For me, it's far more simplistic.
It's 1 reason: I'm a man.
When I was a boy, I wanted to be Action Man, not Barbie.
As I'm not a woman, I do not feel or think what/how/why they feel or think, so do not identify with a female MC.
Despite modern equality & PC bullshit, men and women are different.
I can empathise with a female MC, but I cannot put myself in their place, as I do not know how a woman thinks or feels, generically, in that situation. I only have personal experience for a man's view of it & I do know how a man feels, generically, in those situations.
I have never had, nor desired, a cock inside me. As such, playing as a character who gets cock inside her is not for me, if I am expected to be in the mind of that character and transpose myself, for her.
I know that I can't immerse myself in the character fully, but that there are plenty who can and will enjoy it.
Bon voyage to those.

If this game is anything like as quirky and interesting as Rainy Day, it should be a great game.