Elenara duval list games and fav girls


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
Valenza Family

Mc are from one crimal family (valenza),he want to proof he don t need his father help.
He meet a girl named rose a hacker,who need money to pay her brother medical expense.
He decide to help her,in exchange of percentage of benefice.

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Feb 12, 2025
Summer Crush

MC finnished High school and going to uni after summer.
His childhood friend invite him to a party,during the party she confess her love
In the same party he will meet many others girls
He caught sophie using a analplug,later she will use it as excuse to ask help from MC by draw him naked
He meeted his old hightschoo; crush Ela,and have sex with her at bath room (she don t have route untill now)

A japenese girl and exchange number.Next day he find himself in the bed with the twins,peach and palm.
Later Yuki invite mc to pool park,yuki invite mc to have sex with her in the locker room.
During the sex,mc will hear plum and peach with he didn t call them again.

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Feb 12, 2025
Phone Story [v0.6] [Taptus]

The story is about MC who have to move to another city,seeking to have promotion.His wife Lisa stayed alone,they experience long distance relationship.Lisa have a naughty friend kira,who have open relationship with bf.Kira try to corrupt lisa,by speaking about her sexual adventure.Kira find a usb key and find mc pc hsitory who containt cuck porn video.MC have a friend (not real friend) karl,he work with lisa.During the game karl will try to seduce Lisa.
During the game a hacker will contact mc,mc will be able to see message of lisa.In the game mc can give lisa a freedom or not.

Lisa the wife:

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
Welcome to Port Haven [v0.3] [Sofia Skye]

The story is about two childhood friends get intership at Bergmedia in Port Heaven city.
Oliver and Gina as story progress,they are in love in each others.

u can play mc or fmc,it seem action can increase your stat:love,lust...

They live in shared house offered by the company,they have roomates.
They share house Ben and Amber.At company they work under a supervisor,
Sabrina for Oliver,he work on a project conserning a company shared by zara qnd her ex-husbant.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
Echoes of Deception [v0.62] [MadKoala]

The game are about fmc Diana Thomas who are detective and choosed to be part of CoT agency ( cover operation task force),who have mission to arrest criminal Paul maranzano (robbery,human traffic..).

fmc have traits/system: charisma,confindence,empathy,intelligence,willpower,shameless,flirtry,manipulative,seductive,exibionist,unfaitfull

some of her action will increase her relations with others characters.Diana are married to derreck and have a son called jason.
She sent to be boss of police in station Paul maranzano territory.She have 3 polices officer under her order:eek:mer,peterson,sarah.
She took a case of a girl called Sheril who received death menace from Maranzano.i
Diana go to Sheril home,tommy her lied by saying he don t know where is she.

Diana know that he lied,later she will show him a photo where tommy forcing sheril to give him a BJ.
under pressure he tell where Paul Maranzano stock his drug.The night she decide to check the abondoned factor,will find tommy body.
Later Sheril will break in Diana house to blame for Tommy death.During the game Diana she take care of Sheril,depend on your choice u see sex scene between sheril and diana.

Diana have received an anynom call tell her,someone place a bug in office in the police.He tell her about a mansion which in fact is Maranzano home.During
her investigation she meet Maranzano grand son.Firstly he didn t want to fellow his grandad,but after a farmer killed his dog he change his opinion.He killed the farmer to take his revenge,but farmer wife escaped.Diana will find later that Marco killed the farm.
Marco broke in Diana house to try kill her,but Diana told him his grandad would like if kill a cop.

During her investigation on maranzano,she find a man called jerry who she discover later buyed the factory where sheril killed roomate.
She will meet a old co-work ryland,which was fired because he used violent methode with suspects.He blame her,but ask her help to resolve case of missing case (work privatly).Later Diana find the missing girl body,ryland tell her he will the city.
Maranzao isomeone to kill Diana,Ryland passing by Diana notice something is wrong and save Diana.U can make her having an affair

Second part of the character photos https://thef95zone.info/threads/elenara-duval-list-games-and-fav-girls.247473/post-16463215

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
Three and One: The Cursed Mansion [v0.141] [Man from icecream van]

The best friend of mc,ask him to drive his Gf Bianca and her friends Tori and Zoe.
They suck in the town,where seem weird and magical things happen.
Mc encounter a weird motel owner ian,where they stay.
Woman without marriage are taken aways.
Mc and the 3 girls will have to work to earn coin,to pay people from cent city who might help them to get out


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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
LuckyGame [v0.2.5] [SaraGames]

graphic not good but i liked the plot and characters

MC steve used to spend his time only playing games,now he go the university.
1st he meet esme and her brother timmy.Timmy are nerd like mc.
Timmy are trying to find a strategy to get girls.It create some funny dialogue.
Steve and jimmy have a hot milf called Sara (same name of dev).
The principale are a hot milf lisa.
Sometimes Sara or Lisa call mc to their desk and have sex with him

Steve meet 2 spoiled girls mia and jess,who seem interesed only in money and drugs.
Timmy get trouble with jess,as he own her money.Previously jess fucked mc,and told him to keep secret to not ruin her reputation.Steve tell her he agree only if she earse timmy debt.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
Revenge’s Resilience [v0.2.1a] [Arkive Games]

MC was framed and acused of abusing and violence against his girlfriend.
In prison he will meet hendrick a former reporter,framed because he digged dirt on a policitan.
Liam tell Hendrick he is determinate to discover who pushed his GF emma to lie.

He propose to Liam Break out from prison.It took them 3 year to plan their escape,the guard was about to catch them than Hendrick tell him to save himself.Hendrick used explosif to help Liam.
Liam find himself in a stranger house,later he discover the owner are a old classmate Noelle.
Liam face was damaged so Noelle,asked a DR friend to perform plastic surgery on liam face.

Liam will hear a conversation betwen Noelle and someone in the phone,she was saying she have crush on liam since longtime.
She will try convince Liam to move on,and forget about the revenge.U can accept or not.
I didn t accept so Noelle told liam she will help him.
She broke up in Emma house where she fin,emma father tell her that Liam best friend was jealous from him and forced emma to lie.
Emma father said heard her crying,and she was forced in order to protect Liam.
Emma and Liam best moved to USA,he is wealth and powerfull.Liam decide he will move to usa and try to be rich,in order to achieve his revenge

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
University's Secrets [v0.01] [G2 Creations]

MC girlfriend Zoe break up because he wasn t admit to same university.
His bestie Emma will tell him to meet her at cafe.She will confort him,and till him to use plan B.
MC and Emma are going to same university.Emma see it her chance to get close MC.
MC will meet fews hot girls in the university.
Like Sarah who fall on manhood of Liam (intentionaly),during his campus with Emma.
Prof Davenport give student introduce presentation.
Strict Prof Cadwell are teaching Liam and Emma.

Here the 2nd part of photos


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Prof Davenport

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Prof Cadwell

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2025
University's Secrets [v0.01] [G2 Creations]

MC girlfriend Zoe break up because he wasn t admit to same university.
His bestie Emma will tell him to meet her at cafe.She will confort him,and till him to use plan B.
MC and Emma are going to same university.Emma see it her chance to get close MC.
MC will meet fews hot girls in the university.
Like Sarah who fall on manhood of Liam (intentionaly),during his campus with Emma.
Prof Davenport give student introduce presentation.
Strict Prof Cadwell are teaching Liam and Emma.

1st pics part

Second gallerie part


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