
Respected User
Dec 7, 2022
For those wanting to play v14 in all its uncensored glory with access to all cheat features, well here you go.

Here is my crack for version 14 of DeltaZone, which avoids requiring a "freeplay" UserID code, or requiring Delta or Investor tier to access cheats.
All you have to do is simply just use the UserID (without quotation marks) "crack", and press the Login button and it will work. The UserID should automatically be filled with crack, but if not just type it in manually.

Do feel free to @Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.

There is a more detailed readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just put the first .dll file next to the game's DeltaZone-Win64-Shipping.exe file and it will work automatically (Not the DeltaZone.exe one at the top of the game directory as that is just a launcher, it is the one inside DeltaZone\Binaries\Win64).
If the crack does not work using the first .dll, delete it and navigate inside the ALTERNATIVE folder and try that .dll instead. (Thank you SaintHusky for helping me diagnose an issue on their end and come up with this alternative)
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Dec 26, 2021
For those wanting to play v14 in all its uncensored glory with access to all cheat features, well here you go.

Here is my crack for version 14 of DeltaZone, which avoids requiring a "freeplay" UserID code, or requiring Delta or Investor tier to access cheats.
All you have to do is simply just use the UserID (without quotation marks) "crack", and press the Login button and it will work. The UserID should automatically be filled with crack, but if not just type it in manually.

Do feel free to @Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.

There is a readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just put the two .dll files next to the game's DeltaZone-Win64-Shipping.exe file and it will work automatically (Not the DeltaZone.exe one at the top of the game directory as that is just a launcher, it is the one inside DeltaZone\Binaries\Win64).

Edit: If you had audio issues, try redownloading the crack now. Sorry about that.
working method(y)


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
For those wanting to play v14 in all its uncensored glory with access to all cheat features, well here you go.

Here is my crack for version 14 of DeltaZone, which avoids requiring a "freeplay" UserID code, or requiring Delta or Investor tier to access cheats.
All you have to do is simply just use the UserID (without quotation marks) "crack", and press the Login button and it will work. The UserID should automatically be filled with crack, but if not just type it in manually.

Do feel free to @Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.

There is a readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just put the two .dll files next to the game's DeltaZone-Win64-Shipping.exe file and it will work automatically (Not the DeltaZone.exe one at the top of the game directory as that is just a launcher, it is the one inside DeltaZone\Binaries\Win64).

Edit: If you had audio issues, try redownloading the crack now. Sorry about that.
Wondering why "[VIRUS]" is in the filename


Respected User
Dec 7, 2022
Wondering why "[VIRUS]" is in the filename
Because 1 random antivirus on virustotal thinks it is "suspicious generic", so F95 auto renames the file-

I'll try recompiling and reuploading, but trust me it isn't a virus. I've uploaded multiple other cracks on this forum all have been deemed safe.

Edit: I have recompiled and reuploaded the crack above so it shouldn't be deemed as a virus anymore by 1 random antivirus because it is "suspicious generic" (literally RNG lmao)-
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Sep 21, 2020
For those wanting to play v14 in all its uncensored glory with access to all cheat features, well here you go.

Here is my crack for version 14 of DeltaZone, which avoids requiring a "freeplay" UserID code, or requiring Delta or Investor tier to access cheats.
All you have to do is simply just use the UserID (without quotation marks) "crack", and press the Login button and it will work. The UserID should automatically be filled with crack, but if not just type it in manually.

Do feel free to @Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.

There is a readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just put the two .dll files next to the game's DeltaZone-Win64-Shipping.exe file and it will work automatically (Not the DeltaZone.exe one at the top of the game directory as that is just a launcher, it is the one inside DeltaZone\Binaries\Win64).

Edit: If you had audio issues, try redownloading the crack now. Sorry about that.
Can you tell which runtime it requires? .NET, Visual C++ 20xx or anything else? It doesn't load for me on Linux in Wine though game itself works. And CFF Explorer says it requires hell of a lot of different DLLs whose names I never saw in my life. And I couldn't even find many of them in Win10 on other machine :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
TJ888 Thanks for the crack, works flawlessly. Unfortunately it seems the Adult sliders don't work. You set them to some value and they quickly reset. But at least have god mode now, and infinite ammo so that I can actually enjoy the gameplay content.
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Respected User
Dec 7, 2022
TJ888 Thanks for the crack, works flawlessly. Unfortunately it seems the Adult sliders don't work. You set them to some value and they quickly reset. But at least have god mode now, and infinite ammo so that I can actually enjoy the gameplay content.
For anyone wondering, this appears to be a bug in v14 that has nothing to do with the crack.
Even without using the crack and playing with a valid license, the same thing occurs. I haven't tested it, but perhaps the sliders only work if you currently are currently "impregnated"?
Can you tell which runtime it requires? .NET, Visual C++ 20xx or anything else? It doesn't load for me on Linux in Wine though game itself works. And CFF Explorer says it requires hell of a lot of different DLLs whose names I never saw in my life. And I couldn't even find many of them in Win10 on other machine :ROFLMAO:
AudioSeSO.dll is not my dll, I copied it directly from system32 on a Windows machine, any dependencies it needs are not my own. I am simply hijacking AudioSes as a means of simple, automatic dll injection. No .NET is needed as neither are .NET DLLs, this only needs vcredist 2015 or newer.
If you want to try, delete AudioSeSO.dll, rename AudioSes.dll to something else, and use a traditional dll injector and see if that works.
(Idk how Wine works, so there is a chance doing this method might remove all audio from the game. If there is no audio but the crack works, DM me and I can work out a solution with you)

