Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
The whole working girls charging triple for a kiss just negates your whole rant about
platonic kissing. As it stands it sure sounds like platonic kisses being on sale from
sex workers who should have taught you that kissing is such a huge step, not even
sex - ahem, how did you call it - so called proffessionals - make a fuss about it.

Now, guys do hug and in many latin customs countrie do kiss on the cheek,or a smooch whne in a party, to signal close bonding. Just like girls., they will never bang or french kiss,
but they will show everyone their close connection.

Now, switching to a game where distances are pencil thin between ”hya hon” and ”let”s bang”
you have negated the majority of porn where actual real life girls looking stunning
will actually french kiss and go full throttle on the guys, equally fit or not so much,
and the guys will do it all for the babes also.
Nope, I said that as very close female friends of college age, they have shared run of the mill kisses in the past. It's not uncommon. And as such, moving from that to a more intimate form of expression isn't a big jump.
I know this is going to taken the wrong way, but oh well. I've known a handful of "working girls" in my life thanks to web design work. These weren't the "street walker" types you see on cop drama shows. They legitimately considered themselves as professionals. For many of them, kissing simply wasn't on the "menu". For the ones who would do it, they charged a LOT more. Why? Because it's one thing to have sex. For a lot of women, that can be detached from everything else.

But kissing is personal. It's intimate. It's "special".

For Skylar and Hannah, they already share a very close and personal relationship. As has been said many times, they are true "besties". Making a switch from something they had already done in the past on a platonic level, to one of a more intimate version in an appropriate setting, is MUCH more likely than the same occurring with MC and Skylar. They aren't nearly as close, and had never once shared even a platonic kiss, much less a personal/intimate one.

One is a significant jump from the other.
I meant the knowing "working girls" being taken wrong :p

As a great man once said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"
Adult games are for adults and such are the relationships.
The kiddy nonsensical explanation why kisses turn girls gay but not guys is gibbrish.

Your taking out of the kissing where porn is full of it, that cheapens it.
Your explanaion why bffs would turn bi like brokeback mountain
plain bombs it to smitereens.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
FYI, whether you call it as that or not, this is very much about the same topic, but you probably realized that, hence your super-smart comment.
My super smart comment was towards someone discussing alone something that isn't there.

Me mum always said, "Look out for your elders", so...


Active Member
Dec 7, 2021
In chapter 5 once the 3 girl friends arrive at the MC to do yoga after being bothered by guys, an error page appears and there is no other choice but to "quit". Please correct this error to be able to continue the game which is translated into French, thank you for this translation. :love:
Good inspiration for further development :)


Forum Fanatic
May 29, 2018
This I actually don't quite get, if the MC doesn't kiss Sky because he sees kissing as something inherently romantic, why is he so okay with his girlfriend (who has already stated she is attracted to Sky) kissing her like that. Surely if he's of the mind that kissing her is too romantic because he finds her attractive then the same should go for his partner no? Again this boils down to me believing that if there is an unspoken rule against kissing during the threesome that it should apply to each of them & not just the MC.

I get that from a story point of view that MC & Skyler kissing could be the thing that makes her realise that she does in fact have this crush on the MC & that happening at this point would be too soon & it happening in the middle of that scene would have changed it drastically in the exact way you described, so it could have been left out for that reason. But if that was the case then I kinda feel like it would have made sense that Hannah & MC had a discussion about not kissing Sky before the scene so that at least we as players would be aware that it was a conscious decision for it not happening. As it stands it just feels like it's something missing. Again I just feel like it should be either both makeout with her or neither do, because even if it's not meant to it does feel like Hannah is far more intimate with Sky than the MC is for a few people mostly due to how they kissed like that. Again, just an opinion here & trying to get across how & why it might feel this way to some people. Not trying to get the Dev to alter or change scenes like he did with the D&D mind control scene in the previous chapter. Again, Devs game & Devs story, I want him to tell it how he wants to. Just giving an opinion on why some are perceiving things a certain way.

