Well, those who are having problem of "after clicking start the game freezes on the start screen pic" on joiplay, it maybe a joiplay problem rather than a problem with the mod.
I first noticed the problem around
this time, after the KGv6 mod ran with no problems around
this time. I've tried other Sancho mods after this & they all had the same screen freezing result.
Sancho can try to find the compatibility issue if he's curious, but it's better handled by the Joiplay devs I think. Here's why:
Joiplay in general doesn't mesh well with mods that add extra buttons, change the quick menu, etc. I've been seeing recently. Like the 'cheat menu' option never appears on the quick menu since joiplay probably forces quick menu to be active with high priority, overriding any mod code. Similarly, any cheat button doesn't seem to appear on the screen. (Didn't have these problems earlier, probably the result of certain renpy/joiplay updates)
I've been overcoming this by adding the cheat menu on the main menu by editing the screens.rpy.
SanchoMod probably adds a lot of custom stuff which conflicts with Joiplay's hardcoded stuff, resulting in the screen freeze.
Idk, Sancho can investigate if curious.
Like I said on the glowing stones post, sad that I can't use it on this version of KG (I'll give it a try, but it probably won't work based on the comments I see). Means my saves are also gone.
Oh well, I probably would have started a full playthru of season 1 completed anyway, and I usually go through the code anyway & can achieve everything the mod did through the console. So no worries

It was a very convenient mod though, so sad
Edit: Yup. Tried it & it's the same. Freezes on start-up when using mod, but starts normally without mod. Thanks again for the KGv6.2 mod, since that seems to be the only SanchoMod I've played. Keep up the good work

PS: Anyone running into quick_menu not defined in joiplay, just replace "if quick_menu:" in line 1498 of screens.rpy with "if True:".
steelmonkey76 Joiplay won't work with SanchoMod it seems