Identify I'm trying to find a specific porn game based on a dark skinned female main character that could be corrupted


Jun 7, 2020
I can't remember the name but I remember it had a dark skinned female protagonist that based on her actions could change how she acted, could be corrupted and could change class.

She wore skimpy armor and the game definitely had corruption in it, there were a lot of sidequests from martial arts to helping a famous stripper (If i recall correctly) and the game was based on a fantasy land, it even had a new game mode where the character played as a princess, the lust routes tipically involved ugly bastards and if i recall correctly they looked like they were from renpy games despite the gameplay of the game for leveling up being turn based rpg combat also the protagonist if corrupted enough could also corrupt other side characters. the way to interact with things in the overworld involved using magic circles that the character sometimes needed to be leveled to use

I think the game was either finished or almost finished but for the life of me I cant remember the name, from what i remember i downloaded it in the creator's blog where they also were making a second game and i believe it had a gold or yellow font