Still I don't see Eliette or Maryen going around killing people just for the fun of it, I don't care who Kendra or Nyxmay were in the past, what matters is what they are doing now and Vai'Klis didn't always have that ability, after her death I remember that Kendra and Nyxmay did something to her body to make her come back and that result in her being some sort of a ghost giantess (they never explain exactly what). And yeah I remember perfecttly well about the purifying armys, I never said the people of the heaven kingdom are perfect or totally good but thay at least don't have a FUCKING DEATH COLISEUM as a main attraction on the city or slaves or people dead in the middle of the street just because some giantess decide to kill them. The people of Keisiema might not accept the undead as living people but they at least don't do any of the the crazy shit that happens in Homaspernia and in Eliette route we already see what happens to someone that stays as an undead for a long period of time.
Well, to be honest, Maryen didn't kill anyone yet just because her eyepatch manages to supress her (it won't last forever though), and Eliette didn't kill anyone yet becuase it's a matter of time due to her clumsiness. I mean, you can literally get killed by her at least once during the story, lmao. Jokes aside, Eliette is a celestial creature, no wonder she will be exceptionally kind and gentle, however, that does not deny the fact that purifying armies might've done many questionable things that we just don't know about. Death colliseums are basically a show made of convicts exectuion. All their contestants are criminals and madmen willing to die. Yes, Keisiema does not do any "crazy shit", but so as Homaspernia, because it's a matter of perspective. For a demoness its crazy to treat a normal sized person as equal, so as its crazy to not do that in Keisiema. As long as both these countries not impose their ways of living to others - it's okay. I mean, you think that it's crazy how things are in Hell Kingdom, and thats understandable, however, its citizens are not saint at all. Even among normal sized people, the strong thrive from weak: they rob, kill each other, and that is as crazy. Perhaps its not that simple after all?