
Mar 4, 2019
Being insulting isn't the route I would have chosen if I wanted a bug fixed. You must be a hit with all the ladies with that attitude.

Yes, bugs still exist in the game. This bug wasn't created by me.

Being an asshole won't get you very far on these forums FYI.
1) I already fix it myself, four line of code, 15 sec, god bless qspgen.
2) I'm not being insulting, just stated the fact, it's just how it is. If someone takes it as an insult, then it's their problem.
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
I'm hoping to have something playable by July 6th. This project is very time consuming as I knew it would be going into it.

I will most likely split the project into two to three parts, otherwise you'd be waiting for months. I got quite a bit of writing and coding done this past weekend.

I also encountered a bunch of poorly coded logic in the code that handles sex (go figure). I made a bunch of improvements in this area. Being drunk had little effect other than getting the girl to the bathroom or home to instigate sex.

There will be more advantages to giving females an aphrodisiac or getting them drunk (and both). Sex will be easier in some ways and harder in others. There was a lot of logic that didn't work well and sometimes not at all. I attempted to get the majority of it working correctly. You may see messages that you haven't seen before (usually bad ones, sorry).

I made some minor code improvements with the strip club. If I can find the time, I really want to improve the music of many of the striptease videos. I feel sad that I released it without that being fixed. It all requires time.

I also had to overhaul the code that generates your family. Lots of variables were missing in order for you to interact with them.

The story is a bit darker than I had originally planned but I believe that is a good thing (hopefully the community doesn't lynch me, :rolleyes:). The world of EVIL 2 is like ours in many ways but harsher and more lawless. The police have no choice but to ignore petty crimes unless they witness them personally and even then they are sometimes ignored. This leads to vigilantism and street justice. The police can be paid off to look the other way in some cases (think Mexico and some Central and South American countries).

Slavery and prostitution are legal (with limits and rules).

Conflicts are often resolved physically instead of verbally. This is shown in the game with jealous boyfriends at the nightclub and with Crow at the strip club.

As stated in character creation (beginning of the game), females are viewed as second class citizens. They can't vote so it is similar to how it was in the United States before women got the right to vote (19th and early 20th centuries). It was a social norm for women to be submissive to males, such as husbands, and those with any type of authority.

"In colonial America, men were considered superior to woman –- in all ways, even in terms of morality. In a world of strict patriarchal hierarchy, men controlled not only wealth and political power but also how their children were raised, religious questions, and all matters of right and wrong." - DR. GRAHAM WARDER

This background is important for the story to make sense. And no, I don't share these views but that is the setting for the game world.
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Family members appears instead of gang members.
View attachment 1885225
No comment.
View attachment 1885226
Thank you for the bug report. I don't have a save game with a gang right now but give this a try:

gang calc.jpg

You can also try it by removing the comment flag from the commented out line and commenting out the line below it. I'm working on the family story so I won't have a chance to test it for a while...

I also fixed the bug you reported earlier, however it took me 15 minutes to find and fix it instead of 15 seconds like you.


I just had to remove the 'if room=2:' if statement to fix it. That bug was created by jessicajones when she added maids to the mansion. You could also fix it by changing the $line numbers so they are unique and don't get reused. Both 'place_main' and 'place_towncenter' use the same $line numbers so that is why the bug occurred. Since jessicajones put a condition on the code (if room=2: (and the room wasn't the mansion)) it caused 'place_main' to use the $line number values from 'place_towncenter'.

Regarding the gang bug, jessicajones did say that she overhauled the end of day earnings report (which this is a part of - vivodgangcikl) so it could have been her also. She did a lot of great things for the game so I'm not hating on her in any way.

The gang code hasn't been touched in a long time. I'm sure the gang code is filled with bugs!
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Videos are not showing in sex scenes, even tho i have files in folders
You have to use the QSP player that comes with the game. No other QSP player will work. The game is windows only unfortunately. The game could be made to work with other QSP players but all the videos would have to be re-encoded.

If you are using the game on a Windows OS and you are using the QSP player that came with the game, then you didn't install the update properly.

If you are playing the game on a VM, then you have to select the correct video adapter in the VM settings. This is a common problem with those playing the game on a virtual machine (VM).
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Progress towards the next update is going better than expected. I'm actually ahead of schedule right now (when does that ever happen).

All that I'm trying to decide right now is when to cutoff part 1 and release it. Currently, I have the story written and coded to get the family to your mansion. I've been playing it and testing it dozens of times and making small improvements and tweaks as I go.

The story will play out like a kinetic visual novel for the most part. This isn't Ren'Py but it is very possible to do that in QSP. I'm just trying to decide if I should add some sex to part 1 or leave that to part 2. If I do add it then the update will still probably be released on July 6th as planned because that will be a lot more coding and work!

