugh about raiding the the preps mansion and toothbrushes
  • That night he chats with Maya before going off to the DIKs party
  • He does some pledge stuff which involves a shot off Sarah’s cooch and then kisses her and then gets a foot job from Sarah, Mel and Riona, then he fucks the shit out of Sarah
  • The next morning he tells Maya he's headed home for a date, then teases her about her being jealous. She obviously feels something as she tries to convince him and herself she isn't jealous.
  • He then goes on his date with Josy, they have a nice night and then she gets upset about long distant relationships and all that. She tells him he's not just with her because she's lonely, she obviously likes him. He goes to leave, she says stay, they sleep in the same bed and he makes a move on her resulting in a blowjob and sex and then he does a runner.
  • When he returns, Maya hugs him, and immediately asks about his date and then asks about the girl, saying she feels a bit awkward. Maya and MC only kissed once before this, but she obviously has feelings for him. Then they talk about how love hurts and shit like that. MC feels they are slowly opening up to each other
  • MC then gets some Chad-cheating evidence for Sage and makes out with her and plans to teach her guitar.
  • MC then flirts with Jill and Bella doing Yoga
  • MC then goes out on a "date" with Bella and ends up making out with her at her home.
  • MC chats some more with Maya in class
  • MC goes to Sage and starts teaching her guitar, starts flirting, they make out and then she gives him a boob job
  • Later MC flirts with Jade after class
  • Next time Maya sees the MC he has been hit by Chad, she's concerned for him. Maya also confides that she has to do a lot of sexual things to get into the HOTs
  • MC offers to help her
  • Maya confides that she's a lesbian and also says it's strange that she has feeling for mc
  • Later Maya and mc kiss on the picnic rug
  • Later MC flirts with Jade at the lunch table
  • In class Maya discusses Derek's attempts towards women
  • Later mc gets a hand job and blow job from Sage
  • Then MC goes to a strip joint where he feels up strippers including fingering Rose and Lily and gets a blow job from Envy and ass fucks her.
  • Next day he talks to Josy who says she's coming to college and wants to stay with him, he tells her he's staying in a dorm with a girl, he also says that while he cares for Josy, it bugs him that she has a boyfriend. She intends to tell him everything once she sees him
  • MC then meets up with Jill in the library and they flirt a bit and she kisses him after the DnG game
  • MC then fucks Mona and Camila in toilet stall
  • MC then flirts more with Jade and gets a foot job and a hand job during class
  • MC then breaks into prep mansion, romances Jill and asks her on a date
  • MC then goes straight to the library and makes out with Bella
  • MC then visits Quinn and has all kinds of sex with Quinn and Riona
  • Then Josey rocks up and MC bales to Sage's like a little bitch and the Internet goes insane because these girls are just monsters - how dare they do this to the MC!!!
  • Then at the HOTs’ mc has all kinds of shower sex with Mel with Sarah enjoying the show
  • Then MC grinds Quinn and has her wank him off into her cunt.
  • Then he makes out with Sage in the pool and gets a hand job followed by a boob job.
  • Then he hangs out naked in the sauna with Sara, Mel, Ashley and Lily where Lily grinds naked on him and he eats Ashley out
  • Then he spies on Heather masturbating
  • Then he starts sexting to Cathy, Nicole and a bunch of other girls
  • Then he hangs out with Sage at the movie night holding hands(!) fingering her and then total mind blowing sex
  • Then Maya comes to talk to MC in genre studies and he gets all weird.
  • Then he goes on a date with Jill and makes out with her at the end
  • Then he fucks Quinn on the roof.
  • Then he confronts Maya and Josey and they say they just want to be friends with him (probably because they are fucking scared of all the venereal diseases he’s carrying). The Internet again goes berserk and wants these girls (particularly Maya, you know because of dishonesty), to be lynched!
  • Then he goes off and Fucks Jade and records it
  • The he meets up with Riona at the prep's mansion and fucks her left, right and center
  • Then he joins Mel, Sarah and Heather in the sauna, gets a blow job from Sarah and Mel and cums on Heather's tits (haha! Sorry...)
  • Then he meets up with Maya and Josey, drinks some champagne and chats. Then when Josy asks for some help, he says, “sorry I’m busy” (spiteful cunt!)
  • Then he makes out with Camila, gets a blow job and then ass fucks her
  • Then he flirts with Jade at the party, grabbing her ass
  • Then he makes out with Lily, gets a blow job and wanks himself off into her cunt
  • Then he fucks Sage
  • Later that night he gets a blow job from Cathy
  • Back at Bella's hose he makes out with Jill
Now after reading all that, is anyone still of the opinion that if they were the mc, they would get all angry at Maya and Josy because they didn't want to continue a romantic relationship with him and preferred to be just friends? The motherfucker has bitches lined up from one side of campus to the other, is he really gonna be bummed out because 2, out of 15 babes he was banging didn't want to continue getting jiggy with him?

