Recommending Bestiality game collection w/description and rank

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Nov 18, 2020
Here we are men and women of culture looking to see other characters breeding and satisfying their primal urges at all costs.

First I'll discuss what this list is about, and also what this list is NOT about:
  • this is a rank based on bestiality content only, so if the game is very good but has very few content with that nature, it will be put at the bottom.
  • if the game is shit but has a lot of bestiality scenes, it will probably have a tendency to the bottom too, but this has exceptions
  • if a game you like isn't here then I probably haven't played it yet, but you can add to the list if you want, just read the contributions below
  • this list will include most games tagged with the bestiality tag from "LATEST UPDATES" page that I have played before or that other comments suggested
  • a character taking the active role is NOT taking into account here, neither is hybrid or monsters (including Pokemon), nor animals on animals. Those are all ignored. You can check this thread instead
Columns descriptions:
  • Name: The game name, trimmed if it is too big
  • Overall Rank (R): Overall gameplay from S to F... F are broken games
  • Zoo Rank (Z): Rank of bestiality scenes from S to F.... F is when the game doesn't have bestiality but is marked as so
  • Zoo-content (N): Number of zoo scenes/encounters. An approximate number depending on the game
  • Overall description: Small description and opinion
  • Zoo content description: Small description and opinion about the bestiality content on the game

If you want to add a recommendation then I will put here and put you as the author (if you wish ofc).
HOWEVER you will have to provide me all the stuff to fill the columns, that means R,Z,N and the descriptive columns. EXAMPLE 1, EXAMPLE 2
Corrections are also welcome since english is not my primary language
Note that I include two games that are not where on f95, if you have more you can ask to include here too using the same rules

NameRZNOverall descriptionZoo content description
No Dog No Life 3AS100%2D. A simple light novel with some degree of choices (but nothing extra ordinary). Its fine I guess... but there isn't much creativity involved in a LN. 100% bestiality game with dogs, good story. Very good drawings. Overall 10/10 must play
3D. Recently launched too. Choose you path game. Graphics are Skyrim based tho, you have been warned.​
Dogs and horse content. Lot of scenes already. I hope it gets more​
2D. Brilliant rpg basically you just talk, do some puzzles and fuck. Very well made and very beautiful but updates like a snail​
Accumulate 10k gold and purchase a ranch in Valos for the main content. Also, do the ranger’s questline. Follow the walkthrough if you want and enjoy​
Roundscape: Adorevia
(by ddf)
SS>20Epic fantasy RPG made in PRG Maker. One of the biggest porn RPGs, with big plot and extended side-quests. It has ~300 sex scenes, including different (but not extreme) kinksMULTIPLE STYLE ARTISTS
More that 10 different types of creatures, including horses, wolves, slugs, bull, Kraken, raptor. Many of them have much more than 1 sex scene.
SS32D. Dynamic animation that you interact with. There are three small scenes with tons of stuff. Use a chromium based browser for this oneYou basically control the animal here, do whatever you want. There are levels of progression for the character you are fucking with.
Starless: Nymphomaniac’s ParadiseAS42D. A VN with godlike drawings, some endings are a bit graphic tho, so beware. Read this guide to get all important decisions for each endThere are nice contextualized scenes with dogs, pigs in the "escape" end and a horse in the "worst end".
