
Feb 13, 2020
Been having fun with this game but some things are just not fair (yeah I know, it says so on the store page).

In some regards, it reminds me of old RPGs but at the same time, I remember how those old RPGs made owning a strategy guide a must. If there is one big pet peeve, its money generation. I'm only on floor 3 and I know there may be other things later but the only viable strategy seems to be letting order drop, live off of subsidies until you get Karryn's stat edicts unlocked, then taking down the boss.

If there is some better way (and no, beating up the guards at times only nets me 40g) to get cash, let me know.
I have played this game for much longer than I would like to admit, but the broad strokes I have learned on my own are the following.

When it comes to the three difficulties.
Prisoner quickly shows what choices and edicts are plain disadvantageous, but as a result is also nearly impossible to clear blindly (Don't expect to clear a prisoner run).
Warden mode is challenging and can be cleared, but it will take hours to clear on average because of how many days are allocated per level (The more days you use, the more funds you can accumulate before the next level, and there is no significant advantage to skipping days of free income).
Secretary Mode is not challenging, but is the best way to look at all the mechanics, sidejobs, silly npc and map changes from edict choices (e.g. Prisoner complaining about having to work if Workshop edict is selected).

Secretary Mode is also THE way to unlock the powerful passive effects of titles. Such as passive control you get from clearing the Empress Ending. (Not an issue if you just mod the game, which is also an option). Also, it is nearly impossible to reach Empress ending in Prisoner mode without accumulating many titles in previous runs.

I personally recommend Secretary mode as your first clear. It is much less frustrating to lose in Warden/Prisoner when you already know about all the game content.

As for the income, the solution to the puzzle is.
Start acquiring +income edicts while defeating prisoners until you acquire -10% or -20% stats from fatigue. Don't bother defeating prisoners in Secretary/Warden mode early on, because you don't have a tight time budget to raise your stats, Prisoner mode forces you to raise order just to keep up with the maximum Warden level cap.

You think you want to avoid Riots (they are a pain), and therefore you avoid getting edicts like the workshop on Level 1 while subsidies can give you gold. This is a mistake. While relying on subsidies for income on level 1 is correct, riots are a tool used by the developer to tell the player that they must rely on income instead starting on level 2.

Just to illustrate why income is better than subsidies. Level 3+ can always potentially end with RNG if both Levels 1 and 2 riot on the same day on a low order count, subsidies provide very little income unless you are vulnerable to a game over, and income stays fixed even with really high order. In summary, Empress and Happy runs both require aggressive use of income edicts starting with level 2. Empress runs only avoid edicts that add "Corruption", since those ultimately reduce income with the 'Nerd Problem' edict added when you start level 3.

Lastly, I recall the Workshop edicts providing +1300 gold per day when level 1 rioted in secretary mode. It supposedly only gives 200 gold at the beginning, and I might be mistaken about the numbers, but it is the best scaling source of income. Other Riot edicts also provide a big boost in income, they are very good choices since riots are also very important for raising your level in prisoner mode in particular. Thanks to Level/Riot edicts you can have both a high income and order at the same time, so aim for stacking income and order at the cost of constant riots instead of hugging subsidies and praying for levels to not riot (They always inevitably riot and don't riot as often as you might think with +Riot edicts)

Lastly, at the start of Levels 2 and 3, you want to have a large sum of gold AND order for a number of reasons.

With enough funds, you will be able to afford all the income AND order/control edicts of the new level at the very beginning. It is very advantageous to buy all the income and control ASAP, because you don't want to be stuck with near zero income or negative control that plummets too quickly.

With high order you get two benefits. Yes, very high order is advantageous, let me explain when you should stack order. You stack order towards the end of a level. Once you have accumulated a big stash of gold to spend on the next level and stabilized your control, you can start stacking a high amount of order from defeating prisoners. Prisoner fights become WEAKER the higher your order is, so a fight that might be invincible on low order, becomes trivially weak on high order. I am sure you already met a couple of these walls on levels 2 and 3, their weakness is stacking order so you can break through them. The second benefit from high order is that you can squeeze in more days of experience grinding after you run out of your day allowance, and then proceed to defeat the boss when your order falls down where you want it to be. The second benefit is only relevant for prisoner mode though, since reaching the level cap in Warden mode is trivial. If you stay on low order all the time in prisoner mode, you WILL find yourself either too low level to defeat the boss or unable to reach the boss because of a fight filled with many very strong enemies.

How do you accumulate lots of gold and order? (That's impossible isn't it?) Tighten your budget. You are either spending too much on training or accessories. Spend edicts on income. Riots are especially useful because re-allocating edicts lost to riots spend little gold and really boost your income (Fixing riot edicts is very cheap)

If unsure about which edicts to choose, try only getting edicts that are prerequisites for strong skills such as 'Healing Thoughts', 'Defensive Stance', or 'Slam', etc. 1 EP and 300g is very doable, 2 EP and 1500g too early is likely a trap.