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Man there is a whole world of difference between a standing hug and a girl asking you to lie next to her, snuggling up against you and yes, lifting her leg high enough to lay on your crotch. Look at the screen shot, I'm sure it's on your computer already.
Clearly you've not had girl friends who have been comfortable enough to cuddle up to next to you knowing that it's non-sexual, because this is why I don't see a problem with it. And she does remove the leg when she's told/realises it's a little close for comfort and she also responds better if the MC tells her because it improves her trust with him.

the story was written like that and how it is written we can judge the characters.
But the writing can have those problems, and in those problems come the issues with the characters. So ultimately, it's the writing that can be judged more than the characters because if characters don't come across well, then that is the primary reason why.

what signals would Josy (not always mention Maya) give to MC to convince him not to try with her?
I think her telling him she was in a relationship was a pretty big signal. :ROFLMAO:

or call him the first week of college and arrange to meet as soon as he gets home?
Would inviting him home for dinner and then asking him to stay there would be a clear signal too?
She calls him just to chat and he's the one who presses the issue about what moving away would mean for either her "boyfriend" or himself, and then he essentially invites himself to hers for dinner because he's the one that says he can come home on the Saturday and meet up with her.

So he knew what he was doing and didn't seem to pay much mind to her initial signal.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
And you would live less in this drug thing, there are only two ways out or you go out on your own when you have the opportunity or you go out inside a black bag
the black bag awaits us all ...

but drugs are happy to do without the same, but I wouldn't mind being bad ass, at least one day in my life to see what effect it has
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Jan 29, 2018
I think that the worst thing was that Maya said that she had a boyfriend and then says that she doesnt have one when the things between her and the MC start to "heat up". Thats makes the MC think that she is giving him signals that she is more than available to be with him. So Maya omits and lies to the MC after she says to the MC in episode 1 that the MC should promise to always be honest... And she had multiple opportunities to confide in the MC.

With Josy its different, because she says after you kiss that she is in a relationship and never retracts it, so it is the MCs choice to actually pursue a relationship with her despite that. And she is far away from the MC for ep 1-3, so she didnt have an opportunity to tell the MC anything after their date.

Im not saying that Josy didnt do anything wrong, but it is still, in my opinion, not as worse as Maya did
You know something that i just noticed? It's pretty easy to make Maya into a villain If DPC decides to go for shock value. I noticed this because of something that happened in episode 1. Something that if you see through other lenses can paint her in a bad light. It's very subtle, anyone knows what i'm talking about?
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Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Here's a little recap of MC's life over the couple of weeks of starting college through to the end of Hell Week. I've gone all geekazoid over this, color coding the Maya interactions (green), the Josy interactions (red) and sex-with-everyone-else (purple) to visually show the weighting of what MC's been up to. I've included most M&J interactions while just including all the other sexual interactions. Its a bit of a read but it's enlightening:

