Unless I'm forgetting something of my own game, Elly doesn't have bisexual tendencies, Nicole has, but it's more like "girls are cute" and not "I feel romantically attracted to women".
ah, it was nicole then. my bad, i remembered it was one of the two but assumed it was elly. LOL (tbh it would've been humorous if elly was bi. mainly in the sense of both siblings having a high sex drive sense. secondly in a twisted romantic sense, the siblings learning to share everything even the people they love.)
hmm, anyways that's a fair point. i still think it'd be nice if there was a route for that capitalizing on the 'girls are cute' passion turning into sexual curiosity when nicole learns elly and alice involved with the MC.
though with that said i'm also not remembering anyone else showing any signs at all. so nicole's theoretical bisexual side would be limited to when engaged in 3+somes with the MC. because none of the other women would likely be interested outside of those times.
idk just spitballing the idea around thinking "it'd be nice if". keep up the grind my good fellow.
btw on another note am i the only one who thought the cliche of elly hearing noises walking in on alice and MC just after the climax scene? i mean elly must sleep like a log, alice was quite loud at the end there. and elly's room is right below alice's no? either that or elly thought "ah mom must be masturbating again, guess i need earplugs tonight".
edit: btw is it possible to have alice be MC's first sex partner? i think i vaguely remember lucile sex being required to progress. not sure if i'm misremembering or not. would like confirmation so i know if i 'need' to replay the beginning or not.
Bullshit. You love to be that guy.
ya caught me. hate was too big of a word to apply.

but to be honest i don't think i do, i'd prefer to not be that guy if possible. mainly because i'd rather there be nothing for me to point out in a mistake or negative light at all. it's just that i prioritize the issue above my feelings. however, since i keep feeling forced into the role i've adapted. and my inclusion of humor is a direct result of my desire to remain sane. (and not seem like an asshole)
generally speaking anyways.