
Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
My main issue with this game is the combination of intense grind with a complete lack of save migration between updates.

I really enjoy this game, but I feel tentative to play it at all since the next update will bork everything I worked on.

Also, the portals need to unlock earlier. As it currently is, you don't get to turn them on until you find someone at the absolute ass end of the valley and don't really need to portal around anymore (as you will likely have captured all you need to get there).
Yeah this game has always suffered from a needlessly high amount of grind in vanilla (By this I mean non-cheaty) gameplays and the safe wipes shit has always been the biggest headache of it BY FAR. And Im certain that he deliberately made the saves to bork cause unlike any other game, old saves made on old game versions dont work on new game versions, yet new saves made on new game versions do work on old game versions, even if they have stuff that wasnt suposed to exist like new subspecies, which always beats me how it makes any logic in this game but somehow it does.

Every X amount of updates adds 1 nice thing but also increases even further the grind from start. First it was the vanilla progression of unlocking barns by farming resources and selling them, then unlocking (The by the way previously available from start) sex positions, then unlocking each area independently, then unlocking each area + the acess to portals, and now the access to some positions tied to the areas you unlocked as well and add the everlasting saves incompatibility and how each offspring now is actually unique in looks and feels and its simply impossible to replicate the same save on a new game version but even if you were up to that challenge is just so much re-do the same to keep them at the same points that *sigh*.

All of that wouldnt be an issue if the dev didnt happen to also be rigid as a brick in adding things he might not be a fan of but fans have requested it A DAMN LOT, like anal, balls for futas, femboys or males at all, among a few other smol things and the worse is that the mods he choose to rule his Discord server also share the same toxicity he goes with.

I used to love this game a lot and think it was a masterpiece among the e-games you can find online but after years and still dealing with even more and more grind and the same toxic attitidues from him and his biggest followers? Im sorry but its not worth the while. I just keep watching the game cause as for now is the only reliable offspring generating simulator I found but even then Im looking for a replacer on a game like Skyrim or maybe another.
Aug 31, 2020
Yeah this game has always suffered from a needlessly high amount of grind in vanilla (By this I mean non-cheaty) gameplays and the safe wipes shit has always been the biggest headache of it BY FAR. And Im certain that he deliberately made the saves to bork cause unlike any other game, old saves made on old game versions dont work on new game versions, yet new saves made on new game versions do work on old game versions, even if they have stuff that wasnt suposed to exist like new subspecies, which always beats me how it makes any logic in this game but somehow it does.

Every X amount of updates adds 1 nice thing but also increases even further the grind from start. First it was the vanilla progression of unlocking barns by farming resources and selling them, then unlocking (The by the way previously available from start) sex positions, then unlocking each area independently, then unlocking each area + the acess to portals, and now the access to some positions tied to the areas you unlocked as well and add the everlasting saves incompatibility and how each offspring now is actually unique in looks and feels and its simply impossible to replicate the same save on a new game version but even if you were up to that challenge is just so much re-do the same to keep them at the same points that *sigh*.

All of that wouldnt be an issue if the dev didnt happen to also be rigid as a brick in adding things he might not be a fan of but fans have requested it A DAMN LOT, like anal, balls for futas, femboys or males at all, among a few other smol things and the worse is that the mods he choose to rule his Discord server also share the same toxicity he goes with.

I used to love this game a lot and think it was a masterpiece among the e-games you can find online but after years and still dealing with even more and more grind and the same toxic attitidues from him and his biggest followers? Im sorry but its not worth the while. I just keep watching the game cause as for now is the only reliable offspring generating simulator I found but even then Im looking for a replacer on a game like Skyrim or maybe another.
Eh, I get if the dev doesn't want to have gay, anal, etc. content to their game. It's there game and ofc you can mod it from my understanding. Sure, it sucks not being official but what are they going to do? It's not like they have any moral highground or money to do anything.

The grinding? Yeah fuck that. It's a game. Yes, so I expect you know the basic farm for resources to get barns and upgrades. However, the issue that I think everyone has is the useless grind. Like there is no point in limiting sex positions. Or unlocking portals. Seriously what's the point of travelling around to collect your stock? There's no reason behind it other than to waste time waddling your slow ass to the next area.

Like imagine in Skyrim you can only walk to your quests. This is where the stupid ass dark souls comes in. Most open world games have a speed form of travel. Whether it be a bike in Pokemon, a horse in skyrim, or cars in GTA/SR. And in most of these games you can automatically fast travel as long as you're not in combat or the latter. So why do you have to go to the dumbass pussy portals to fast travel? Dark souls. Except in DS it's completely linear and there's no real reason to backtrack outside of farming for income or if you missed something, or a quest required so. The worlds interconnected with shortcuts, but it's such a small world there's no real use of randomly fast travelling outside of not dying. Except, even in motherfucking Elden Ring, you can travel faster with equipment and fucking fast travel to any fast travel site at will. Fml.