  • He's working at a store and has a crush on Josy
  • He finally gets the courage to talk to her and things take off
  • Goes on a date with Josy, he kisses her, she reciprocates and she feels guilty and tells him she's in another relationship
  • When he leaves she indicates she still likes him, he still likes her too
  • First day at college he meets Maya, she's friendly and offers him a hand after he falls
  • She finds out he's missed orientation and she offers to show him around
  • She opens up a bit and says she wants to join the HOTs to get free tuition and he jokes about it with her
  • He meets Maya in class again and after class he asks if she wants to come along with him to the Tri-Betas, she tells him she has a boyfriend
  • Later that evening he goes to call Josy but she calls first, it's clear they both have crushes on each other but when they start talking about relationships she realizes she's being silly but before she hangs up the MC organizes to meet her on the weekend. She's not sure what she's doing but is looking forward to seeing him.
  • Next day in class Maya tries to get mc to join up to gender studies and the two of them go out to lunch. When the conversation comes round to her parents the mc see that it gets her a little serious. Then they talk about honesty and stuff and MC covers the tab.
  • Then all the dorm room drama unfolds. During this time he gets a double handjob from Quinn and Camila and a blow job from Camila
  • Later he meets up with Derek and Maya and Maya is convinced by Derek to let mc stay with her for the night.
  • They chat a bit and then MC finds out she's got some issues with people giving up on her.
  • Then they get changed for bed, she's a bit bashful and then the mc strips right in front of her, shocking her.
  • He wakes up with a boner, she teases him and then she expects he won't be returning to the room for another night as per the original deal (one night).
  • Later that day Maya finds out MC hasn't left yet, she's surprised when he suggests staying longer but she agrees. When he suggests he stay permanently, she declines the idea but she gives her number to him (in case he gets locked out).
  • That night she invites him to watch a movie with her and she is literally all over him - this is definitely her leading him on (intentionally or not). He reciprocates a bit, nothing too aggressive, and she tells him the boyfriend deal was just to stop guys from being attracted to her and says it's probably best if the MC isn't attracted to her too. He says he is. Then they chat about the movie and go to (separate) beds.
  • They meet up next in gender class and nothing happens.
  • She tells him she'll be back late so don't wait up
  • MC gets a blow job from Riona and has anal sex with Camila
  • MC waits up for Maya, even tries to call her, then eventually goes to sleep
  • Then we get the grinding scene which confuses mc, he thinks it's means something but we now know it’s a HOTs prank
  • Then we have the CUMpetition where mc fucks Quinn, she thinks she's shocking him but he teases her and she likes it, then Derek loses...
  • During the evening mc flirts with Mel and Sarah and lets them know he fucked Quinn
  • Later Maya comes to the MC sheepishly, feeling bad for the grinding, mc offers to help her out, he likes her and he wants to talk about whether what took place earlier meant anything to her
  • Later back at the dorm the MC talks to Maya about the grinding, she's hesitant to talk about it and feels bad about what she did and angry that she was the only one that was asked to do it that way.
  • The MC vaguely warns her about Quinn’s prostitution ring (i.e. he tells her fuck all, he should have told her outright but that's another discussion)
  • She asks that the mc forgive her, and the mc agrees that she was being used so he doesn't think it was her fault (plus seriously who would be complaining about a cute roommate grinding you during sorority pledging...)
  • When pressed she tells the mc she still has some things she doesn't want to tell him about (we know now it was about being a lesbian etc. and it was kinda silly that she couldn't tell him)
  • Then she blows up about her family being disappointed in her
  • After some consoling she initiates a makeout session. She feels conflicted afterwards but definitely drawn to the mc. She tells the mc that she shouldn't be using him like this, he says he wants it. They go to separate beds.
  • He meets Maya in class again and he and Derek laugh about raiding the the preps mansion and toothbrushes
  • That night he chats with Maya before going off to the DIKs party
  • He does some pledge stuff which involves a shot off Sarah’s cooch and then kisses her and then gets a foot job from Sarah, Mel and Riona, then he fucks the shit out of Sarah
  • The next morning he tells Maya he's headed home for a date, then teases her about her being jealous. She obviously feels something as she tries to convince him and herself she isn't jealous.