2D. Start of the story for the slice of venture series, so there is a lot of moral degeneration from the MCs. The draw is beautiful​
A lot of scenes involving bestiality. Just follow the guide so you don’t miss any​
3D. Well, this game is just good. Pretty much linear tho. Also jackerman has VERY exaggerated proportions, see for yourself​
More or less 50% bestiality and 50% aliens.​
2D. Linear VN, lots of scenes. Spin-off story of slice of venture​
More than half is just bestiality, and very well drawn too.​
2D. God tier bestiality and very well drawn. You NEED to follow the walkthrough tho. I do recommend to get a save after beating the game just to get the rest of the scenes. I do have saves for that if you want​
I wish it was more bestiality focus… it does have a lot, but they are not as proportional as other scenes. It does has a lot of different animals​
2D. Just like vitamin quest, drop factory is more or less the same. Very good stuff. I do recommend using a money cheat if you don’t want to grind too much. Do that and ignore your farm rank.​
Like vitamin quest there are 2 scenes/animations stuff for each enemy. But a lot more CGs variants, The game is also more focused on the context of a farm. So there are lots of breeding.​
No Dog no Life 2BS100%2D. A simple light novel, nothing extra ordinary. But since most games here are filled with bugs I guess this is a plus.NOT ON LATEST UPDATES
100% bestiality game with dogs, a bit of a weird story tho. Very good drawings. Overall 10/10 must play
2D. Its the old “version” of slice of venture origins. Just play the new one instead. Unless you like pain​
The same as Slice of Venture Origins afaik.​
Legend of Queen Opala: Origin
(by blackhedgehog)
BS>102D. Amazing rpg based game with great story and lore, talk, fight and fuck. Several art style options and even some dubbed dialogs. (unfortunately the game is in an eternal beta version and updates are slow).Dogs, wolfs, horses, etc... Lot of content already.
Tara's Liberation / Alexia's Return
(by Bzshr)
BS>103D. Widow becomes a vessel for a goddess of love, tries to get rid of all taboo relationships from incest to bestiality. Lots of content, though some portions of the game tend to be grindy/repetitive. Skyrim-based graphics.Since it's from Skyrim, lots of creatures were given content, from Dogs, Horses, Wolves, Cows, Spiders, etc.
Ishu Aigan
(by cooldude33)
AS>102D. The premise is that some girl named Unohana witnesses her classmate Samejima banging a giant slug late after school. Samejima notices her and invites her to some science facility where they test animals for breeding purposes.(warning) 50% insect, 50% snails. Content includes slugs, snails, frogs, lizards, a motherfucking axolotl, eels, insects ( flies, beetles, and some worms that look like giant silk larvae) and giant earthworms. Also impregnation and birth.
The Eclipse Witch ~ A Witch's ChroniclesAS>102D; Rpg very similar to Ideology friction, better graphics tho. Poorly translated here at f95zone so use my premade auto generated text fileAccept the merchant 30k stone and go to the end of the bad route. You will unlock all possible scenes afaik. Ignore if you aren't interested in the pregnancy content.
Has horse, pig and dog scnes and battle scenes
Project Myriam - Life and ExplorationsSA>103D. Not a big fan of linear stories where you decide the scene. Although this is the best that exists in this category.Lots of scenes with your dog and some with a horse called hammer. Too much scenes in between imho

SA>102D. Text-based game with a few images. Mainly focus on MTF transformations. It has the best level-up system imho. Looooooong game tho, but I still recommend.It has scenes scattered around. There is a lot but it is difficult to find them. If someone has a guide please share because I may have not find them all reading the source file lol
Zookeeper Mission! - EMTLBA99%2D, Gameplay is simple and straightforward. The drawings are very cartoonish but I think is easy to get used to.
Very short game probably 30 - 60 min without cheats
Game has the most diverse number of scenes that exists in this list, as it covers an entire zoo. However, the drawing is very cartoonish and goofy. I wish the had more serious art and sound. Other than that is 10/10
2D. Text-based game with a few images. HUGE game tho, sadly is a little too grindy so I would put below secretary since they have a better level-up mechanic​
Pretty diverse number of scenes and images. Has a lot of animals too. The drawing could be better imo, and that's why I made a mod. Go check and maybe contribute​
Welcome to EroslandSA62D. Art is superb, and has nice variations. Good and simple puzzle game, a little bit too linear at the beginning with Hana but it does get more interesting later.(warning) Pokemon style beasts, they don't look bad so I will let it pass. Rush to Iono and fullfill all her missions. Dog and Horse stuff. Will probably have a snail in the future if you are interested.
Back to the FUAA32D. Ok art and good animations. The game is a very short puzzle and you can complete it very fast with good memory.The game is basically a decision tree, and there is a wolf at the second nod, just play from there see the results.
Dungeon of Erotic Master
(by cooldude33)
AA33%2D. It has good gameplay that I enjoyed a lot personally. I liked the consensual sex and the fact that you don't lose if you get raped.The scenes are very nicely animated in my opinion. There's ahegao and creampies and some stomach bulging for the horse scenes.