Regarding beating the guards for gold, you are pretty smart for noticing. Guards give a respectable 200-400g the first time you beat them, but stop paying out gold the second time onwards. They are not a recurring income, but a great one-time gold injection. Each time you fight guards, you increase the odds of guards invading the office later on ('Guard Aggression' a permanent value that you can only decrease a limited number of times). While you can later climax in prisoner areas (To fight weak prisoners instead of strong guards), or in the Bathroom inside level 2 (No invasions at the cost of Bathroom passives) to avoid guard invasions, it is still not an effective trade.

Also note. The amount of gold you need at level 3 is obscene, since you have to LOSE income before you can increase your income. You need a large buffer of gold to reach the fat +income edicts locked behind the Bureaucracy and Research edicts. DO NOT purchase corruption edicts unless you can get the 'Submit to the Nerds' edict (You lose more income than you gain). The Nerd edict is very difficult to get on an Empress run.

As you probably noticed in level 3, Karryn's Prison is ultimately an income management game, omitting training edicts won't result in a game over, but a not high enough income will.

Oh god I wrote a wall text, this is embarrassing... Might as well write a TL;DR

-Don't bother with prisoner mode (until much later), it takes a long time to grind with limited opportunity to learn mechanics.
-Warden mode also takes a long time to clear (I'm not joking, its too long), but very manageable to clear.
-Secretary mode is really great for learning the game mechanics and content in a short time window.
-In Warden/Prisoner, use up all of your days, they are a limited resource for income and experience that do not carry over as far as I am aware.
-Purchase all the income edicts that don't add corruption (The Riot+ is a cheap cost for the vital income increase).

Lewd Dragons

Jul 22, 2021
Wall text
Thank you but all you've done is confirm my thoughts on the matter.

I'm playing on Warden mode but the only way to clear it is as I expected: Waste days grinding on the bar and subsidies. The fact that you have to point out that it isn't until lv3 clear (passed half the game I figure) means I have been doing things correctly. The restrictions really are that assinine.

The game is just made that being a slut is the only viable option unless you are on a 2nd playthrough where you know everything. Makes me want to give up because I've wasted more time on the bar mini-game (which is piss easy) than anything else. It's not like you can level grind because there is a level cap and those levels don't mean shit if you don't unlock the edict stats anyway.

I think I'll just restart and do a full slut playthrough because trying to do this with combat is just that unbalanced.
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Reactions: Roarie


Jan 17, 2019
Anyone else have an issue where the game ends as if you have 0 order but control is not bad enough to lower your order to 0 by the end of the day? Any way to fix this? I'd like to continue this save.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
Anyone have saves for all the endings?

My game along with all my saves got wiped when I forgot to back them up. The game can be re-downloaded, but my saves are gone forever.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Thank you but all you've done is confirm my thoughts on the matter.

I'm playing on Warden mode but the only way to clear it is as I expected: Waste days grinding on the bar and subsidies. The fact that you have to point out that it isn't until lv3 clear (passed half the game I figure) means I have been doing things correctly. The restrictions really are that assinine.

The game is just made that being a slut is the only viable option unless you are on a 2nd playthrough where you know everything. Makes me want to give up because I've wasted more time on the bar mini-game (which is piss easy) than anything else. It's not like you can level grind because there is a level cap and those levels don't mean shit if you don't unlock the edict stats anyway.

I think I'll just restart and do a full slut playthrough because trying to do this with combat is just that unbalanced.
You can modify game files using notepad to increase your income, for example double the money you get from subsidies.

FILE = Karryn's Prison\www\js\plugins\RemtairyPrison.js
FIND let subsidies = 1300;
CHANGE TO let subsidies = 2600; // Or whatever you want.

Anyone else have an issue where the game ends as if you have 0 order but control is not bad enough to lower your order to 0 by the end of the day? Any way to fix this? I'd like to continue this save.
Maybe you lost because a level started to riot? That will lower control significantly and if your order was low before sleeping it is quite possible for it to cause a game over.
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Lewd Dragons

Jul 22, 2021
You can modify game files using notepad to increase your income, for example double the money you get from subsidies.

FILE = Karryn's Prison\www\js\plugins\RemtairyPrison.js
FIND let subsidies = 1300;
CHANGE TO let subsidies = 2600; // Or whatever you want.
Thanks but I'd rather not cheat. It's not fun that way.

Trying out Secretary mode right now....It's piss easy but not due to the money generation. This feels more inline with the income you should be making (as you are restricted anyway due to needing edict points).