Wait, are you saying that the kiss between Hannah & Sky was platonic & not intimate at all? Because it certainly didn't look that way, it seemed very intimate to me.
The way I could make this make sense is that this is Hannah's harem. All of this is her idea she literally planned everything. Also, it makes perfect sense to not want your husband/bf to kiss the girl you brought home for a 3some.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
Yes, I know it's only been a couple weeks since the release of Chapter 5. But that doesn't matter! New dev update for Chapter 6 is now available on Patreon. This is a public post, available to everyone so check it out if you're interested :)

Edit: I just noticed that I've unintentionally started a trend with my update images lol. What are they looking at???

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2020
You've got a gem on your hands here Drooskati. I fnid your writing to be quite good and entertaining. As for the art? The more I see of the girls, the more I WANT to see of the girls. Keep at it, you're on the right path.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
If anyone out there is interested in helping with translations, I'm interested in getting these languages done:

Simplified Chinese

If you are capable, feel free to reach out to me. Currently, the game is ~140,000 words so I absolutely understand that it's not easy. I'm also not interested in MTL.



Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
It has been brought to my attention that there's a bug in Chapter 2, specifically where you get to name your game world character. I've patched that particular file, linked below. To fix it, simply put this file in your BTW/game/chapter02 folder and overwrite the existing file.

If you are NOT experiencing a problem (Only impacts people who start from the beginning), do not worry about it. This will be corrected in the Chapter 6 update. If you're using a Steam or Itch release, the bug is not present.



Apr 21, 2022
Am I the only one that feels a bit disappointed to see how the MC was manipulated into destroying the book. Hear me out for a sec.

Alorine kept telling the MC that he was going to do it no matter what. I get that and I was prepared for that eventuality. In the end however, she just made him do it. No real climacted life or death decision. Just Alorine saying you will do it and then the MC doing it. "Boring"... Why even bother writing all of the other stuff if that is how it is going to go down? First, if Alorine wasn't strong enough to effect people physically in the mortal plane then how is it that she suddenly can physically force the MC? I am sorry but that is just disappointing. Yea yea I saw the whole blue light on the arm and then throwing up said light. I am sorry but this scenario has just hurt the story for me in many ways. In the end, the MC had no control over himself. This whole thing could have been done other ways. The MC in my opinion should have been faced with the agonizing decision and we the readers should have been given a choice as to what was going to happen. Instead we spent all of that time just clicking around in pointless conversation only to have what some of us may have chosen to fight, happen anyway and in the most sheepish way.

If Alorine had that much "physical" control over the MC at that point then why bother giving us the choice not once but twice to "resist"? Yea I know, it builds the suspense. I would much rather have seen that suspense come in the form of a life altering decision that the MC is forced to make. That is just my opinion so please don't troll me!!

I have greatly enjoyed the game and I knew this would happen eventually but the way it was presented was disappointing and it has really hurt my opinion of how the game will be going forward. To me "choice" is what makes these games so enticing. Give ME the choice on whether to drive that dagger through the book or not OR at least give me a more "interesting" scenario that forces me to do it instead of turning the MC into this powerless meat puppet with no control over his actions.

Dont troll me people. I am not hating on the game. I was just hoping to see this whole scenario go in a VERY different direction.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
Am I the only one that feels a bit disappointed to see how the MC was manipulated into destroying the book. Hear me out for a sec.