  • He then goes on his date with Josy, they have a nice night and then she gets upset about long distant relationships and all that. She tells him he's not just with her because she's lonely, she obviously likes him. He goes to leave, she says stay, they sleep in the same bed and he makes a move on her resulting in a blowjob and sex and then he does a runner.
  • When he returns, Maya hugs him, and immediately asks about his date and then asks about the girl, saying she feels a bit awkward. Maya and MC only kissed once before this, but she obviously has feelings for him. Then they talk about how love hurts and shit like that. MC feels they are slowly opening up to each other
  • MC then gets some Chad-cheating evidence for Sage and makes out with her and plans to teach her guitar.
  • MC then flirts with Jill and Bella doing Yoga
  • MC then goes out on a "date" with Bella and ends up making out with her at her home.
  • MC chats some more with Maya in class
  • MC goes to Sage and starts teaching her guitar, starts flirting, they make out and then she gives him a boob job
  • Later MC flirts with Jade after class
  • Next time Maya sees the MC he has been hit by Chad, she's concerned for him. Maya also confides that she has to do a lot of sexual things to get into the HOTs
  • MC offers to help her
  • Maya confides that she's a lesbian and also says it's strange that she has feeling for mc
  • Later Maya and mc kiss on the picnic rug
  • Later MC flirts with Jade at the lunch table
  • In class Maya discusses Derek's attempts towards women
  • Later mc gets a hand job and blow job from Sage
  • Then MC goes to a strip joint where he feels up strippers including fingering Rose and Lily and gets a blow job from Envy and ass fucks her.
  • Next day he talks to Josy who says she's coming to college and wants to stay with him, he tells her he's staying in a dorm with a girl, he also says that while he cares for Josy, it bugs him that she has a boyfriend. She intends to tell him everything once she sees him
  • MC then meets up with Jill in the library and they flirt a bit and she kisses him after the DnG game
  • MC then fucks Mona and Camila in toilet stall
  • MC then flirts more with Jade and gets a foot job and a hand job during class
  • MC then breaks into prep mansion, romances Jill and asks her on a date
  • MC then goes straight to the library and makes out with Bella
  • MC then visits Quinn and has all kinds of sex with Quinn and Riona
  • Then Josey rocks up and MC bales to Sage's like a little bitch and the Internet goes insane because these girls are just monsters - how dare they do this to the MC!!!
  • Then at the HOTs’ mc has all kinds of shower sex with Mel with Sarah enjoying the show
  • Then MC grinds Quinn and has her wank him off into her cunt.
  • Then he makes out with Sage in the pool and gets a hand job followed by a boob job.
  • Then he hangs out naked in the sauna with Sara, Mel, Ashley and Lily where Lily grinds naked on him and he eats Ashley out
  • Then he spies on Heather masturbating
  • Then he starts sexting to Cathy, Nicole and a bunch of other girls
  • Then he hangs out with Sage at the movie night holding hands(!) fingering her and then total mind blowing sex
  • Then Maya comes to talk to MC in genre studies and he gets all weird.
  • Then he goes on a date with Jill and makes out with her at the end
  • Then he fucks Quinn on the roof.
  • Then he confronts Maya and Josey and they say they just want to be friends with him (probably because they are fucking scared of all the venereal diseases he’s carrying). The Internet again goes berserk and wants these girls (particularly Maya, you know because of dishonesty), to be lynched!
  • Then he goes off and Fucks Jade and records it
  • The he meets up with Riona at the prep's mansion and fucks her left, right and center
  • Then he joins Mel, Sarah and Heather in the sauna, gets a blow job from Sarah and Mel and cums on Heather's tits (haha! Sorry...)
  • Then he meets up with Maya and Josey, drinks some champagne and chats. Then when Josy asks for some help, he says, “sorry I’m busy” (spiteful cunt!)
  • Then he makes out with Camila, gets a blow job and then ass fucks her
  • Then he flirts with Jade at the party, grabbing her ass
  • Then he makes out with Lily, gets a blow job and wanks himself off into her cunt
  • Then he fucks Sage
  • Later that night he gets a blow job from Cathy
  • Back at Bella's hose he makes out with Jill
Now after reading all that, is anyone still of the opinion that if they were the mc, they would get all angry at Maya and Josy because they didn't want to continue a romantic relationship with him and preferred to be just friends? The motherfucker has bitches lined up from one side of campus to the other, is he really gonna be bummed out because 2, out of 15 babes he was banging didn't want to continue getting jiggy with him?
Man, and I thought I was obsessed. That deserves at least a like for sheer effort if nothing else.
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Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
the black bag awaits us all ...

