
Engaged Member
Jul 28, 2017
For now... I mean I'm pretty sure every girl in that entire school wants to bang him.
97 playthroughs, doesn't seem so bad.
Funny thing is that ES will have pregnancy, so the school is probably going to end up looking like a fucking prenatal one.

To me the decission will be easy, either Alice or Mel. They seem to be the only ones who are actually in love with MC or can have a proper relationship with him so far.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
yes, save 1-1 it is the source of the name issues ppl are having.
Name issues? Must admit i'm not aware of the problem.

But then i just Dloaded this game for the first time and found the save by accident barely out of the intro.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2018
Name issues? Must admit i'm not aware of the problem.

But then i just Dloaded this game for the first time and found the save by accident barely out of the intro.
people that were already using save 1-1 and didn't overwrite the save included with the zip mistakenly thought their MC name had reverted to the default, though they were actually loading a save that wasn't theirs.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
people that were already using save 1-1 and didn't overwrite the save included with the zip mistakenly thought their MC name had reverted to the default, though they were actually loading a save that wasn't theirs.
Oh, that must have been confusing and hilarious in a terrible way.
Coming across hidden saves in a game can always be a funny thing.

Frank Rosario

Engaged Member
Jan 1, 2018
Update 19/12/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Freeloading family" version "0.29 Gallery Unlocked".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".
The translation is provided in two formats: .exe (self-extracting) and .zip. It is not necessary to use both.

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Freeloading family" versione "0.29 Gallery Unlocked".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".
La traduzione viene fornita in due formati: .exe (autoestraente) e .zip. Non e' necessario utilizzarle entrambe.


Update 20/10/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Freeloading family" version "0.28 Gallery Unlocked".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Freeloading family" versione "0.28 Gallery Unlocked".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 12/08/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Freeloading family" version "0.27 Gallery Unlocked".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Freeloading family" versione "0.27 Gallery Unlocked".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 07/05/2020

Here is the Revision 1 of Italian translation of "Freeloading Family" version "0.26".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
Ecco la Revisione 1 della traduzione italiana di "Freeloading Family" versione "0.26".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 18/03/2020

Here is the Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 025.
Same rules as the previous version.

The link is:


Update 26/01/2020

Here is the Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 024.
Same rules as the previous version.

The link is:


Update 07/11/2019

Here is the Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 023.1.
Same rules as the previous version.

The link is:


Update 15/10/2019

Here is the Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 022.

From 13 october 2019 I have adopted a new translation and distribution system. Hoping to meet the many who have had problems with previous translations in .rar format, the new system includes a file executable (.exe) that does not need anything else.
It is the "raw" translation of files without grammatical corrections, often indispensable.
From time to time I will publish revisions which, in addition to the grammar, will correct the errors/omissions.

The link is:

1) Copy the translation file to the same directory where the main game file resides.
Example: You have a "HurryUp" game installed in "C:\Games\HurryUp". In this folder you will find the main file of the game called "HurryUp.exe". (Note: In PCs where extensions are not shown known files, this file will only result "HurryUp" of "Type" as "Application").
In this way, in the "C:\Games\HurryUp" folder there will be both the main file of game that of translation.
2) Launch the translation file and check that in the "Destination folder" selection box the game folder appears. In our example there must be "C:\Games\HurryUp". If not, it is necessary to modify the writing so that there is "C:\Games\HurryUp". Then click on "Extract".
3) At the end you can delete the translation file.
4) To verify that the translation has been installed correctly, check that the file is there zzz.rpy in the "game" folder of the game (In our example in "C:\Games\HurryUp\game") and that there is the "it" folder in "game\tl" (In our example in "C:\Games\HurryUp\game\tl").

P.S. If you cannot/want to copy the translation file to the game directory, just indicate the latter ("C:\Games\HurryUp") in the "Destination folder" selection box after launching the translation.
P.S.2 At the first start the game must integrate the translation files for which it will be necessary to wait patiently until this operation ends. This operation is done only at the first start.

A small manual illustrated with installation instructions, in .pdf format, can be found here:

Given the experimental nature of the new system, if the game has crashes / errors / anomalies, please send me, in private, the log.txt, error.txt and traceback.txt files that are generated in the folder where is the executable file of the game (Note: Not all three of these files are always present) to be able to
fix things...

And if you like this translation, don't forget to put a Like, always welcome!


Ecco la traduzione italiana di Freeloading Family versione 022.

Dal 13/10/2019 ho adottato un nuovo sistema di traduzione e di distribuzione. Sperando di venire incontro ai tanti che hanno avuto problemi con le traduzioni precedenti in formato .rar, il nuovo sistema prevede un file eseguibile (.exe) che non necessita di niente altro.
E' la traduzione "grezza" dei file senza correzioni grammaticali, spesso indispensabili.
Di tanto in tanto pubblicherò delle revisioni che, oltre la grammatica, aggiusteranno gli errori/omissioni.

