LMFAO i wish this was like luna falls falls from grace cos alot of the guys are just straight up cunts!!, i just want to kill them

Fred i cant stand him more everytime i see this cunt i want just chop off his cock or put him in chastity and cut his smug smile from his face lol. I know it is not this type of game i get that, its just my way of thinking, i just want monica to dominate the fuck out of him even double domming him with mel or someone lol
Biff i just wanna pull his fucking teeth out and shove them up his arse, again i wanna dominate the fuck out of him.
I dont know if she does or not cos so far i am at the point where victoria is fucking mel for the first time of their meeting, so i kinda wanna know if mon gets any revenge on any of these fucktard cunts.
I do know she revenges steve but i just wanna know any revenge on the two cunts i have mentioned above?
I just want to avoid all of the cocks as much as i can. Also someone please tell me that monica gets her place back at somepoint from where i am at cos her dialogues of " i will get my company back" constantly is getting annoying to be honest lol