New Member
Dec 27, 2018
Finally got both endings. First Empress Ending on Secretary mode, then after a few restarts, a Strength build with Happy Ending on Warden. Basically played as 'pure' as possible until level 5, then went to fail some fights to collect passives just enough to get ending, and then went to fight the final boss.

The bosses were to my surprise very managable. Their physical damage was very well tankable, and my desires were all well controlled.

Read the letter written by the devs and those were very nice and wholesome. Definitely worth the money I spent on the game.

This is truly one of the best indie games (not just eroge) I have ever played. Art, music, sex scenes, gameplay, etc. all brilliant.

BTW anyone else also felt some of the combat music sounds so much like Ys games? I can't help but laugh when I heard them as it makes me feel like playing a hentai version of Ys.


Aug 22, 2021
It's not a bug, it's a feature. You even mentioned that the code explicitly checks for the halberd, that should've been a clear indication. The skills are meant to be used only with a halberd. Unarmed combat is supposed to be a limiting factor. You can't smack someone's head with the blunt side of a halberd without one. Or slash arms without a sharp edge.
Lmao, nah this is a bug. Been in since or maybe 8 betas lol. It hasn't been fixed for an awhile now. I assume because it wasn't high priority, many players don't do unarmed combat unless it's for those titles (and that's about it), or maybe most players always do slut and or don't even know you CAN do unarmed combat.
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Aug 22, 2021
I've found the reason behind the unselectable unarmed specialist skills (using head strike, arm slash and leg thrust while unarmed).

So, in skills.json there's only one instance of each skill (besides the edicts), meaning they're designed only for the halberd. This is further proven by the fact the custom requirement checks only if you have a halberd or not. If you do, it's shown, if you don't, it doesn't and the empty counterpart shows up.

The easy way to solve this is to just add "|| user.showEval_emptyHeadStrike" (without quotes) right after <Custom Requirement>\nvalue = user.customReq_karrynHalberdAttackSkills() and before ";" . But the problem then is that it doesn't have an appropriate animation for kicking (you hit the target just fine, but Karryn just stands there).
I tried to change the animationId within that instance but she still does nothing so I tried to make a new skill entirely but that failed because I don't have the experience to do that (just adding a new skill doesn't do anything, can't get it to even show up).

Any clues how we might solve this?

Hell, bring it up to the dev so we can get another letter (I don't have a legitimate copy so Idk if I should do it) so they fix this bug.
Brought it up to the Devs. Thanks for atleast doing a temp solution!


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
If a desire went to 50, it's too late already, you've unlocked a passive even if you lowered it afterwards.
You can't help getting some of the passives, it's impossible on higher difficulty or at least i don't know how i would be able to avoid it. However as long as desire is under 50 they won't molest her.


Aug 22, 2021
That being said where the fuck is the skills.json... Ive been looking through all the folders lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
You can't help getting some of the passives, it's impossible on higher difficulty or at least i don't know how i would be able to avoid it. However as long as desire is under 50 they won't molest her.
Just throwing some pure-run-master-race garbage at you :p

I can't even handle the prisoner mode, too hard for me.
  • Haha
Reactions: Terix3 and NekoPi

Lewd Dragons

Jul 22, 2021
So I got to the stripper side job...Its a get out of riots free card.

"Certain levels won't riot on the day a strip show happens"

So all that income generation post level 3 can be got from riot bait edict which are nulled if you just do the stripper sidejob. Is this correct?
Also, Secretary is too damn easy. Every enemy is now a pushover despite whatever stats I have. I'm certain the "have an orgasm, lose the battle" is still in play but ignoring that, every enemy goes down waaaay too easy. Yeah I know there's cheats to make the game harder but what's the point?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Finally got both endings. First Empress Ending on Secretary mode, then after a few restarts, a Strength build with Happy Ending on Warden. Basically played as 'pure' as possible until level 5, then went to fail some fights to collect passives just enough to get ending, and then went to fight the final boss.
Empress Ending is disappointing though, you save all your virginity till the end only to find out that you can't even fuck him. :cautious:

I hope the devs can expand more with DLCs in the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Anyone have saves for all the endings?

My game along with all my saves got wiped when I forgot to back them up. The game can be re-downloaded, but my saves are gone forever.
Here you go!

Empress Ending: Save 20 (Cheats Enabled - Only Mandatory Passives)
Happy Ending: Save 21 (Legitimate - With Front Virginity Intact)
Bad Ending: Save 22 (Cheats Enabled)
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May 25, 2019
Great news everyone!!

Sachima (the artist) reported that Karryn's Prison is a smashed hit. It achieved first place in term of sales on both DLsite and Steams. He (I guess) was excited about the future of Karryn's Prison but cannot say anything yet until they've disuccused with his team (Rem) first but excited nontheless. So it safe to say that we should get a DLC or sequel!!
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