
Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Awesome work, nice to see that opening make more sense. It was one or the worst parts to get through, other than the boss defeat scenes. Glad to see this put together.


Mar 18, 2018
Translation works very good, did not encountered any bugs yet. Very cool to finally see in-battle messages translated. Good work!


Apr 2, 2019
For some reason when I open up the game it won't load its just a black screen
Just make sure the 113 files are put into the folder %\Kurenkisho Quolta Amadeus EG RJ280540 v1.08 extracted\www\data where ever you extracted the game to. Assuming the files are in the correct spot the game should load.


Apr 2, 2019
Warning wall of text incoming...

tl;dr - Next major patch will include all areas translated, TBD release date.

Thanks for the kudos but as I play tested it yesterday and today I am unhappy how certain things turned out. Formatting and grammar really stuck out to me.

Some of you may experience crashes from the recent patch. This is due to me trying to stay grammatically correct when I shouldn't on the combat text. All dialog in this game uses quotation marks but the combat text uses apostrophes to delineate each line. So if the line reads 'Amethyst's attack misses' then the game breaks since that text is involved with a script... yeah. For the most part I gave up on full descriptions and grammar when working on the combat text but a few improper/proper lines made it into the release. If you encounter any of those please let me know and I will correct it/them and upload a fix. Attached below has another fix and I will replace the attachment on my original post just in case.

Now some bad news, bad news, and goodish/badish news:
I have to provide you all some context here to understand my main issue. The tools I have been using to ensure I translate this correctly while minimizing tabbing between windows is Translator++ (if you have a better tool please let me know), Notepad++ for tracking and modifying battle text, and RPG Maker MV to ensure I am reading each event correctly. A feature, by design, for Translator++ is that it ignores all text involved with scripts. Normally that is fine but this game has tied all combat text (outside of reaction dialog) to scripts hence why the original MTL did not translate that.

For me to release the current forest patch, I reviewed/modified all involved dialog in Translator++, exported the generated Trans file into RPG Maker JSON files then finished up in Notepad++ to translate the combat text. Now if I want to import the new files back into Translator++, the program assigns new line numbers to each dialog which does not match my original Trans file.

So after debating on how to proceed, the easiest path for me is to continue on with my original Trans file and finish all dialog left in the game (~2400 lines in the Common Events, plus every non-forest related map file), export the completed work into JSONs then reintegrate my combat text changes and translate the remainder as well. So my original plan of a release after each area is now thrown out the window.

Second bad news is that I have some personal matters to attend with starting mid-next week and it will continue up until the end of this month. While I might be able to find some time to continue working, for planning purposes assume that not much will get done then.

The goodish/badish news is that but using my current Trans file I can roll back the box that described each counter to a restraining attack. I am still clueless on how to translate that one, the text is fine but the coding escapes me. I believe this feature is introduced via a RPG Maker plug-in but every attempt I do to change the specific event id lines it either has no effect on the text or breaks the box. To me this box is purely for flavor, the numbers are legible next to a TP or MP to let the player know the impact for each choice.

I will post periodical updates to keep you all informed.


Mar 18, 2018
Take your time. It will be better to play through the fully translated game in one go anyway.


Mar 18, 2018
I also think it should be Amethyst and Emerald.
Still I want to point out that actual japanese words for amethyst and emerald are "アメシスト" and "エメラルド".
While heroines names are "アメテュス" and "エメロード" - similar but not the same.
Still, it's too much of a coincidence, so I believe that heroines names are wordplay on gemstones.

Hematina is likely related to hematite (or maybe hematine, but that's not actually a gemstone).
Most interesting is Quarta Aluminus - while alumina is not gemstome itself, it's a base for ruby and sapphire, and coincidentally Aluminus is white haired (alumina color) with heterochromic red and blue eyes, so reference seems obvious.
Only one I'm not sure about is Quarta Tanjel (タンジュル), can't link her to any gemstone.


Apr 2, 2019
I also think it should be Amethyst and Emerald.
Still I want to point out that actual japanese words for amethyst and emerald are "アメシスト" and "エメラルド".
While heroines names are "アメテュス" and "エメロード" - similar but not the same.
Still, it's too much of a coincidence, so I believe that heroines names are wordplay on gemstones.