I know it's been done to death, but Breeding Season had it right. The breeding in of itself was the game, and you progressed doing so. With some minigames tossed in, but it was light enough to not simply fap and go, and if you wanted to fap and go you could just ignore it and go straight to the porn. The issue is that people are too coomed up to even care. It's the old gamer verbage of "Don't buy in! And it'll change!" yet dumbass fanboys and coomsumers will go buy the shitty DLCs and lootboxes regardless. So unless someone comes out with something better or they get their head out of there ass. Don't expect much change.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Eh, I get if the dev doesn't want to have gay, anal, etc. content to their game. It's there game and ofc you can mod it from my understanding. Sure, it sucks not being official but what are they going to do? It's not like they have any moral highground or money to do anything.

The grinding? Yeah fuck that. It's a game. Yes, so I expect you know the basic farm for resources to get barns and upgrades. However, the issue that I think everyone has is the useless grind. Like there is no point in limiting sex positions. Or unlocking portals. Seriously what's the point of travelling around to collect your stock? There's no reason behind it other than to waste time waddling your slow ass to the next area.

Like imagine in Skyrim you can only walk to your quests. This is where the stupid ass dark souls comes in. Most open world games have a speed form of travel. Whether it be a bike in Pokemon, a horse in skyrim, or cars in GTA/SR. And in most of these games you can automatically fast travel as long as you're not in combat or the latter. So why do you have to go to the dumbass pussy portals to fast travel? Dark souls. Except in DS it's completely linear and there's no real reason to backtrack outside of farming for income or if you missed something, or a quest required so. The worlds interconnected with shortcuts, but it's such a small world there's no real use of randomly fast travelling outside of not dying. Except, even in motherfucking Elden Ring, you can travel faster with equipment and fucking fast travel to any fast travel site at will. Fml.

I know it's been done to death, but Breeding Season had it right. The breeding in of itself was the game, and you progressed doing so. With some minigames tossed in, but it was light enough to not simply fap and go, and if you wanted to fap and go you could just ignore it and go straight to the porn. The issue is that people are too coomed up to even care. It's the old gamer verbage of "Don't buy in! And it'll change!" yet dumbass fanboys and coomsumers will go buy the shitty DLCs and lootboxes regardless. So unless someone comes out with something better or they get their head out of there ass. Don't expect much change.
No, you cant mod it yet, even tho the dev has promised the "beta" would be modable, yet it never leaves the alpha state and here we go again.

As a side note, Derelict seems to have only played Dark Souls games so.... I guess he's the typical soulsfan who believes that just because he's a masochist everybody shall be as well, no matter how tedious it is.

The good news is that I may have found a combination of mods that sort of brings a similar thing to Skyrim. Its still a bit far from the things that BotN offers but honestly maybe can be even better, or at least less, hmmmm ultra perverted? :LOL:

That is if you dont count the soulgem things which actually gives you a quite useful alt reason for breeding.


New Member
Dec 24, 2017
i play this game for many times now first time without cheats and i must say is now nice to play. in begin was boring nothing to do only fuck/breed around now you can breed for quest or use cheats. btw real good game thanks for supporters and DerelictHelmsman


May 10, 2017
Blech, nothing worse than someone who makes a game annoyingly grindy for the sake of being annoyingly grindy. and i say this someone who likes souls games. but you don't need to be a souls fan to make bad game design choices. i'll be just asking one simple rethorical question for the dev.

what exactly are we grinding for, what are we grinding towards? if it were just the nephelym themselves, that be understandable. but we also seem to grind now for any kind of QoL update for our progression. teleporters are unlock in one of the last locations in the game. sex positions are now hidden behind those altars, we breed and search nephelym just to get one specimen for one certain quest just to unlock another location. what next? the traders and all will be behind the various biome and have to be unlocked first too?

there is just no real goal to work towards anything other than "things that make the game more enjoyable". we got no captivating story to follow, species to unlock (not as in, new area new monsters, more like, unlocking special sub-species and make them a rare spawn in the overworld) and we got a huge-ass map with only tiny dedicated places to capture monsters. make it interesting damn it and fill the world with random spawns and make the spawn-locations dedicated farming spots. (y'know, titans "could" spawn anywhere, but the best ones with great traits and all spawn in their home) give the roamers on your farm more purpose than just a walking cum-dumpster. maybe use them to capture wild ones in a sex-battle. something! anything thats not "hide it behind grind"


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
A lot of the changes I don't mind because some of the grind does hide some value. I enjoy slowly unlocking new species by gaining access to new regions as I complete quests and improve my stock.