Looking at the dependencies on Windows, all those "api-ms..." ones are also missing, but are seemingly irrelevant and not needed/ignored even on a Windows machine. Only msvcp_win.dll, RPCRT4.dll, OLEAUT32.dll, MMDevAPI.dll, and ntdll.dll and all their dependencies (excluding api-ms... again) I guess are needed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
Well, having played the 14 release cracked, some notes/bugs:

1. Enemies drop way too little ammo for the amount needed to kill them. I get the ones with cyberware are supposed to be tougher, but the standard guys that don't look like they are armored at all, takes 3-4 headshots and like 20 bodyshots, at about 3-5 meters away (with god mode on), aiming down the sights, with the gun provided on Can I play Mommy, difficulty.

2. You also cannot scrap their guns into parts either, when killing them. Or even grab their guns.

3. The adult sliders do not work. Whether you just had tentacle sex or beforehand, but they always reset back to 0.

4. You can die from falling damage with god mode on.

5. There is this dark valley, near the exfil location on the second map (the one that starts with a hoverbike), that even in the bright daylight hours becomes so dark that its like a moonless night.

6. While getting fucked by tentacles, humans came up and stole from me three times, and the tentacles didn't bother them at all. Sure the loot was on their bodies, but I can see how I kept falling in previous builds.

7. The gun combat is pretty terrible. Enemies don't suffer from any of the issues I have, have infinite ammo, can actually get back up from death several times, and don't have stamina or arm fatigue. I mean how fair is that?

8. My gun jams way too often. And there isn't a proper indicator that it is jammed or a noise that plays when it is jammed, so I just stop firing without any apparent reason, but then reload fixes it.

9. No reload sounds, so I often cannot tell when I've reloaded or not. EDIT = Probably related to infinite ammo being on.

10. Gun customization isn't paused, so while I'm busy and unable to see my surroundings enemies can walk and steal my shit.

11. Makeup options aren't saved outside of the customization menu. They display properly there, but the moment you walk away, they disappear. The rest of the body modifications do stay though, like larger tits and nips and pussy customization.

12. Enemies respawn pretty fast. Or they are lots of people hiding in corners, because I killed off three guys in a camp, wandered about for a minute, found 3 more... killed them, wandered around for another minute, found 3 more. If I didn't have god mode on, I'd be in trouble.

Will play some more and give some more feedback.


13. You cannot physically get pregnant with tentacles. I managed with a ton of work, get to 100% pregnancy (stayed at 99% despite getting raped like 12 times by tentacles), and even then, haven't seen any belly growth or number increases for tentacles or eggs for about 5 minutes.

14. Tissues don't really work that well. I used 1 tissue, and my face cum barely changed. Used the rest of my 4 tissues, and still there is a little cum on my face.

15. Liking the new anus gaping and prolapsing.

16. The All the way Through scene has no cum ejaculating from the tentacles. Not too many bulges on the belly or throat from it going ATWT either, but better than nothing.

17. Would be nice if we could choose the sex animation to be played. Currently it appears random.


18. Okay after getting raped three more times by tentacles at 100%, it FINALLY started growing eggs, but they are super slow. Like gained maybe 10% in 5 minutes?

19. Gun customization seems cool... if I could scrap enemy weapons for parts that is, rather than find the odd part off a corpse.

20. For guys complaining about getting shot, they certainly take a lot of hits... even with good ammo. Like I've used HLP FMJ APN of all 556, and they do roughly the same damage. I've used 556 and 45acp of HMD and it doesn't seem to kill them much faster either.

21. Enemy sounds played are omnidirectional, and so it is really hard to pinpoint from what direction they are shouting from and without any directional indication, not sure where I'm being shot from either.

22. Ran into some kind of reddish spectre thing. Not sure what it did to me.

23. Not finding many chests in the second map. Found one and explored what feels like at least half the map already. Pretty big spacious map for sure, which is nice, but its quite easy to get lost I find.


24. Finally found a modern selector. Switched to full auto and it often doesn't fire full auto. I hold down fire button and it fires once and that is it. Isn't jammed, have good arm stamina, have ammo in clip and its still at full auto, but is firing in single shots until I reload then it goes back to full auto.

25. Really hard to find some enemies when they die. They blend in with the ground and without any corpse highlighting, if I don't see them drop, I often don't find them again.

26. While eggs are growing, I'm at 0% impregnated and the contraceptives are showing 000 then 001 then 000 then 001, constantly.