Hematina is likely related to hematite (or maybe hematine, but that's not actually a gemstone).
Most interesting is Quarta Aluminus - while alumina is not gemstome itself, it's a base for ruby and sapphire, and coincidentally Aluminus is white haired (alumina color) with heterochromic red and blue eyes, so reference seems obvious.
Only one I'm not sure about is Quarta Tanjel (タンジュル), can't link her to any gemstone.
Am I missing something? Didn't see any references to Aluminus nor Tanjel in the game files or is there larger lore / other games involved outside this game?
Nov 4, 2018
Am I missing something? Didn't see any references to Aluminus nor Tanjel in the game files or is there larger lore / other games involved outside this game?
Long before this game, this artist made numerous H doujins featuring Ametus and other girls. The oldest Ametus doujin in sadpanda dates back to 2012. :O


Apr 2, 2019
So based on all the comments and research the following names I will use are:
  • Quarta Amethyst - Paria when not transformed
  • Quarta Emerald - Milne when not transformed
  • Quarta Hematite - Falca / Falka (not sure on this one) when not transformed
  • Slime Core - Boss Reno Forest
  • Takt Master - Boss Ard Village (Could argue that a more contextual translation would be Ring Leader or Director)
  • Doctor - Boss Laboratory
  • Clodia - Final Boss (could use original translation of Cloudy or go with a more contemporary name like Claudia )
If you have any recommended changes please let me know.

Status Update - Updated Leia dialog post intro and dialog after finishing the Forest. Halfway through all map dialog for Ard Village. Completed a few hundred lines in the Common Events file. Next steps are to finish Ard Village dialog and Ard Village loss scenes.


Nov 4, 2017
Question, is the a way to strip Amethyst - Paria completely naked. I just finished the game and had a great time with it. Amazing H scenes and good story.

However, it did bug me a bit, that the closest I got to having Amethyst naked, was when her outfit was stripped down to her black leotard.

Other then that, this is one of my new favorite H games.
Nov 4, 2018
I found an unusual bug in the scrapped scenario where Amethyst gets captured and forced to fight Ollicts in an arena. Sometime during the 4th battle the game displays an error message and halts.


Mar 18, 2018
Latest version 1.10 appeared on A-S.
Reuploaded to better filehost:



Apr 2, 2019
Latest version 1.10 appeared on A-S.
Reuploaded to better filehost:

Is there a change log of what is different between 1.08 and 1.10? Most likely I will finish with 1.08, release that patch before reviewing 1.10 unless that version introduces interesting content or fixes some much needed bugs.
Did a quick translation of the patch notes included with the game. V1.09 introduces some minor graphical bug fixes involving the fairy erotic scene and talking w/ Cloudy. Also adds another path to climb some steps during the last dungeon. V1.10's note is "Fixed a bug that may freeze PCs depending on the environment", I am assuming this is related to the reduced graphics mode.

For now I am going to continue to refine V1.08, after that is released I will play around with merging my tweaks into V1.10 but these fixes don't seem to be important fixes for overall game stability. Please let me know if I am wrong and should prioritize this higher.

Almost finished with the Lab, only the loss scene with the Doctor and a few smaller map files to go. Remaining portions to review and edit are the last dungeon, post game content, finish Common Events (got about 1k worth of battle reaction lines), final review of all states and skills, and combat text. No ETA at this time but will update once finished with the last dungeon.
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Aug 7, 2017
I had an issue in the first area, where using the whirlwind ability after getting the bad status of aphrodisiac(penetration), i get this error message. will edit if other abilitys always trigger it. Save attacked as well. Just battle and use whirlwind.

update in the lab area after the interigator bot scans you to 40% shortly after you get the error in the second image
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Apr 2, 2019
I had an issue in the first area, where using the whirlwind ability after getting the bad status of aphrodisiac(penetration), i get this error message. will edit if other abilitys always trigger it. Save attacked as well. Just battle and use whirlwind.

update in the lab area after the interigator bot scans you to 40% shortly after you get the error in the second image
Thanks for letting me know about the errors. After digging into the Common Events file I released last I could not locate the interrogation bot issue but the forest issue I did find. Try this updated Common Events JSON, just replace your file in the www\data folder. It should fix your issues for both instances.

The issue on both those errors are within the script call out at the top; e.g. BattleManager._logWindown.push('addText', 'With a decent amount of analysis of her weakness data);

I failed to close the script call out, missing a ' before the closing parentheses.
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