Overgrown Genesis
(by ddf)
AA~8Previous game from developer's of Claire's Quest. It is a smaller, survival game in post-apocalyptic world.
It has few scenes with mutant dogs, crocodiles, including some bad-ends
2D. Moral degeneration and a lot of other fetishes. Gameplay is basically a quick puzzle, check the forums for help. I’ve posts some good guides there too​
Very early access, but already have lots of scenes with a lot of different animals. Its an ark thompson’s game after all.​
Man's Best friendAA>103D. It tries not to be a linear game but its basically a linear game of a big story. Its still pretty good imo.You play the game as a dog and everything else is also dog related content
Summer by the seaCA>103D. Not in the "Latest Updates" section. Early development, a lot of bugs. Some of the bugs are game breaking tho lets see if the author will fix itPretty much only dog related content
Escape Dungeon
(by ddf)
BA~6Dungeon Crawler with multiple attempts, where the main character needs to defeat the boss on the last level, having sex on lose.It has with scenes with ratmen and mutant dogs.
King’s Tale
(by ddf)​
3D. Just a lot of different, linear stories of dog fucking, sweet but a little uninspiring​
100% dog stuff. All are superb.​
2D. Its a basic rpg with very nice CG’s imo. Choose the easy difficulty, otherwise it will be too grindy​
CG are S tier. But battle scenes are more like B tier. Just rush the battles. Also go for the drifter’s path.​
SA12D. Another dynamic animation for you to interact with. This time you fuck a squirrel girl in the assYou fuck her as a horse
2D. Angry birds women edition ™. Fun story and gameplay but its too much to do for little reward imho. Also, important tip, click twice to activate the special ability​
Lots of different animals and monsters, most of the stuff are battle pixel art animation. There are some CGs tho​
2D. Short and simple rpg​
100% bestiality but also 100% insect bestiality lol. Just a warning​
3D. Just a lot of different, and linear stories of dog fucking. Just like king’s tales, except it is uglier​
Not much to talk here just pure dog stuff​
2D. You are a dog that get adopted by a bunch of girls. I warn you that there is NTR in the game although it might not make any difference since the game is just too silly​
Pretty much 100% bestiality unless I forgot some scene. Dog is very bad drawn​
Elf of HypnolustAA>102D. Simple RPG. Get defeated in different caves to increase the "hypno" level to unlock new scenes. You don't need to fight enemies as you can just level up by spending money.There are progressive scenes with a horse if you work on the stable and a gorilla if you work on escorting the merchant. There is also a secret scene at bottom-right of the gallery, not part of the story tho.
StallionAA>103D. The game is literally to fuck a horse. It has good physics. The only problem is that it has a LOT of bugs: it crashes and stucks frequently100% bestiality. You fuck a horse, enough said. The woman's static face is a bit of a downside for me tho. Also it is too bugged to rank higher
Ariana’s Perverted DiaryAB
3D. Linear but w/very nice story, focus on lesbian, futanari and bestaility stuff. Honestly, I think that focusing the fetishes makes it better than Project Myriam, but its too early access to rank higherAt the beginning of the game when Ariana is having her hair cut, choose the option that enables bestiality. There is one dog scene atm. Again, early access but very promising
2D. Simple platform game, very well done and very beautiful pixel art. It doesn't have the "bestiality" tag
Use a save and go to the animal farm. There is one breastfeeding scene, one impregnation scene and one normal scene. All with pigs
Lustful Desires
(by Polarthief)
AB>10Almost completely M/M (though you can Female protag for M/F), your typical Ren'Py RPG game where you go around, beat up some nerds and usually fuck afterwards. More human(oids) than zoo, but still a good mix of both.Dogs, wolves, horses, rats, gorillas, a few weird unique creatures and some furry content. Probably some others I'm forgetting too.
Four Elements Trainer
(by here to find good porn games)
2D. You are the avatar. In oder to master the 4 elements you are send back in time and given the chance to corrupt or romance different Girls from Avatar A:TLA and Korra. Sizable amount of total content, a bit grindy at times.There is one optional scene involving a polar bear dog and petplay. There is another short scene with Appa which is more humorous in tone.