but drugs are happy to do without the same, but I wouldn't mind being bad ass, at least one day in my life to see what effect it has
With marijuana it doesn't bother me but with cocaine, that's another story. Quinn is getting into it and something shady who would steal it would be her brother, look at her family, she was raised in a toxic environment for a family, her mother has a shattered brain that nor does he remember his own daughter

She acts like a teenager she thinks she is invincible that nothing is going to happen to her

Don't get me wrong I like all the women in the game but I am not stupid when I know someone is going down a path of no return


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
You know something that i just noticed? It's pretty easy to make Maya into a villain If DPC decides to go for shock value. I noticed this because of something that happened in episode 1. Something that if you see through other lenses can paint her in a bad light. It's very subtle, anyone knows what i'm talking about?
We do hear Maya's thoughts from time to time, and they are not generally consistent with her being a deliberate villain. Her villainous scheme is also rather questionable. But in theory, yes, you are right. Maya could turn out to have been playing us the whole time if DPC wants to do that sort of thing.

Obviously I hope he does not.
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Jill Triss

Nov 22, 2020
We do hear Maya's thoughts from time to time, and they are not generally consistent with her being a deliberate villain. Her villainous scheme is also rather questionable. But in theory, yes, you are right. Maya could turn out to have been playing us the whole time if DPC wants to do that sort of thing.

Obviously I hope he does not.
Yeah I love Maya soo much and dont want her to be a villain


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
No offense taken.

I think we're going to have to wait for Bella's secret to come out before we can judge this properly. But personally, I see Bella's erratic behavior as very much in character. That woman clearly has some serious issues, she's just managed to hide them for a long time.

That's why I find the MC's insistence on tearing off her bandages so disturbing. Maybe it will help her in the long run, but it's a hell of a risk and I see no signs he's even realized the dangers (to Bella or to himself).

But that's only two scenes, and remember the lunch scene is optional! It takes more than that to form a routine. The repetition is important.

Are we disagreeing here? I agree, the scene needed a lot more work to cope with the different stages of both relationships. But that just means DPC bungled the execution. It doesn't mean there was no point to the scene in the first place.

You monster! ;)
but do you agree that of the three moments of routine it is clearly the most boring and weak?

you are right that lunch is optional, but if you are not interested in having lunch with them, imagine if you are interested in studying with them ...

as a reflection on the sixth chapter: the biggest disappointment is that there is no friendship path with Maya and Josy, so no signs even for individual routes. therefore there remains a burden to carry on.
it's just an episode, but not even calling Mc for his birthday is a sign that those who have problems with Maya and Josy now will have them until the end. a really questionable management of those (actually just Maya, Josy is her glen) who are the central female characters of the plot


Jul 24, 2017
With marijuana it doesn't bother me but with cocaine, that's another story.
What about that flashback where she does what's pretty coded to be heroin? That still stands out to me as such a huge departure from everything. I know you can inject other drugs but heroin is the first thing that comes to most people's minds, and how she just conks out...

It's amazing what you will do when you don't want to do what you're supposed to do...
My entire replay and review was avoiding real world responsibilities. I feel this.

But to respond to your above post - that's only consistent if you go absolute fuckboy route.

If you were pursuing either M, J or both then their blindsiding makes more sense. I'm still of the opinion both Maya and Josy were actively giving signals they wanted to move forward despite saying they were in relationships. Josy was more upfront about it, Maya was playing things really close to the chest. All three (MC, Maya and Josy) in that throuple are cheating jerks and deserve each other.

I'm just big mad because I don't care about Maya but the game forces her on me until the decision in ep 4. So MC running away to Sage and being sad about it feels stupid because I never pursued her.
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Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
It's amazing what you will do when you don't want to do what you're supposed to do...
Never let them tell you BaDIK isn't what you're supposed to do. Your entire existence culminated in that pinnacle of conscious thought. Life had to spring, galaxies had to be born, civilizations had to rise and fall. Everything that ever was, brought you (and us) to that moment. BaDIK is life.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Here's a little recap of MC's life over the couple of weeks of starting college through to the end of Hell Week. I've gone all geekazoid over this, color coding the Maya interactions (green), the Josy interactions (red) and sex-with-everyone-else (purple) to visually show the weighting of what MC's been up to. I've included most M&J interactions while just including all the other sexual interactions. Its a bit of a read but it's enlightening:

