Well, its not japanese or hexadecimal. Even if its similar its neither spanish xd I dont think there is another encriptyon method ingame. I remember talking here about the one where you shift every letter like ceasar but iirc that method isnt used in any event
Overall, I would say the 0.47 is 7/10. Not the mid, since it's definitely setting some rifles for the future, but also not really telling anything much aside of Rin wanting to get fucked hard.
But I hate that nearly all events connected with invite events
This update has 20 events, and two of them are missable.
Below is the order in which I unlocked everything, other sequences are possible. I have also included where the script called for variations in dialogue:
After the conclusion of their respective inviteovers, you can headpat Nodoka, Molly and Sana. Upon reaching 500 headpats, you'll unlock their pajamas for the profiles:
Well, its not japanese or hexadecimal. Even if its similar its neither spanish xd I dont think there is another encriptyon method ingame. I remember talking here about the one where you shift every letter like ceasar but iirc that method isnt used in any event
I have a lot to talk about during this update, which wasn't that meaningful to be honest. So it'll mostly be funny observations with the exception of this one thing (which was quite heavy, and so I chose to get it out of the way):
Relevant for those about to play 0.47 If you want Sana's number and it's missing from your phone, go check the photo she has sent you by this point. It will appear in your phone after you're done. Considering you can invite Sana immediately if you've completed 0.46, this is important.
Ok before I dive into the new update, how did the game handle bugs from 0.46? (and I guess one from before that, it's just relevant now)
To be honest, I also completely skipped on reading the terms & service and the site rules when I first joined, if they put in a rule about legally owning my soul, I would be unable to stop it
I'm about 20 pages behind the thread right now, but after starting the 0.47 update and having gone through the Rin event chain, I feel like I have to summarize my experience via the below images (in chronological order):