The Record of Beastiality PrincessDB>103D. Basic LN, old controls, bad graphics, short gameplay, but good animation and decent ending. Its worth it imo100% dog bestiality content. The game is very short tho
2D. You just got into a weird hell, explore shit a and fuck around. Decent gameplay but hard too find zoo scenes without a guide​
Takes more than I would like to get to the main content, but its worth it. Has horse and dog scenes afaik​
Wandering city
(by cooldude33)
2D. It's a decent platform but it's very short and there's not much to do. It takes about 30 minutes to finish everything. There's a total of 15-16 scenes or so but only 3-4 are beasty stuff.There's only three scenes, one with a fly, one with the worms and one with the monkey. They're nicely animated but it's not a lot.
Horny Adventure KarenBB
2D. Pretty decent drawings, boring dungeons but short. Overall a good game to play if you have an hour1 scene with a horse at the end of the game and 2 scenes with the dog. Beat the game and farm debauchery and you will see them all.
2D. Very difficult rpg and wiki is still a little bare. Overall solid for its premise tho​
Has 5 different encounters, I do recommend using cheats because otherwise is more of a game than a porn game.​
2D. Dungeon management, best of its own category. Select the purple hair elf first, you will thank me later​
Has 1 bestiality show that you can put different girls inside, so it is kinda diverse imho​
2D. Get a little to get used to. I recommend to save scum to see all branches of all the characters, or just use the gallery when you get bored​
Scenes with horses, dogs and pigs. Searching for Marie is your main priority. Also you are a dragon, uh, if that count as zoo for you... It doesn’t for me tho​
2D. Just got launched, amazing animations… It sounds like a decent rpg​
I can’t properly ranked because there is only 2 scenes with a wolf for now​
3D. Very similar to Tentacular, lots of scenes. A little bit repetitive imo​
Those technically are aliens but I will let it slide, they mostly looks like animals tbh. Also there are gorillas which is a bit rare​
The breeding pen (Trapped on Monster Island)AB32D Use this guide. Rpg where there isn't much fighting and a LOT of breeding. 100% focus on birth and impregnation content. There is even a population system for your children lolNOT ON LATEST UPDATES because it doesn't have the "bestiality" tag
One of the monsters is a pig
3D. Explore the world, fight and get fucked. Has a turn based combat. Pretty short atm​
Has some scenes with wolves and dogs, 1 scene with a horse, 1 with a snake and 1 with a bear​
3D. I really want to like this game but it has so many buggs​
I’m not a huge fan of the material. See... 3d isn’t bad but in this case it is a bit.​
2D. I really tried to play this game, but its too boring for me.​
Focus on velma stuff. If you get too bored then finds a save file​
3D. Linear VN. You spy on a girl that has sex with their own dogs. Eventually they become older​
Lots of dog fucking​
2D. It does look like I’m playing a game rather than a porn game. If you don’t mind then go ahead. Otherwise just see the gallery​
Has some bestiality scenes in combat and after you loose. I recommend to just unlock the gallery after getting bored​
2D. This looks a little like claire’s quest but with fights. Explore the world and rush to the beast content, it is abandoned atm but this might change soon​
There are wasps, wolves, dog and bull content. Suit yourself​
3D 2D? Do quests, get some monsters and fuck others. Its entertaining and not super long.​
Has fewer bestiality stuff than it should have. Has dogs and a horse.​
Stray Dog FianceBB>102D. The game is very short but too confusing. It looks unfinished. It has a diverse number of scenes tho, if you don’t mind the animals drawingNOT ON LATEST UPDATES Its 100% bestiality which is pretty rare. But dear god all the animals are horse shit ugly. You may like if you can ignore that
Priya's AwakeningBC12D AI art. The game is just a bunch of linear stories combined into a ren'py game. The AI drawing is too unedited for my tasteYou can fuck the dog in Riley's house. The dog is a bit cartoonish tho.