  • He's working at a store and has a crush on Josy
  • He finally gets the courage to talk to her and things take off
  • Goes on a date with Josy, he kisses her, she reciprocates and she feels guilty and tells him she's in another relationship
  • When he leaves she indicates she still likes him, he still likes her too
  • First day at college he meets Maya, she's friendly and offers him a hand after he falls
  • She finds out he's missed orientation and she offers to show him around
  • She opens up a bit and says she wants to join the HOTs to get free tuition and he jokes about it with her
  • He meets Maya in class again and after class he asks if she wants to come along with him to the Tri-Betas, she tells him she has a boyfriend
  • Later that evening he goes to call Josy but she calls first, it's clear they both have crushes on each other but when they start talking about relationships she realizes she's being silly but before she hangs up the MC organizes to meet her on the weekend. She's not sure what she's doing but is looking forward to seeing him.
  • Next day in class Maya tries to get mc to join up to gender studies and the two of them go out to lunch. When the conversation comes round to her parents the mc see that it gets her a little serious. Then they talk about honesty and stuff and MC covers the tab.
  • Then all the dorm room drama unfolds. During this time he gets a double handjob from Quinn and Camila and a blow job from Camila
  • Later he meets up with Derek and Maya and Maya is convinced by Derek to let mc stay with her for the night.
  • They chat a bit and then MC finds out she's got some issues with people giving up on her.
  • Then they get changed for bed, she's a bit bashful and then the mc strips right in front of her, shocking her.
  • He wakes up with a boner, she teases him and then she expects he won't be returning to the room for another night as per the original deal (one night).
  • Later that day Maya finds out MC hasn't left yet, she's surprised when he suggests staying longer but she agrees. When he suggests he stay permanently, she declines the idea but she gives her number to him (in case he gets locked out).
  • That night she invites him to watch a movie with her and she is literally all over him - this is definitely her leading him on (intentionally or not). He reciprocates a bit, nothing too aggressive, and she tells him the boyfriend deal was just to stop guys from being attracted to her and says it's probably best if the MC isn't attracted to her too. He says he is. Then they chat about the movie and go to (separate) beds.
  • They meet up next in gender class and nothing happens.
  • She tells him she'll be back late so don't wait up
  • MC gets a blow job from Riona and has anal sex with Camila
  • MC waits up for Maya, even tries to call her, then eventually goes to sleep
  • Then we get the grinding scene which confuses mc, he thinks it's means something but we now know it’s a HOTs prank
  • Then we have the CUMpetition where mc fucks Quinn, she thinks she's shocking him but he teases her and she likes it, then Derek loses...
  • During the evening mc flirts with Mel and Sarah and lets them know he fucked Quinn
  • Later Maya comes to the MC sheepishly, feeling bad for the grinding, mc offers to help her out, he likes her and he wants to talk about whether what took place earlier meant anything to her
  • Later back at the dorm the MC talks to Maya about the grinding, she's hesitant to talk about it and feels bad about what she did and angry that she was the only one that was asked to do it that way.
  • The MC vaguely warns her about Quinn’s prostitution ring (i.e. he tells her fuck all, he should have told her outright but that's another discussion)
  • She asks that the mc forgive her, and the mc agrees that she was being used so he doesn't think it was her fault (plus seriously who would be complaining about a cute roommate grinding you during sorority pledging...)
  • When pressed she tells the mc she still has some things she doesn't want to tell him about (we know now it was about being a lesbian etc. and it was kinda silly that she couldn't tell him)
  • Then she blows up about her family being disappointed in her
  • After some consoling she initiates a makeout session. She feels conflicted afterwards but definitely drawn to the mc. She tells the mc that she shouldn't be using him like this, he says he wants it. They go to separate beds.
  • He meets Maya in class again and he and Derek laugh about raiding the the preps mansion and toothbrushes
  • That night he chats with Maya before going off to the DIKs party
  • He does some pledge stuff which involves a shot off Sarah’s cooch and then kisses her and then gets a foot job from Sarah, Mel and Riona, then he fucks the shit out of Sarah
  • The next morning he tells Maya he's headed home for a date, then teases her about her being jealous. She obviously feels something as she tries to convince him and herself she isn't jealous.