However, as others have said, the portals should unlock with the areas since your character runs very slowly. Additionally, the thresholds to increase quality of the breeding spawns needs to be way lower. If I release an entire barn of leveled mons into the wild, it should bring the world quality up a couple levels since breeding them is utterly pointless until you have a good source (pregnancy takes like 3 in-game days, while collecting and leveling new mons takes maybe 1-2).

Again, I don't mind this mechanic being in the game, it just needs to be optimized to be engaging rather than just grindy busywork. These fixes aren't even that hard, he just needs to pick a gameplay loop and stick to it (which would also make it way easier to carry forward save files).
Aug 31, 2020
A lot of the changes I don't mind because some of the grind does hide some value. I enjoy slowly unlocking new species by gaining access to new regions as I complete quests and improve my stock.

However, as others have said, the portals should unlock with the areas since your character runs very slowly. Additionally, the thresholds to increase quality of the breeding spawns needs to be way lower. If I release an entire barn of leveled mons into the wild, it should bring the world quality up a couple levels since breeding them is utterly pointless until you have a good source (pregnancy takes like 3 in-game days, while collecting and leveling new mons takes maybe 1-2).

Again, I don't mind this mechanic being in the game, it just needs to be optimized to be engaging rather than just grindy busywork. These fixes aren't even that hard, he just needs to pick a gameplay loop and stick to it (which would also make it way easier to carry forward save files).
I don't think people have a problem with the grind and gameplay you've listed above. I think the issue people have is being forced to play the crappy unlock minigames for traversing the shitty overworld. It's just not enjoyable. Breeding Season had you slowly unlock species too and it took some grinding but, at least for me, was a much more enjoyable experience. All I ask is to unlock a mount (get it. . . okay I'll go) to help speed up travelling, builtin fast travel anywhere without cheats, and revert the unlocking sex positions by finding them. Maybe have hidden ones that aren't available for purchase, but really it's mostly the slog of the overworld that really drags the game down for me.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
To be truly honest I wouldn't mind the game turning exponentially grindy on every update to some degree cause I know some of those updates bring something new that totally overhauls in a way how a part of the game feels, like when the Vagrants system was added, it benefited a damn lot certain gameplays like Female ones, since cis-lesbian sex turned out to be much more viable that way.

The biggest issue this game has is that every X amount of updates the dev forces you yes or yes to start all over again since the saves made on any previous game version simply make the new game version refuse to load them, so all of the progress you did in the previous update (And with this, could be incluided things like generating uniquely looking nephs from breeding a pair of nephs and getting an amazing combination that you are forced to sacrifice or keep on that old game version), making you having to choose on either hoard old game versions since they cannot load on new ones (Yet they can load on older ones ironically) and starting from zero, again, and again, and again, in a game in which every update becomes more and more grindy.... *Sigh* Even if you were commited to redo all the things we did again, it takes you plausibly longer on a new game version than how it took on a previous. Like I said before....

- At first you didnt had to bother about unlocking Missionary, to name an example, now you do.
- Before you could jump from the Hivelands to Moaning Crag and youll be fine, now you cant.
- You could start a game, buy the Neko condo and capture Catgirls as your first species, now you cant.
- Back then you saw a wild neph you liked and wanted to tame them by sexing them, just be fast enough on the clicks and youll capture them, now your stats need to be equal or higher than that and they are usually quite higher than yours, either do that or memorize the fluids that each subspecies has and use that instead, but that still forces you to deal with something that before was optional, now is kinda mandatory.

And yeah some nice things were brough but honestly....

- Since the Pawsmatti update all the new things we got in terms of sex positions were pairings between Wild Sex sizes, pairings on "most" (Cause not all of them have them) of the positions & pairings in the breeding yard, and just 1 new sex position that was the Lap Dance. That would be good if it wasnt by the fact that between the Pawsmatti introduction and the latest update it has been about 30 major updates or so.
- Although the disabling of jumping massive cliffs was a nice realism adition, it also turned certain parkouring sections or possibilities to be totally unviable, because it wasnt for realism, but more like forcing you to deal with the progression.
- Which speaking of progression, all of that would be amazing if the areas that we were unlocking happened to be ACTUALLY new areas, not the same areas as before. Honestly the only new areas we got since progression started to be added happened to be barely two. The promised Seraphim's heaven and very very recently the special bunnies corner on Lustwoods that feels super oddly placed to be honest. Besides the spot made for the new blessed nephs but those reinforces the previously mentioned issue.
- The new system of stats based capturing taming has been proven to be a design failure since another game I followed tried something similar and in BOTH game I missed the old annoying but effective speedy/clicky/imputy methods or whatever they used cause to make them replace the previous with stats the numbers have to be realistic with how your character's would have up to that point, and that my friends are something that is extremely hard to balance cause it depends a lot on how you made your character and I believe that coding such fair system wouldnt be something easy to implement, but punishing those players that dont follow the idea the dev might have to that set of ideal stats is a dangerously divise move.

I could go on and on, but my main point is that, having to deal with all of those things is already headaching enough. Now imagine doing that (Or potentially a worse scenario on a future update) after every 3-4 game updates from the begining AGAIN for the sake of a pair of things that barely soften how mega grindyer everything became, is honestly a deal breaker. I barely mentioned how things are in this game to a couple of friends and they say that they wont even try it precisely for about half of those said issues. But Derelict.... Derelict just wants his player base to suffer appearently, and if you say otherwise his moderators like Zobo would remind you how low intelligent you are for merely addressing that when the game is in Alpha.... And Alpha that always stays like that and that other games in also Alpha lacks about half of those issues.

Hans Zuchter

Nov 21, 2021
i play this game for many times now first time without cheats and i must say is now nice to play. in begin was boring nothing to do only fuck/breed around now you can breed for quest or use cheats. btw real good game thanks for supporters and DerelictHelmsman
Thanks for the feedback, DerelictHelmsman. Your English is getting better, too.


Sep 17, 2017
So male monsters are monsterlike and female monsters are just humans with animal ears, lmao. No idea why devs do this, you already have a female MC you can customize if you want to see a human getting fucked.


Oct 10, 2017
So male monsters are monsterlike and female monsters are just humans with animal ears, lmao. No idea why devs do this, you already have a female MC you can customize if you want to see a human getting fucked.
Check your game options, you might have them turned off.

Wiseman Omega

New Member
Nov 29, 2018
So male monsters are monsterlike and female monsters are just humans with animal ears, lmao. No idea why devs do this, you already have a female MC you can customize if you want to see a human getting fucked.
Judging by the tone of this comment, I'm assuming you haven't played the game for more than 30 seconds, or you haven't played it all. So your name kinda checks out. Just saying.


Mar 11, 2020
The grinding? Yeah fuck that. It's a game.

Most open world games have a speed form of travel. Whether it be a bike in Pokemon, a horse in skyrim, or cars in GTA/SR. And in most of these games you can automatically fast travel as long as you're not in combat or the latter. So why do you have to go to the dumbass pussy portals to fast travel? Dark souls.
Talking about the grinding?
Heh I guess you have never played Lineage II: that's where you can enjoy THE grind! :LOL:
Literally millions of slain monsters to gain a level... scarce or almost non-existent drops... insanely expensive gear... and on top of that, you have to do a lot of walking across the world, since after teleporting from town it still takes a few minutes to get to your hunting spot (if you can afford teleporting, that is), and even if you obtain a mount, it won't help you move considerably faster. That's what I call a really hardcore game! :devilish:
Aug 31, 2020
Talking about the grinding?
Heh I guess you have never played Lineage II: that's where you can enjoy THE grind! :LOL:
Literally millions of slain monsters to gain a level... scarce or almost non-existent drops... insanely expensive gear... and on top of that, you have to do a lot of walking across the world, since after teleporting from town it still takes a few minutes to get to your hunting spot (if you can afford teleporting, that is), and even if you obtain a mount, it won't help you move considerably faster. That's what I call a really hardcore game! :devilish:
That's the difference between BON and Lineage II. Same way with Runescape. Want to level up woodcutting? Go press a button, wait for animation, boom you got 5 xp. Now to get to level 100 you need 50k xp. The grind and reaching new milestones is the fun of the game. So unless you have a denial and blue balling fetish. This is a huge drag when you wanna COOM and you know. Play the actual grinding part of the game which is breeding and min-maxing your profits/ breeding stocks' skills, looks, etc.


Dec 14, 2019
I was trying to do a quest for the horse girl to take the keystone i catch the futa lykos and did lv her up to 4 but seem like i cant fufill the quest is it a bug ?

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I was trying to do a quest for the horse girl to take the keystone i catch the futa lykos and did lv her up to 4 but seem like i cant fufill the quest is it a bug ?
The Lykos also needs to have the Meaty trait (it looks like a muscly flexing arm). Quests are fulfilled at the Quest board and not the NPC that gave you the quest... For some stupid reason.


Dec 14, 2019
The Lykos also needs to have the Meaty trait (it looks like a muscly flexing arm). Quests are fulfilled at the Quest board and not the NPC that gave you the quest... For some stupid reason.
so you need to catch a meaty trait lykos ?


Dec 14, 2019
The Lykos also needs to have the Meaty trait (it looks like a muscly flexing arm). Quests are fulfilled at the Quest board and not the NPC that gave you the quest... For some stupid reason.
also how can u level up the world level ?
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