Hello all !
I really enjoyed the previous PhillyGames' work, Depraved Awakening.
I was so really eager to try this one, which I did with the 0.6 version.
And... Well, I'm afraid I have a non standard opinion here, because I finally have a so-so feeling.
Let me explain :
- The sci-fi universe is immersive and coherent ;

- The story is great, efficient and captivating ;

- The characters have a real history that make you want to learn and discover them ;

- The visuals and animations are amazing and it's really a great artwork ;

- All characters have very nice and worked on faces. Victoria is really great from this point of view

So, why am I not entirely convinced ?
=> Because there's such a mess with the bodies !!!
So many characters have misshapened breasts, far away too big to simply let the characters staying up !

It's absolutely non realistic, while all the built world around tries to be coherent.
These parts of bodies were so nicely done in Depraved awakening that I'm really deceived here...
Of course, not all are bad : Ellen & Chandra for instance, are rather perfectly fitted and balanced. Doc is rather big sized, but it's still ok and nice (btw, too bad that Shandra is not more of a main character !).
On the other hand, Victoria, Shanlon and Venus... well, that's too much. I'd even dare say their breast are ugly.
To my mind, this doesn't fit with a work of such quality, it's mostly good to satisfy teenagers' fantasies...
Ok, let's say there are some amateurs ; let's Venus be the one for them. She/it is not essential for the plot so far, and, as a sexbot, her shape hasn't to be natural or realistic.
Yes, more than a criticism, this is a call for help !
Please, give a normal size to the main characters !

I'd really like to feel attracted with Victoria, while I'm really not for now, despite her intriguing plot.
Am I really the only one to have this dissonant view ?