Isekai AwakeningCC22D. Small map, click around, do missions, minigames and fuck everyone basically. Early access atmIt got two scenes with mio and her horse for now
2D. Just a pure rpg maker game, nice story and lots of scenes​
Only has 2 scenes, but are very hot! If you don’t find the grind worth it just go to the gallery or just rush until you get to the madam's state​
2D. I’m just not a fan of platforms like those. MTL transation does not help.​
I just stop playing mid game, but I assume it has from 5 to 15 scenes.​
2D. Linear VN, focus on anal, stretching and moral degeneration. Short game​
Has only 1 scene with a horse sadly, pretty good scene tho​
2D. Shorter than kokaku online. Very stupid, but fun​
Has 1 scene with a dog afaik​
2D. You just got in the world and you must explore and have sex.​
Has 3 decent and different scenes with the same horse and 1 scene with a dog.​
2D. Its a continuation of Stray Dog Fiance. You get to choose two sides of a story and then is all linear from there.​
Also 100% bestiality and also horse shit animals​
2D. Gets very boring after a while. You can always use a save later. The drawing can be a bit too much for some​
Has a huge variety of scenes, but those drawings are a bit too silly for me​
2D. Its a continuation of Stray Dog Fiance. You cant choose between 4 sides and the story is continious from there.​
Also 100% bestiality and also horse shit animals​
2D. Basic rpg too, not much too say. I find a little boring and didn’t finished​
There are two scenes with a dog, one of them being birth scenes. Just like any other monster really​
Abyss of PleasureBC
2D? 3D? The Game launched with a rough start but now has been remade, and I think it has a very big potencial. A bit short for now thoIn the first town, there is a quest with a horse scene. There is also a wolf scene in one of the forests.
2D. Explore and fuck around. Each enemy has battle animations, “service animation” and one “game over” animation. The story is absurd and funny. It’s really worth it just by itself​
There isn’t much bestiality content imho, there only a dog. That means that there are only 2 animations and 1 cg of him​
Raven’s QuestBC32D. Gameplay resembles The Pilgramage and Tales of Androgyny without the fight. It does have very little sex drawings but decent character customization.Different horse, dog and tiger scenes. Although the context for each encounter is different, the images are the same, so its a little disappointing.
Max the ElfAD
2D. Auto-Sidescroller game. Its really good tho, and has lot of different scenes.Had 1 scene with a dog but got remove because patreon's rules. If you still want to the old game before it was patched, see
The Vulgar Life of Vanquished PrincessAD
2D. Linear VN, focus on moral degeneration and degradation.Choose a defiant path I believe you’ll get a scene with a horse-like animal.
2D. Enable easy mode because food management sucks. Its a big game and takes a little time to get use to the mechanics but its worth it​
Very few bestiality and very disappointing too. 1 text-only scene with a random animal and 1 scene with a tiger (only genitalia is shown)​
2D. Explore the space, farm aliens and get pregnant. But its to grind for little reward imo… For now at least, hope it gets more updates​
Galaxy 2 has a planet with wolves and horses. You only get to see the genitalia tho​
Trash 3d Unity | Underground steam trash games | Buggy as Hell ™​
Has a dog scene I guess​
3D. Okay, this is vore stuff and mainly vore. So yeah if you like it go for it, its a pretty rare combination​
It has 1 scene with a dog but no fuck yet. It also has 1 scene with a horse… which involves vore​
2D. Overall ok for a platform game, pretty pixel art​
I believe you have 1 scene with a wolf. If you want just use the gallery​
2D. The lag is real here. Otherwise would be a decent game​
1 Scene with a bull, but is ugly and takes too much time. Not worth it imo​
2D. A basic rpg with rpg stuff. The MC is a trap which might not be everyone cup of tea. You explore and get fucked, basically​
The first boss is a scene with a dog. It isn’t worth for just for that tho.​
2D. Another platform game that I didn’t have much patience to finish​
There are 1 monkey and something resembling a bull. Not much else besides that​
2D. It resembles Max the elf a bit. You walk in a straight line avoiding enemies. There is also pregnancy but I haven't figure it out how to work it​
There are 3 different positions for each enemy. The game has a dog as enemy​
2D. You get to choose 7 different paths if I’m not mistaken, and solve a puzzle for each. There is one path for true ending. A little boring imho​
There is a scene with a monkey in one the paths​
3D Its on early dev so this is subject to change. But there is not a lot of content atm.​
It has 1 dog scene if I’m not mistaken. It will probably increase in the future anyways​
Slave Farm Maker ~Let’s Make a Meat Slave Farm~DD
I think this post describe betterIt has 1 boar scene, it can be with different girls
3D. Fun to play and very beautiful, didn’t check the last version though​
No bestiality content, but characters have animal genitalia​
Had bestiality but patreon farted​
No bestiality content​
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zoo​
Furry/hybrid isn’t bestiality​
Grind is real and repetition is standard​
If you like pokemon stuff then its pretty much the only thing. Otherwise there is no bestiality here​
Meh. Its a short game tho​
Furry/hybrid isn’t bestiality​
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zoo​
No bestiality content​
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zoo​
No bestiality content​
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zoo​
No bestiality content​
Short and sweet just basic rpg.​
I don’t remember finding any bestiality​
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zoo​
No bestiality content​
A bit to grind and boring for my taste. The BE is nice but gets old fast​
I don’t remember finding any bestiality​
Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin [Final] [Lune]-F
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zooTentacles aren't bestiality
Wicked Whorehouse ~Busty Mother/Daughter Sacrifice~ [Final] [Orcsoft]-F
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zooTentacles aren't bestiality
Otoko no musume-ban norowareta Hna doresu de inran-ka! ?-F
Didn’t play but I know has 0 zooWerewolf...

