Seeking Games To Enhance With Own Webm Files


New Member
Aug 25, 2016
Hey guys!

You might know the game Escort Dreams, a sandbox game in which you play a hooker on her path of corruption (some tf and incest in it, too). Because of the file structure it is very easy to simply exchange the existing video files with your own webms.
Now I wonder if there are games that work the same way.
Or, if anyone is planning on making such a game? I think it would extremely help motivating players if you could change the video files (and make use of your webm collection). Full disclosure, I won't make a game because I have neither the time nor the knowledge for that.
So: does anyone know anything like that being worked on?


Aug 24, 2016
Qsp games that use Awesomium. I think "Big Kuyash" and "Son of a Bitch" use it. Not sure if they have gifs or webms.
(All Qsp games can play gifs. For webms they need Awesomium.)

Do you just rename the files or do you change the code?

One html game that I remember is "The Therapist" by Drunknescafe, but he uses gifs. So you would need to either convert your webms to gifs or edit the code.

If you want to fiddle with games download QGen for Qsp games and Twine for html games made with Twine.

Edit: Remembered another one. Also gifs. "Psychic Private Eye"
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
I would say some RPG Maker MV games if you can see the pictures. Replace the pics/videos with same format and name but your own pictures/gifs/webms. Same is true for QSP. Keep the file types the same to avoid any issues. If you don't then you have to use the qgen and make sure it do that (I don't know how). With html, you can change the name in the html file itself.
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Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
The closest thing I can think of is this: