README KAT Community News.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016

KAT Community Fundraiser
We will rebuild - united we stand!

Many of you are likely aware of KATs current predicament. Torrents are gone, and we've been rolled back to just a community forum, with limited file sharing. As tragic as this is, all hope is not lost. We have no intention of going anywhere and one way or another KAT will be back.

KAT is being rebuilt quite literally from the ground up. We no longer have the amount of resources we once had and are reaching out to our lovely users to help out if they want. The process of rebuilding our site is not cheap and requires near endless work from professional team members. That's just to restore KAT code.
Other costs include; Server maintenance, Server protection(DDoS protection/monitoring), Databases, Load balancing and compensation, etc.

All in all, we're asking for $7,000. Yes it sounds like a lot, but a site like KAT requires tremendous amounts of work, and as well all know, good things in life rarely come without a cost.

This is not required by any means, whether you choose to donate or not is entirely your choice. We're all pirates, who download things because we may not want to PAY for them. Just a request. If you want to help support us, you can do so by donating to the fundraiser.

KAT would be nothing without all of you and now's your chance to help bring it back, bigger and better than ever. :rolleyes:

Thank you for reading and donating (if you decide to do so).
If you have any questions or concerns, I'll try to answer them or contact those who can.
Nootk-Eh (Nootky here in case you weren't aware), Torrent and Forum Moderator @ KAT.

Johnno23 Super Moderator @ KAT said:
When a Torrent site goes down the torrents are still out there:
So what is achieved?
Well for the naysayers of filesharing it simply means ease of access is made a little more difficult.
I have no intention of discussing the rights and wrongs but one aspect is ignored.
The community.
Kat had a community that was made up of people from all over the World.
We had a social forum where people felt at home and could communicate. It was truly a global family.
People from the USA talking with people from Arabian countries who in turn were talking with the Europeans and again Chinese Russian and the list goes on.
The real downside to the war on P2P is that it never seems to really change anything but destroy online social communities that show people from all cultures faith and colour do get along well together and feel part of something.
Many came for a torrent but so many came and stayed for the online community.
The term Katians was widely used as it identified the community members as family.
The heavy handed manner of seek and destroy P2P sites never considers the social impact that occurs when a site is taken down.
The good news is that the community is alive and well.
Katians have a new home and the discussion boards are filling up.

This however costs money and is funded by a group of people that believe the community should continue and have its place upon the Web:

So getting down to business....
Money is needed and a fundraiser seems to be the most open and honest approach.
Using this site gofundme is part of that transparency.

So, who am I ?
Well I am simply Johnno23 an individual that helped keep the forums clean of Spam and helped moderate the forums and discussion areas.
I also helped on the translation side of things.
Making the Katian community accessable to anyone from any language.

Why am I here?
Quite simply because the site that has been set up to keep the community together has hit a roadblock.
Lack of funds:
I have been asked if I would participate in a fundraiser.

Funds are needed for the following
Web development costs to repair/rebuild the authentic KAT site code.
This requires a professional team.
Quotes from two professional services both ask approx US $3000
Then there are server costs: databases, mirror, DNS, load balancers, webserver DDOS protection, monitoring etc.
The list looks daunting but is not impossible.
The estimated costs to get the community site back up and running for 2 months is in the region of 7,000USD.

So I suppose the question arises
"what is my spin on this?"
Simply put there is no spin.
Nothing to be gained on a personal level and no promises being made to any of the Katian Community.
This is merely a call for help via donations to get our Community back online and in a format we all knew and loved.

Thank you.

KAT Community Fundraiser
We will rebuild - united we stand!



Aug 5, 2016
I saw KAT is hosting in namecheap. What a dumb move. Now cops can easily find the email addresses and all the details of the members who register in it.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
I saw KAT is hosting in namecheap. What a dumb move. Now cops can easily find the email addresses and all the details of the members who register in it.
To my knowledge the domain sale was not voluntary. We have nothing to do with it's sale**. This doesn't really apply here since we don't use the same servers or domains the previous site did, for obvious reasons. Which is why if you tried to register on the new site with your old login info, it wouldn't work and nothing carries over.

**Still not sure about it, I didn't pay much attention since we no longer use those domains at all.

Edit - I see no mention of any official KAT live domains on Namecheap.
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Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
Well for me and many of my friends who were using KAT regulary is this campaign suspicious. It may sound rude, but we don't believe that KAT, which used a lot of ads, doesn't have money for the return. That is, what discourages us.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Well for me and many of my friends who were using KAT regulary is this campaign suspicious. It may sound rude, but we don't believe that KAT, which used a lot of ads, doesn't have money for the return. That is, what discourages us.
With Artem gone, all previous funding is pretty much kaput. When we heard about the amount of cash Artem was actually making, I'm not sure anyone realized just how MUCH it was, and it's pretty much gone now. All of it. Money and otherwise.

Please read: (Edit: Registration Required)
This post by Mr.PD should tell you all you need to know about why the fundraiser is happening. I know it's a little janky and hard to read, but you can probably guess his first language isn't English.

TL;DR: Our Admin team is now essentially doing this out of their own pocket. Literally building a new castle with pebbles and double sided tape.
Ads will probably come back, but if you read that post you'll see that google was pretty much like: "Naw. You pirates." so that may not even happen soon. Much less cover the costs needed.

You don't have to do anything. We aren't going to shake you down like a bully on the schoolyard. At the end of the day we will always be here and KAT will come back, donating will just help speed things along and show that you support it.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
GoFundMe Link is currently down at this time. No, I have no idea what actually happened yet. Probably some horseshit.

The direct Paypal donations still work -
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
The weakness of KAT was its structure. It reminded me of a rather traditional setup with a few people making decisions and and all the funds in the hands of a few. To destroy anything like that, you only need a few targets. I suggest web-like structure.. the name escapes me at the moment. It refers an entity with clear purpose and goals but with noone as the leader. Everything is consensus driven so if a large part defects or is failed, it can continue operating. With the case of the servers, there need to be mirrored servers where one server has no clue where the mirror is. Is the server idea workable?


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
The weakness of KAT was its structure. It reminded me of a rather traditional setup with a few people making decisions and and all the funds in the hands of a few. To destroy anything like that, you only need a few targets. I suggest web-like structure.. the name escapes me at the moment. It refers an entity with clear purpose and goals but with noone as the leader. Everything is consensus driven so if a large part defects or is failed, it can continue operating. With the case of the servers, there need to be mirrored servers where one server has no clue where the mirror is. Is the server idea workable?
There's no 1 top dog anymore. Admins and Staff all work at the roughly same level. There isn't really a solitary head to chop anymore. They do different things, but do it as a group. Should something happen to one, or even a few, it wouldn't be completely devastating to the rest. To my knowledge there's no secretive leader in the back anymore. Servers are unknown to me, other than that a handful have been pulled from elsewhere and re-purposed. The servers should be safe(er) due to their location. I.E. not in 'Merica. They aren't related to the previous servers. Beyond that, it's waaaay above my station and I ain't gonna ask about them.

I'm not a tech wizard so details are probably lost on me. My job was to kill bad/infected torrents and boot the people who uploaded them, not exactly tech support.:p
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Well at least what you know does point to a more elusive and stable KAT. I hope you've still got 8 lives left! :D


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
One thing that made me sad when KAT went down was a streaming Site the person who created KAT also created a Movie and TV show Streaming site that went down with it. Sure those are a dime a dozen Torrent Sites like KAT are rare but it find it funny that both his Torrent site and Steaming site were the best available till last


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Shameless bump.

Payment provider and options have been updated.

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The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
They are asking for a lot less than i thought from the initial wall of text, 7k$ it's nothing for a colossal community like KAT, hell some anime sites pull 1-3k$ per month with donations and they aren't even close to their size or popularity.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
You'd think so, but asking pirates for money usually doesn't go to well. Pirates gonna pirate. :p

We have raised ~$3k tho. All of which is starting to take shape. Code is being restored and torrents are bubbling back up to the surface soon(ish). Profiles are back and being actively worked on, by popular demand. Lots of exciting things are being done with the donations, and our weird little golems in the back are working over time to get things working.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Has anybody found Almerias? I mean the Real Almerias? I followed F95 and right behind him was Almerias. I love both games and comics.
On a side note, I'm sure you guys are very familiar with torrents and torrent handlers. Here's my thought..I'm wondering if I'm a dinosaur. Like worse than T-Rex. I still use the last good version of Frostwire (5.x) since it didn't crash like crazy like the newer versions did a year ago. What's the best program to use to handle torrents? I do like the ability to be able to search for torrents using the program. And I need something light on RAM without bloatware and adware.


The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Has anybody found Almerias? I mean the Real Almerias? I followed F95 and right behind him was Almerias. I love both games and comics.
On a side note, I'm sure you guys are very familiar with torrents and torrent handlers. Here's my thought..I'm wondering if I'm a dinosaur. Like worse than T-Rex. I still use the last good version of Frostwire (5.x) since it didn't crash like crazy like the newer versions did a year ago. What's the best program to use to handle torrents? I do like the ability to be able to search for torrents using the program. And I need something light on RAM without bloatware and adware.
He posts on a porn forum, grab one of his kat files and check the readme i don't remember the name and i'm not sure if he's active, he was active after KAT shutdown 1st couple weeks i stopped looking tough.


Aug 5, 2016
Has anybody found Almerias? I mean the Real Almerias? I followed F95 and right behind him was Almerias. I love both games and comics.
On a side note, I'm sure you guys are very familiar with torrents and torrent handlers. Here's my thought..I'm wondering if I'm a dinosaur. Like worse than T-Rex. I still use the last good version of Frostwire (5.x) since it didn't crash like crazy like the newer versions did a year ago. What's the best program to use to handle torrents? I do like the ability to be able to search for torrents using the program. And I need something light on RAM without bloatware and adware.
I like qBittorrent. I don't use the search engine myself but I hear it's quite good.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
I like qBittorrent. I don't use the search engine myself but I hear it's quite good.
Thanks for the recommendation! I checked the site out and it looks like a good fit.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
We're putting out a last call for any former Verified and Elite uploaders to come in and get their status restored.
If you were a VUL or EUL and haven't already gotten your status please see the link below if you want your status restored before the thread is closed.

This only applies to VULs and EULs.

Thanks guys and stay tuned. :)

Edit - Closed.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Shameless bumping time.

We have big plans for Halloweenie. Techs have been working overtime and should have interesting new things for everyone fairly soon hopefully

Bring your goodie bags, and please, wash them before eating anything out of them. :rolleyes: :eazyHype:
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I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
So found a site that imitates KAT but unsure if it's legit. One feature it has did link me to the legit Piratebay site for alternatives to a torrent I was looking for. the site is so unsure if someone else picked up the mantle or if the community got it up and running or if it's a mirror site of what used to be KAT.