  • He then goes on his date with Josy, they have a nice night and then she gets upset about long distant relationships and all that. She tells him he's not just with her because she's lonely, she obviously likes him. He goes to leave, she says stay, they sleep in the same bed and he makes a move on her resulting in a blowjob and sex and then he does a runner.
  • When he returns, Maya hugs him, and immediately asks about his date and then asks about the girl, saying she feels a bit awkward. Maya and MC only kissed once before this, but she obviously has feelings for him. Then they talk about how love hurts and shit like that. MC feels they are slowly opening up to each other
  • MC then gets some Chad-cheating evidence for Sage and makes out with her and plans to teach her guitar.
  • MC then flirts with Jill and Bella doing Yoga
  • MC then goes out on a "date" with Bella and ends up making out with her at her home.
  • MC chats some more with Maya in class
  • MC goes to Sage and starts teaching her guitar, starts flirting, they make out and then she gives him a boob job
  • Later MC flirts with Jade after class
  • Next time Maya sees the MC he has been hit by Chad, she's concerned for him. Maya also confides that she has to do a lot of sexual things to get into the HOTs
  • MC offers to help her
  • Maya confides that she's a lesbian and also says it's strange that she has feeling for mc
  • Later Maya and mc kiss on the picnic rug
  • Later MC flirts with Jade at the lunch table
  • In class Maya discusses Derek's attempts towards women
  • Later mc gets a hand job and blow job from Sage
  • Then MC goes to a strip joint where he feels up strippers including fingering Rose and Lily and gets a blow job from Envy and ass fucks her.
  • Next day he talks to Josy who says she's coming to college and wants to stay with him, he tells her he's staying in a dorm with a girl, he also says that while he cares for Josy, it bugs him that she has a boyfriend. She intends to tell him everything once she sees him
  • MC then meets up with Jill in the library and they flirt a bit and she kisses him after the DnG game
  • MC then fucks Mona and Camila in toilet stall
  • MC then flirts more with Jade and gets a foot job and a hand job during class
  • MC then breaks into prep mansion, romances Jill and asks her on a date
  • MC then goes straight to the library and makes out with Bella
  • MC then visits Quinn and has all kinds of sex with Quinn and Riona
  • Then Josey rocks up and MC bales to Sage's like a little bitch and the Internet goes insane because these girls are just monsters - how dare they do this to the MC!!!
  • Then at the HOTs’ mc has all kinds of shower sex with Mel with Sarah enjoying the show
  • Then MC grinds Quinn and has her wank him off into her cunt.
  • Then he makes out with Sage in the pool and gets a hand job followed by a boob job.
  • Then he hangs out naked in the sauna with Sara, Mel, Ashley and Lily where Lily grinds naked on him and he eats Ashley out
  • Then he spies on Heather masturbating
  • Then he starts sexting to Cathy, Nicole and a bunch of other girls
  • Then he hangs out with Sage at the movie night holding hands(!) fingering her and then total mind blowing sex
  • Then Maya comes to talk to MC in genre studies and he gets all weird.
  • Then he goes on a date with Jill and makes out with her at the end
  • Then he fucks Quinn on the roof.
  • Then he confronts Maya and Josey and they say they just want to be friends with him (probably because they are fucking scared of all the venereal diseases he’s carrying). The Internet again goes berserk and wants these girls (particularly Maya, you know because of dishonesty), to be lynched!
  • Then he goes off and Fucks Jade and records it
  • The he meets up with Riona at the prep's mansion and fucks her left, right and center
  • Then he joins Mel, Sarah and Heather in the sauna, gets a blow job from Sarah and Mel and cums on Heather's tits (haha! Sorry...)
  • Then he meets up with Maya and Josey, drinks some champagne and chats. Then when Josy asks for some help, he says, “sorry I’m busy” (spiteful cunt!)
  • Then he makes out with Camila, gets a blow job and then ass fucks her
  • Then he flirts with Jade at the party, grabbing her ass
  • Then he makes out with Lily, gets a blow job and wanks himself off into her cunt
  • Then he fucks Sage
  • Later that night he gets a blow job from Cathy
  • Back at Bella's hose he makes out with Jill
Now after reading all that, is anyone still of the opinion that if they were the mc, they would get all angry at Maya and Josy because they didn't want to continue a romantic relationship with him and preferred to be just friends? The motherfucker has bitches lined up from one side of campus to the other, is he really gonna be bummed out because 2, out of 15 babes he was banging didn't want to continue getting jiggy with him?
what reconstruction would it be?

if you don't have sex with anyone and you wait for them as a virgin at marriage, does it change anything?

no, it doesn't change, I tried .... :cry: :ROFLMAO:

although it's a lot of fun to come back from the threesome with Riona and Quinn and complain about their behavior ...:devilish::ROFLMAO:
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