Alorine kept telling the MC that he was going to do it no matter what. I get that and I was prepared for that eventuality. In the end however, she just made him do it. No real climacted life or death decision. Just Alorine saying you will do it and then the MC doing it. "Boring"... Why even bother writing all of the other stuff if that is how it is going to go down? First, if Alorine wasn't strong enough to effect people physically in the mortal plane then how is it that she suddenly can physically force the MC? I am sorry but that is just disappointing. Yea yea I saw the whole blue light on the arm and then throwing up said light. I am sorry but this scenario has just hurt the story for me in many ways. In the end, the MC had no control over himself. This whole thing could have been done other ways. The MC in my opinion should have been faced with the agonizing decision and we the readers should have been given a choice as to what was going to happen. Instead we spent all of that time just clicking around in pointless conversation only to have what some of us may have chosen to fight, happen anyway and in the most sheepish way.

If Alorine had that much "physical" control over the MC at that point then why bother giving us the choice not once but twice to "resist"? Yea I know, it builds the suspense. I would much rather have seen that suspense come in the form of a life altering decision that the MC is forced to make. That is just my opinion so please don't troll me!!

I have greatly enjoyed the game and I knew this would happen eventually but the way it was presented was disappointing and it has really hurt my opinion of how the game will be going forward. To me "choice" is what makes these games so enticing. Give ME the choice on whether to drive that dagger through the book or not OR at least give me a more "interesting" scenario that forces me to do it instead of turning the MC into this powerless meat puppet with no control over his actions.

Dont troll me people. I am not hating on the game. I was just hoping to see this whole scenario go in a VERY different direction.
A lot to unwrap here, but I'm going to do my best to keep it very non-spoilery.

Part of it is pure fantasy gameplay. Alorine is linked to your character, working in your world through you. Through your associations with others. Her connection to you and your world has been growing throughout the game, to the point where her mental power of will was able to overcome your own. This plays back to the types of abilities you see in the "game world". Reyliana/Kaylee is a perfect example of this. She is able to use her own mental ability to influence, and sometimes physically control, the actions of others (The horses, the battle, etc). Thus you have Alorine, who has advanced from merely dreams to actually appearing before you, able to exert some level of control over what you do.

That being said, HOW you do that scene has a SIGNIFICANT impact to how the game plays out going forward. It is the first truly major choice that determines the path you're taking. By siding with the obviously evil antagonist, future events and choices will play out differently. The same happens if you actively and totally fight against her demands, even if in this situation you're unable to resist.

As for being given the option to resist multiple times, this is another aspect of willpower, particularly when it comes to gaming. It's particularly prevalent in TTRPG games. I'm using Pathfinder as my primary source material. Part of that game has an ability called "Dominate Person". You are able to entirely control your target, making them do literally anything you want them to do. So in your attempts to resist, you are essentially doing what is known as a "Will save". You're trying to break that control. In the end you're unsuccessful, but your ATTEMPTS (or lack thereof) are what matter. Your choice in this situation, one way or another, significantly impacts the game. Although you do not immediately see it, it is absolutely a "life altering decision".

Just to show how large of an impact it is, in the code it actually sets a variable simply called "alorine". Almost all of my variables are fairly generic. Things like "ch04step", "ch02swim", "eparty", etc. This variable is simply the name of the antagonist, because it's that important of a choice. You either accept her, or you deny her. This one choice will be used multiple times through the rest of the game.

I hope that helps a bit :)


Dec 14, 2020
Give ME the choice on whether to drive that dagger through the book or not OR at least give me a more "interesting" scenario that forces me to do it instead of turning the MC into this powerless meat puppet with no control over his actions.
As for being given the option to resist multiple times, this is another aspect of willpower, particularly when it comes to gaming. It's particularly prevalent in TTRPG games. I'm using Pathfinder as my primary source material. Part of that game has an ability called "Dominate Person". You are able to entirely control your target, making them do literally anything you want them to do.
In my many, many hours of Forgotten Realms and others TTRPGs I came to learn, very much the hard way, that a simple well placed "Hold Person" spell can destroy a whole party. Domination spells are worse and they're not even on the top of the scale, like the dreaded "Imprisonment" from which you can't recover in any way...
For gamers used to TTRPGs, Between Two Worlds could be considered very mild in what concerns player abuse. I've played campaigns where players are really tossed and abused before reaching a turning point that, many times, only comes near the end, meaning the only "fun" was in surviving the repeated onslaughts just to die before the final boss...
I understand that players with little affinity with fantasy campaigns may have a harder time dealing with such disappointment and frustration. But believe me, not many things will be as rewarding as killing a red dragon or a demi-lich for the first time. So, I guess (and I'm only speculating here, only Drooskati knows what's going in his head) that we'll have another of those meaningful moments when our character stands over a defeated Alorine...