Il link è:

1) Copiare il file della traduzione nella stessa directory dove risiede il file principale del gioco.
Esempio: Si abbia un gioco "HurryUp" installato in "C:\Giochi\HurryUp". In questa cartella si troverà il file principale del gioco chiamato "HurryUp.exe". (Nota: Nei PC dove non sono mostrate le estensioni dei file noti, questo file risulterà solo "HurryUp" di "Tipo" come "Applicazione").
Così facendo, nella cartella "C:\Giochi\HurryUp" saranno presenti SIA il file principale del gioco CHE quello della traduzione.
2) Lanciare il file della traduzione e verificare che nella casella di selezione "Cartella di destinazione" compaia la cartella del gioco. Nel nostro esempio dovrà esserci "C:\Giochi\HurryUp". Se così non fosse, occorre modificare la scritta perchè ci sia "C:\Giochi\HurryUp". Dopo cliccare su "Estrai".
3) Al termine si potrà cancellare il file della traduzione.
4) Per verificare che la traduzione sia stata installata correttamente, verificare che ci sia il file zzz.rpy nella cartella "game" del gioco (Nel nostro esempio in "C:\Giochi\HurryUp\game") e che ci sia la cartella "it" in "game/tl" (Nel nostro esempio in "C:\Giochi\HurryUp\game\tl").

P.S. Qualora non si possa/voglia copiare il file della traduzione nella directory del gioco, basterà indicare quest'ultima ("C:\Giochi\HurryUp") nella casella di selezione "Cartella di destinazione" dopo aver lanciato la traduzione.
P.S.2 Al primo avvio il gioco dovrà integrare i file della traduzione per cui sarà necessario aspettare pazientemente che questa operazione finisca. Questa operazione viene fatta solo al primo avvio.

Un piccolo manuale illustrato con le istruzioni di installazione, in formato .pdf, lo trovate qui:

Vista la natura sperimentale del nuovo sistema, qualora il gioco abbia crash/errori/anomalie, prego inviarmi, in privato, i file log.txt, error.txt e traceback.txt che vengono generati nella cartella dove c'è il file eseguibile del gioco (Nota: Non tutti e tre questi file sono sempre presenti) per poter aggiustare le cose...

E se questa traduzione vi piace, non dimenticate di mettere un Like, sempre ben accetto!


Update 05/09/2019

I've just made the Italian translation of "Freeloading Family" version 0.21. I corrected many inaccuracies but there are still some.

The folder pointed to by the link contains ALL the translations performed for the game. You need to download ONLY the one for your version.
The .rar file of the translation respects the following rules: XXX000yIta.rar where XXX=Acronym of the game, 000=Version, y=Revision (if any).

The link is:

1) Delete ALL *.rpy files in the "game" folder and in all its sub-folders. IMPORTANT: The *.rpy files are not included in all versions of the game.
2) Copy the .rar file for your version to the game's "game" folder.
3) Unzip the files in this folder. You need to unpack with the EXTRACT HERE action, answering YES to any overwrite request.
4) An error may appear during the first run of the game. It's normal. Just close the game and restart it.

This translation includes additional commands to get back in the game and other useful options.


La cartella indicata dal link contiene TUTTE le traduzioni eseguite per il gioco. Devi scaricare SOLO quella per la tua versione.
Il file .rar della traduzione rispetta le seguenti regole: XXX000yIta.rar dove XXX=Acronimo del gioco, 000=Versione, y=Revisione (se c'e').

1) Cancellare TUTTI i file *.rpy presenti nella cartella "game" ed in tutte le sue sottocartelle. IMPORTANTE: Non in tutte le versioni del gioco sono presenti i file *.rpy.
2) Copiare il file .rar per la tua versione nella cartella "game" del gioco.
3) Scompattare i file in questa cartella. Occorre scompattare con l'azione ESTRAI QUI, rispondendo SI alla eventuale richiesta di sovrascrittura.
4) Durante la prima esecuzione del gioco puo' comparire un errore. E' normale. Basta chiudere il gioco e riavviarlo.

In questa traduzione sono compresi i comandi aggiuntivi per poter tornare indietro nello svolgere del gioco ed altre opzioni utili.
Last edited:

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Oh, this was a nice update, loved the long Melody scene. Quite unexpected to hear from her again.

Unfortunately the hotel scene remained a little bit underwhelming in retrospect as we did not get a continued action from last update, just a time jump and them going home.

On the other fronts things are flowing along nicely, and I'm looking forward to what we do with Leah next time around.


Active Member
Mar 8, 2018
here my Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 0.18.
As much as possible I have tried to eliminate the grammatical inaccuracies deriving from the translation of Google Translate.

Here the link:

To install just unzip the FRE018Ita.rar file in the game's "game" directory. Answer Yes to any overwrite request.
1) At the first start an error may occur. Just close and restart the game.


qui la mia traduzione in italiano di Freeloading Family versione 0.18.
Per quanto possibile ho cercato di eliminare le inesattezze grammaticali derivanti dalla traduzione di Google Translate.

Per installare basta scompattare il file FRE018Ita.rar all'interno della directory "game" del gioco. Rispondere Si alla eventuale richiesta di sovrascrittura.
1) Al primo avvio puo' presentarsi un errore. Basta chiudere e riavviare il gioco.
Grazie mille/thank you very much.

V.A. Laurie

Game Writer & Editor
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
I had some IRL life stuff come up and forgot to send the script off to @Qleaf for the walkthrough.

It's not very needed but we'll probably get one updated soon(ish)


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
I've always enjoyed the game, but I found this last update especially hilarious. I wanted to ask whether you hired someone to help you with the story, and then I saw you did. Or has V.A. Laurie always written the story and have I been oblivious. Anyway, good update!


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
I've always enjoyed the game, but I found this last update especially hilarious. I wanted to ask whether you hired someone to help you with the story, and then I saw you did. Or has V.A. Laurie always written the story and have I been oblivious. Anyway, good update!
the game has been consistently funny snarky goofy since day hasnt it has gone along for many moons as would be natural for most anyone who keeps at it..he just keeps improving..but the tone and style has been the same..its all V.A.
3.90 star(s) 184 Votes