I debated on adding some choices to the story, however most of the choices would end in failure so I thought it best to narrate the story. Adding choices that really matter leads to much more work in creating alternate story paths. This is why visual novels generally have few choices that really have an impact on the story. Those that do are usually just skipping content/scenes or decide on who you end up with or have a scene with. That approach won't work with my story for several reasons.

Anyway, this is a porn game that uses real porn images and real porn videos. That much isn't changing. There are a few minor problems with immersion with my story and it is impossible to avoid when using real porn. For example, I can't find images of the porn stars (that I'm using) that are sad or crying. They just aren't available. So the images don't always match the emotions and setting of the story events. I apologize for this in advance but there is little I can do about it without becoming an expert photo editor/manipulator (or make it all text based which is worse in my opinion).

I still have plenty of testing to do, especially in the sex part of the game. I've made a lot of changes there and I need to try and test all scenarios.
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Apr 7, 2018
Interaction with family is good. it would also be nice to have more torture facilities in the farm. In any case, think it's good that it's going on.


Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Interaction with family is good. it would also be nice to have more torture facilities in the farm. In any case, think it's good that it's going on.
The problem with this is a lack of content. Videos for the farm are scarce as it is. Aside from whipping, very few studios do the content you are suggesting.
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Evil 2 - Version 0.55 Beta

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug with the gang report causing family members to be listed as gang members (reported by player)
  • Fixed a bug where 'real estate agency' and 'nightclub' would display on the screen when not living in the mansion (reported by player)
  • Removed the 'Offer sex for drugs' option with NPCs since you are supposed to be the drug dealer/crime lord. The 'Offer drugs for sex' option is untouched.
  • Fixed the code that generates your family. Lots of variables were missing in order for you to interact with them.
  • Fixed several bugs with selling drugs at the nightclub
  • Fixed several bugs with drug dens/drug dealers​
  • Fixed several bugs with drug couriers​
  • Fixed several bugs with maids​
  • Fixed numerous bugs with sex​
  • Numerous misc bug fixes​

  • There are now four stages of being tired instead of 3 - "very tired". Before, if your energy was 1 to 9, you were "a little bit tired." Four Stages: Full of energy -> a little tired -> very tired - > exhausted​
  • Overhauled how drug couriers work. Before you could travel by plane to Columbia, purchase 5000 doses of drugs, and return by plane all in the same day and every day. Drug couriers can now make up to two trips per week. Before, drug couriers were also grossly unbalanced since you could make over 1000 caps per day per courier. This overshadowed all other forms of slave and whore jobs so there was little reason to do anything else. Note: as normal with drug couriers, you have to go to Tony's mansion and sell him the drugs before you will earn any money. This is the only slave/whore job that requires an extra step.​
  • If an NPC had a tan, their skin color wasn't shown. Now it will show both (tanned and skin color/tone).​
  • Overhauled the 'kiss' code/logic to check for relationship score instead of their corruption stat which didn't make much sense. When you take girls on dates now and try to kiss them, you won't get rejected all the time if the girl is innocent as long as you have a good relationship with her.​
  • Overhauled and enhanced portions of the sex code (mostly home sex). A lot of the "back engine" code for sex was either non-functional or had lots of logic problems. Greatly improved the consistency of the sex logic and code. You may see messages that you haven't seen before since a lot of the code wasn't working properly. Part of this partial overhaul was making all factors play a larger role in sex success/failure such as being drunk, aphrodisiacs, girl pleasure and satisfaction, etc. If you don't try and make the girl feel good, sex may end early. Mix it up, try different positions, and try and make the girl happy also.​
  • Improved the logic of drug dens and drug couriers​
  • You now have the option to recall all of your drug couriers at once like you can with the other job types for slaves and whores​
  • Made minor improvements to the code at the strip club​
  • Overhauled portions of the drinking code at the nightclub. Before, if you added an aphrodisiac to the girl's drink, you could no longer continue to offer her drinks. This is now possible. The aphrodisiac's effects will remain active for as long as you interact with her and don't switch to a different NPC.​
  • Minor text improvements​
  • Minor formatting improvements​

New Features

  • Added a new random event/story with your family! Wrote a hopefully deep and emotional story. This makes up the majority of this update and a lot of time was spent on this. I am not long winded or verbose so the story moves along at a fast pace. There are multiple parts to the story and it is interactive, however it isn't a branching story with choices. It plays like a story driven visual novel at times. I do hope that you enjoy it (despite some parts of it being tragic) and feel that it is meaningful and somewhat immersive. A lot of the story plays to the strengths and weaknesses of the Evil 2 game world.

