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Proof of Life #261: First release this weekend
2 days ago
Hello everyone, how are you doing in this fine morning/afternoon/evening? I’ll keep this PoL short, because I want to go back to work ASAP^^
So, you know how last PoL I talked about having a sore throat, and how it would fix itself after a good night’s sleep? Well, it didn’t, and on the next day I felt so sick and exhausted I slept all throughout the day until 7pm. I’m a lot better now, but I didn’t get to work as much as I’d hoped.
That doesn’t mean I’ve been doing nothing. I’ve finished the extra scene, which was quite a pain in the ass, and by now it only needs a bit of testing and some extra animations. I’ve also finished the story segment before the last Rose scene. That means I still got one more scene and some more story afterwards before I can release the update.
Now, because of the past week’s delay, I’ve decided to free my schedule up so I can focus on working, and you have my word that, unless something unplanned comes up, I’ll have the new update out by the end of this week.
About Steam… Well, they’re still reviewing the game as we speak, but I think it’s looking good. I’ll probably be able to sell it there.
That’s all I had to say. Thank you for your patience, and I’ll see you soon!
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!
PS: Since I know you all loved them, I've added one of the stick figures animation I use as placeholders in the screenshots above. This one's for the extra scene~