Apr 21, 2022
In my many, many hours of Forgotten Realms and others TTRPGs I came to learn, very much the hard way, that a simple well placed "Hold Person" spell can destroy a whole party. Domination spells are worse and they're not even on the top of the scale, like the dreaded "Imprisonment" from which you can't recover in any way...
For gamers used to TTRPGs, Between Two Worlds could be considered very mild in what concerns player abuse. I've played campaigns where players are really tossed and abused before reaching a turning point that, many times, only comes near the end, meaning the only "fun" was in surviving the repeated onslaughts just to die before the final boss...
I understand that players with little affinity with fantasy campaigns may have a harder time dealing with such disappointment and frustration. But believe me, not many things will be as rewarding as killing a red dragon or a demi-lich for the first time. So, I guess (and I'm only speculating here, only Drooskati knows what's going in his head) that we'll have another of those meaningful moments when our character stands over a defeated Alorine...
If our character stands over a defeated Alorine...

I still do not like how it all transpired but it isn't "my" story. I am trying to stay open minded but...

For the record... I have never played an RPG where dice are used. I have no idea what TTRPG means. I grew up in a family where Monopoly was as close as we were allowed to get to "fantasy"... When I was ten, I was invited for a sleep over with school friends. When my parents were told by my friends parents that "The kids will be playing D&D all night", I was not allowed to go....


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
If our character stands over a defeated Alorine...

I still do not like how it all transpired but it isn't "my" story. I am trying to stay open minded but...

For the record... I have never played an RPG where dice are used. I have no idea what TTRPG means. I grew up in a family where Monopoly was as close as we were allowed to get to "fantasy"... When I was ten, I was invited for a sleep over with school friends. When my parents were told by my friends parents that "The kids will be playing D&D all night", I was not allowed to go....
Well then, welcome :) TTRPG stands for Tabletop Role Playing Game. This genre of gaming covers everything from things like the fantasy worlds of Dungeons and Dragons (Which Pathfinder is based on) all the way to the sci fi worlds of Star Wars. It's setup much like I show in BTW, where one person runs the game (In my case, Oscar), essentially guiding the group through their story. While there are rules involved, many games will often use something called a "homebrew", where the rules are bent (or outright broken on occasion) in order to better suit the story.

Basically, imagine Skyrim but you're using pencil and paper in a world where the rules aren't quite so cut and dry.


Dec 14, 2020
If our character stands over a defeated Alorine...

I still do not like how it all transpired but it isn't "my" story. I am trying to stay open minded but...

For the record... I have never played an RPG where dice are used. I have no idea what TTRPG means. [...]
TT stands for Table Top, as P&P stands for Pen & Paper. Common expressions on D&D games, like board games but without the same standard board. And in which the same characters could progress through several different increasing level adventures.
My point was, rolling dice can be a very unforgiving action. There were days I was lucky and others I wasn't... Some of my friends were consistently lucky, some were consistently dead.
The true fun was in being together in an adventure and surviving against the odds. There were no choices the way you meant on your previous post. Your choices were where to place your character and how to buff your party and which spells to learn and save for the moment you'd need them. From that comes one of the most important rules of this games: never underestimate the power of a well placed low level spell.
That's what Alorine used on the MC, a fairly low level spell at the right moment. Just as you would use on your enemies, just as they'd use on you. One of the most common scenarios in every fantasy setting.
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