New Videos (for regular NPCs, not family members):

2 - Anal Doggy
2 - Anal Doggy Rough
1 - Anal Cowgirl Flex
3 - Anal Cowgirl
2 - Anal Cowgirl Rough
1 - Breast sucking
1 - Kissing
1 - Deepthroat
4 - Pissing


Windows OS - (Windows 7 or newer fully updated)
You must use the QSP Player that comes with the game. No other QSP Player will work!

Note: If you are playing the game in a VM, you must select the correct video adapter in the VM settings in order for pictures and videos to show up.


- standalone - no special installation instructions (12 GB)
- standalone - no special installation instructions (12 GB)

  1. Extract 'Evil 2 - 0_55Beta.7z' using 7-zip - right click on the file, select 7-zip, select 'Extract Here'
  2. The game will not work with other QSP versions! Use the version that comes with the game!
  3. The game is Windows only. If you use the game in a VM, you must select the correct video adapter in the VM settings in order for images and videos to show up.

How to Start the Game
  1. Open up your Evil 2 game folder
  2. Double click on 'qspgui.exe'
  3. At the top, click on 'Quest' then 'Open Game'
  4. Select 'Evil2-spectre1viper.qsp' located in the 'Evil' folder

Developer Notes

This is part 1 of the new story with the MC's family. I am planning on releasing a part 2 at minimum. Part 1 does not include sex with family members. That will require a separate release. Part 2 will be less story and more intimacy (the opposite of part 1). The story with this version ends when your family arrives at your mansion.

I really like the story I created and hope you enjoy it also. The story focuses on you and your family but also illustrates what the Evil 2 world is like and how it is different than ours.

All 5 random/special events must be completed before you can begin the story with the MC's family.

Random/Special Events

Mansion Burglar
Mansion College Girl
Mansion Solicitor
Farm College Hazing
Stranded Motorist

This update also includes the 0.54 release so there is no need to install version 0.54 first, however the full 0.53 version is still required to be installed first (approximately 10 GB). I released this version as a Beta because I touched a huge amount of code in this release. I have a hard time believing that I didn't add a few bugs along the way... For every bug I may have added, I fixed at least ten other bugs hopefully. I did a sanity check of my code but didn't do a full test (would take weeks). Please report any new bugs that you find. I will look at existing bugs also as long as they aren't gang related.

Please refer to my earlier post for additional information about this version.

I don't take requests. I'm doing this for personal thrills only.

I hope there is still some limited interest in this game. I had fun with it. :p

Update: It just occurred to me that players could potentially mess things up with family members since the story is not complete. Once your family arrives at your mansion do not turn them into whores or slaves. Please wait until at least the next version. You are welcome to date them but don't make any life altering choices with them yet. Once I am done with the story, you'll have the option to keep them as loving family members or turn them into whores or slaves. You get to decide but please don't decide until I finish their story. :giggle:
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Aug 7, 2021
Ty noobtrain for this update to the game, will absolutely try it out.

One quick question, how do you trigger the Stranded Motorist special event?
And for that matter, could you make a quick guide on how to trigger all 5 of them?

Thx in advance
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Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Ty noobtrain for this update to the game, will absolutely try it out.

One quick question, how do you trigger the Stranded Motorist special event?
And for that matter, could you make a quick guide on how to trigger all 5 of them?

Thx in advance
Here is a basic checklist that will trigger most of the events:
  • Own the mansion
  • Own a cool car
  • Own all the firearms
  • Purchase all the extras at your mansion
  • Have at least 6 mansion security guards
  • Have at least 2 maids
  • Train at least 12 slaves
  • Have at least 12 whores
  • Be a taxi driver a moderate amount (mostly to get new slaves to train - capture the best girls)
  • Have contacts/relationships with lots of NPCs including high society and students
  • Have an excellent relationship with the chief of police, maintain it, and visit him occasionally
  • Have an excellent relationship with Tony and do business with him occasionally
  • Keep fit and a good appearance
  • Earn lots of money
  • Spend time at your mansion doing regular activities at different times of the day
If I can think of anything else I'll add to this list. Basically, the new story with your family is late game content. If you are new to the game it will take you a long time to get there (unless you cheat heavily which I don't recommend for new players).
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Mar 21, 2017
I want to try this game, but anyone can confirm if this game still has a anti-tempering on it ? I love being able to "mod" games that i play to add some nice personal QOL features or just remove or bypass some shitty features (Like minigames and low random chances).

I remember that Evil 1 always crashed if you even modified the QSP game, and i believe that Evil 2 had the same.
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