Others GameMaker2 - Prohibited Actions


New Member
Aug 7, 2019
Hello, can you use GameMaker 2 to make games with sexual elements? I'm sure I have seen developers use the engine yet the user agreement states that,

"Do not do or say anything which is or may be considered threatening, abusive, obscene, racist, xenophobic, sexist, defamatory, pornographic, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or illegal. This includes masked words (---), acronyms and abbreviations."

What do you think?

The link below is the User Agreement, I am looking at "6. Prohibited Actions"


New Member
Sep 29, 2019
Well... legally speaking, no. But I doubt that YoYoGames will try to enforce it. Unless you try to publish/advertise it on their site. (Which probably won't be the case)

So... if I were you, and creating a hobby free game, I'd continue the development, what could they do against you anyway? Charge you?

Now, if you plan on creating something more big/professional/commercial, and want to advertise it without fear of legal actions, I'd chose another engine. My first engine was GameMaker then I migrated to Godot Engine and I'm happy with it.


Engaged Member
Jul 23, 2017
I seriously doubt that they legally can enforce those limitations if you have bought their tool. You usually don't have the right to set any limitations for use when people purchase software. If that was possible, I'm pretty sure that any American software company would do it, including Microsoft.
Mar 2, 2020
tl;dr: The restrictions only apply to the GameMaker Marketplace or other platforms and websites that Gamemaker operates.

7. Restricted Content and use."] You are not allowed to publish any content (including User Generated Content), to GameMaker Feature, which is or may be considered threatening, abusive, obscene, racist, xenophobic, sexist, defamatory, pornographic, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or illegal (‘Restricted Content’) This includes masked words (—), acronyms and abbreviations. Opera reserves a right to remove Restricted Content. By accepting these Terms, you also agree to be bound by the Acceptable Use Policy of GameMaker feature.
The operative clause is "publish any content (including User Generated Content), to GameMaker Feature[...]"

The GameMaker Feature consists of:
  1. GameMaker: the proprietary computer software program known as 'GameMaker', including: (i) any and all constituent elements of the same (including its code, tools, data, scripts, technologies, software libraries etc); and (ii) any upgrades, patches, fixes, improvements or additional content.
  2. A website: , where you may obtain a license for GameMaker.
  3. GameMaker Marketplace, where you may buy or sell “Publisher Content”.
  4. GameMaker Help Centre, where you can receive support for any issues that you may have with GameMaker.
  5. Other platforms and websites that we operate, where you may use our content (“GameMaker Content”) or publish your content (“Publisher Content”).
See #5: "Other platforms and websites that we operate, where you may use our content (“GameMaker Content”) or publish your content (“Publisher Content”)."

4. Publishers. If you use your GameMaker Account to distribute or publish games or other Publisher Content on GameMaker Marketplace, you agree to be bound to these Terms as a platform publisher (“Publisher”).

Examining the Runtime License Terms:

License Terms
  1. Opera grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited, worldwide license for the licence duration specified at the time of purchase.
  2. In no circumstances are you permitted to share your own or use a third party's GameMaker license.
  3. This licence grants you the right to distribute the runtime portion of GameMaker in executable code format only as an integrated and inseparable part of your content to third parties to whom you license such content, subject in each case to your full compliance with the GameMaker Terms and payment of all applicable fees.
  4. You agree that any such distribution is at your own risk and may be subject to additional terms and conditions depending on the applicable third party platform, which we suggest you read carefully before exporting any content.
  5. At times it may be necessary for us to cease support for some platforms, this may be due to reasons such as them reaching their end of life or us being unable to properly support them. If this is the case then you will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.
  6. Unless required by law it is not permitted to make changes to this GameMaker Runtime Licence. In the event that a change is required you will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.

License Terms

  1. Opera grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited, worldwide license for the licence duration specified at the time of purchase.
  2. In no circumstances are you permitted to share your own or use a third party's GameMaker license.
  3. This licence grants you the right to distribute the runtime portion of GameMaker in executable code format only as an integrated and inseparable part of your content to third parties to whom you license such content, subject in each case to your full compliance with the GameMaker Terms and payment of all applicable fees.
  4. You agree that any such distribution is at your own risk and may be subject to additional terms and conditions depending on the applicable third party platform, which we suggest you read carefully before exporting any content.
  5. At times it may be necessary for us to cease support for some platforms, this may be due to reasons such as them reaching their end of life or us being unable to properly support them. If this is the case then you will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.
  6. Unless required by law it is not permitted to make changes to this GameMaker Runtime Licence. In the event that a change is required you will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.
Clause #3 (Free and Professional) permit you to distribute the part of GamerMaker needed to execute your content (i.e. "Play the Game").

So...Yes, you can code the filthiest games you can imagine...but you can't distribute them on GameMaker Marketplace (or Other platforms and websites they operate)