Looking forwards seeing a demo by november(?) and later on a "proper" product.
Description, though, being slightly confusing dateline wise so I guess uni starts 2054 or -55.
I've been writing it all in a state of delirium and sleep deprivation, so ya, I will make sure stuff makes more sense. Based on my previous experience, I think 4 weeks is fairly realistic to get the demo out.
I'm getting the designs of the core casts locked down - this time, I won't mess it up by using bad assets and then struggling during game dev... I struggled plenty by making bad initial designs for the first game.
1st time I find a development thread day 1, does that make me cool?

Not familiar with your game(s), so can't offer feedback.
I don't know if it makes you cool, but it definitely makes me cool xD
The other game was a good example of being too overly ambitious. And in the process of losing my Patrons, but that was expected. Surprisingly, it didn't go as badly as I thought it would
Damn, I need to do so much updating now with the website, socials, etc. - that will take a while, and people will be confused for a while... gets it's the expected repercussion of switching midway
So group sex, do you mean sharing?
Sharing is under consideration - but it might be how it's done in Desert Stalker (accept/reject directly). Probably no - I want to focus my energy on more emotional components.
Ava here to do Ava things and don my heels to stomp on some dreams......
The dreamcrusher...
1 game started, draw in a player base and then put that on hold to start another. Why does that matter I hear absolutely no one ask because i'm alone and that would mean i'm hearing voices ... again ....
The biggest priority is that the final game is good, and you need to make some choices if it isn't (more below).
You stand at the edge of a precipice. On the one hand, you devote your dev energy to this game, build up the confidence from your player base, finish the game and rejoice in the praise (hopefully).
I think there are two types of confidence being built.
First is the ones that you mention - you put in the energy, get the initial recognition, hopefully, and then finish. Some of it translates to financial backing on Patreon/Itch. Obviously, the audience is kept posted about all changes - and is always free to withdraw, not running a scam here lol.
Second is the skill you accumulate. Keep in mind, around half a year ago, I had no idea what Daz3D was - and now I feel super confident in it. This, however, resulted in when I created Chimera assets, some things were very broken, but I had to stick with them cause a big chunk of work was already done.
But then the question emerges - what if midway, you realize you won't be able to finish it? And that you've driven yourself into sort of a hole (in my case, it was too much world and lack of charage) - where everything went wildly out of scope a single dev can do. At some point, you'll just struggle to release updates, and then the final game will be available 2-3 years.
On the other hand .... this one also gets dropped and we all watch a potentially good dev career fall into the void.
You can't know it, though xD
My main thought:
Honestly, the biggest thing, is if I'm working on games that I know ran into a rabbit hole of declined quality, but I'm bound to finish it because it was my first title - there's no point in doing this solo game dev thing, cause it's basically already my irl job, where I'm producing games I don't wanna make, from which I'm attempting to escape.
In any case, I think "I SCREAM" will be a success - I'm excited to share more updates.
And thanks to everyone new and old who is joining the thread!
EDIT: clarified the sharing one