As a bonus, I will also include games which are not translated to english yet but I'm looking forward to it. If you know Japanese then suit yourself:
- Beast Officer No Hunter - All I know is that the art is made by bigshine
- Shiiku Hakusho ~Kusari ni Tsunagareta Doukyuusei - I believe it is a story of a girl being "trained" with a dog, but I'm not sure
- Vitamin Quest 2 - The sequel to vitamin quest, it does seems to have more content this time
- No Dog, No Life 2 - Dog stuff
- No Dog, No Life - Same
-Reika Mesuinu Choukyou ~xx ni Okasarete...~ - Same
-Reika Final ~Juuetsu no Kioku~ - Close to the one above, except with more animals it seems
- JxJ Joshikousei Juuka Keikaku ~Mesu *** Koukaisei Choukyou~ - lots of animals too
- The Nekoronomicon - plataform it seems
- Mesuinu Hatsujou Ki ~Kageriyuku Nichijou~ - dog [VJ012268]
- Human zoo in the night - Lots of creatures

Again, feel free to give me an untranslated game with the same format and I shall put in this list.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
NameRZNOverall descriptionZoo content description
Legend of Queen Opala: OriginBS>10Amazing rpg based game with great story and lore, talk, fight and fuck. Several art style options and even some dubbed dialogs. (unfortunately the game is in an eternal beta version and updates are slow). Dogs, wolfs, horses, furry, minotaur etc... Lot of content already.


Nov 18, 2020
Is there any way to download Zu & Johanna's Zoological Zone as playing on the browser for me screws up the audio and animations?
There is download button on the site, I recommend playing with a chromium based browser since firefox don't support html5 very well yet.


Feb 4, 2018
Give me more info to fill all the columns

NameRZNOverall descriptionZoo content description
Tara's Liberation / Alexia's Return BS>10Widow becomes a vessel for a goddess of love, tries to get rid of all taboo relationships from incest to bestiality. Lots of content, though some portions of the game tend to be grindy/repetitive. Skyrim-based graphics. Since it's from Skyrim, lots of creatures were given content, from Dogs, Horses, Wolves, Cows, Spiders, etc.
Mar 30, 2019
Maybe it's because you'd count it as hybrid/monster, but Four Elements Trainer does have a pretty great beast scene(/one i'd consider as such). In Book 4's Slave Route you can let Korra get fucked by a Polar bear dog while walking her in the park (Pet play + bestiality ftw). I have no clue how FET got and (afaik) keeps getting away with having it in the game while it's on Patreon, but it's there.
There is one more scene which warrants the 'bestiality' tag on here somewhat, while it's easy to miss in book 3 there is of a female earth bender jacking off Appa with her Body - but the scene is really short and has a more jokey tone (she gets launched high in the air by the stream of his cum).
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Game Developer
Apr 30, 2021
Cara in Creekmaw has more beast scenes now. Not counting the vore, there is sex with a dog and sex with a horse.
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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote