You probably just aren't patting her enough. The correct choices are fairly obvious, they're more like shows of treating her well and allowing her agency than anything else. If you're second guessing yourself too much after failing so many times just pay attention to the choice buttons. The wrong ones look more scarred compared to the right um, i keep playing and trying new things, but no matter what i do she still gets sick and dies. is there no way to save her?
Translated memory guide back here. Touch Sylvie's breast until she gets horny, then use the new carry her option that should appear. For the other two get her horny again, but then stay up at night drinking wine.What're the last 3 memories on the 2nd page?
Use 7-zip to extract it.o jogo aparece na tela preta quando é aberto, a guia diz que está carregando e nunca carrega, como posso resolvê-lo?
but I already extracted the game, when the open is displayed on a black screen and at the top it appears loadingUse 7-zip to extract it.
The game is compressed as a 7z if you use WinRAR you can sometimes get errors. Try shortening the 7z's name, or using 7Zip as ScarGazer said. Otherwise try the plain zip I uploaded here.but I already extracted the game...
Yes.It keep closing my window when i try to download the modded version, am i the only one with that problem ?
No that would mean quite a bit of redrawing, and a lot of people see Sylvie's scars as part of her there any mod to make the wounds disappear?
The "please support" page seems to have gone. Maybe there was a problem with it before, so try again.It keep closing my window when i try to download the modded version
Sylvie's face is kind of animated, but it's picture's really. There's a single fully animated scene that unlocks in the gallery.In this game h-scenes animated or pictures?
That's just the way that patch is, the prepatched games in the opening post have the latest version. There is a different transfix in , you will need to install that on a completely clean unpatched game.hey is the english patch updated, have version 2.5.2 but still tend to see lines in Japanese
First is the game with just the translation and partial decensor patch, second also has some extra mods.whats the difference between unmolested and molested version?
Unmolested: Original files are still pure and untouchedwhats the difference between unmolested and molested version? i am kinda confused