27. Basic raiders have way better than the scrap gun I start off with. They all have red laser attachments (technically green), are all full auto and their guns never jam. How the fuck is this supposed to even be slightly fair?

28. Sunshafts constantly blink on and off and it is very distracting.

29. Appears the lack of reload sound is because I have no reload animations.

30. Despite upgrading every piece of the gun to modern, I'm still having jams pretty constantly. Totally unfair.

31. Enemies shot in the arms can still hold and aim and fire their guns. Certainly no Soldier of Fortune mechanics here, which is lame.

32. Enemies shot in the legs can still put weight on them, and walk away after falling to the ground. Not how that is supposed to work.

33. Never finding any tissues in loot. So once you are out and have cum on your face you are totally FUBAR.


34. I get massive framerate drops into single digits when near the cyberpunk city. Like the game literally freezes for several seconds.

35. Used infinite money cheat to get a full composite gun. Yeah, its decent, but honestly feels like this should be the base gun capabilities, and then have greater capabilities on top of this. Or different firing modes, like lasers, ferromagnetics (ie gauss) or energy weapons (ie pulse plasma).

36. Been playing for 40 minutes past the point now when it first said I'm growing eggs. I'm only at 38%. Besides not being able to wear a skirt, I don't see much negatives to carrying eggs around.

37. Human enemies are able to walk through the DNA gates as if they aren't there. Let one rape me, and their cum counts for tentacle pregnancy, so not sure what is going on there.

38. Corporate enemies fall to the ground and get back up mutliple times after being shot.

39. Human enemies run much faster than me, even when i'm trying to sprint.

40. Human enemies are not slowed by water, but I am.

41. Apparently need to use makeup to apply it. Apparently it is 1 makeup item per makeup piece on the body. So to get all the ones I unlocked to be visible, its like 8 makeup I need to use and each are only one-use items... unlike real-world makeup.

42. If you wear all the makeup, there is a greyish black haze in your vision that wasn't there before I applied the makeup.

43. If you are in 3rd person, and walk into those spectre things, they don't harm you at all.


44. Seems there is only one exfil spot. And after first encountering it, I couldn't find it again, so I just gave up. With no map or sense of direction, especially in those super dark areas, it felt like it would take me another hour to find it.

45. After an absolute eternity, the eggs finally hatched after what felt like 2 real time hours.

46. Travel on the hover bike is janky as fuck. Every small dip in the terrain causes it to bob up and down violently; moreso at higher speed. And inside of hovering over boulders, I crash into them go flying and die.
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Jun 20, 2019
From playing the cracked version have to say im dissapointed in the game. Game has been in development for 2 years ? or longer ? and there are barely any new adult scenes from the first release i played a long time ago. Very disappointed, but thanks to the guy who cracked the game, actually lets us see how the game is progressing and if i want to support it, which i wont unless they start making more adult stuff again.

Edit: Also pretty funny to think if i had payed money to get the latest version WITH the cheats, i wouldnt have even been able to use them since theyre broken in the newest release... what a joke.
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Respected User
Dec 7, 2022
Edit: Also pretty funny to think if i had payed money to get the latest version WITH the cheats, i wouldnt have even been able to use them since theyre broken in the newest release... what a joke.
Supposedly the adult sliders have been broken for over half a year now, but are just left in because "it doesn't hurt anything"-
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Jun 20, 2019
Supposedly the adult sliders have been broken for over half a year now, but are just left in because "it doesn't hurt anything"-
... then whats even the point of giving this guy money? no adult animations for god knows how long? the reason why you would buy the most expensive tier is completely redundant because it doesnt even work as advertised? sounding more and more like a scam at this point
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New Member
Nov 21, 2020
I’m really curious for people who blame some minor bug and lack of adult component when they use crack, and for those NSFW contents, Dev already mention his schedule in official site in Discord already that he will add it later after adjust and fix problem for SFW content and save process first

And for difficult for this game, I think if you familiar with game like sniper or others shooting game this one isn’t hard at on and just try hit target head in 1-2 shot even harder npc will down after you get better gun btw.

For pregnancy content since Version 13 host already mentioned he will slow down pregnancy process but you can check that Ivy get pregnant or not by pregnancy test kit and you can speed up pregnancy by use pregnancy speed up pill and host already get helper and has plan to make more animated for pregnancy and birth in the future after improve SFW content.

So if you just complain and don’t check any change log even version 13 that someone already show in page 107 or else and blame Dev, I think those topic really unfair to Dev hard work for this game, I also subscribe “Standard version” and don’t have any issue both SFW or NSFW content btw.
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Jan 17, 2019
Haven't played v11, but I've played 12 and 14. In 12 I now see the makeup and the sliders changed. From what I can tell, you change sliders to set what the makeup will look like, but you still have to apply the makeup. It will not apply by simply changing the slider. Also, you can submerge yourself in water (easier to do in first person while crouching) to remove cum and not waste tissues, then use tissues to just remove makeup. Takes less tissues that way.
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