I have no idea what the DS plans are and i also don't know if he has an empty wallet. It promises more delivery, but we must think that its new contents are delivered within a month or a few days, maybe even two months. I've seen many devs around here take their time and deliver content that doesn't last more than 30 minutes of gameplay. I don't know if anyone cares about your game or about him, but he could have abandoned his project and done something else as some do. He may be milking or just delivering content to a specific public, which is Max's case. In fact, he should ask himself why things are happening this way, the reason being that he is not being fair to a side he created. He first builds Kate's story, something he's been building since 2016, ends the project to create Big Brother, abandon the project to come back with Kate's story. His public seems to put pressure on him to create a story with a male character, he felt "threatened" because he could still be developing Kate's story or even ending it, but he wasted a lot of time listening to his clients, if that's not asking yourself why your public doesn't pay, here's the answer. I know your biggest paying public is Max's, because if it were from Kate he wouldn't be giving 7 updates from Max, it was 8 months with updates from Max with a poll manipulated.I have a question. How did you get the idea that Dark Silver has a plan? I think he just has an empty wallet! Dark Silver promises his patrons anything just to fill his wallet. The players who like this game don't give a shit about Dark Silver. (Because they don't pay for it) Dark Silver should ask himself why these players don't want to pay and why he doesn't reach his goals (40% of what he achieves want).
And again just another promise from Dark Silver-smaller updates at shorter intervals??? Well a new month has started and not a small update, maybe it will be the biggest update of all time again. (big laugh) sorry if he steals his alleged developments somewhere else then he should also think about why these games where he steals by far are more successful than his failed attempts.
His "biggest updates" are jokes indeed. Going back to your question, what's on his mind, i don't know, i must say that sometimes he impresses me and other times not. I don't play your game anymore, because for me the story is going to an empty void that will go nowhere, without script and development.
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