- Jun 2, 2018
- 135
- 50
Hello friends,
i wanted to create a thread because, there is a lot of old pc still functionning on earth, that have only a 32 bit processor. For those who are not experts
i am not an expert , just a simple user.
i use for instance a samsung nc10 netbook found in a trashcan which has an atom processor for example. this processor does not know 64 bit stuff.
these old pc have windows XP. Fine, why do not use windows XP then ? Renpy developers does not support XP since version 7.3.5 (source renpy.org). Great Scott !!
Almost no windows programs is running under Windows XP nowadays, and renpy versions does not support anymore windows XP, and barely you cannot even install a web navigator like firefox or internet explorer on windows XP.
on this old xp netbook, you cannot go on the web anymore with firefox, you cannot play f95zone renpy games either, cause renpy games crashes
when i first came on this forum to discover visual novels, the forum moderators do not really tell what is the version used for the visual novels games.
a user on F95zone, one day told me, it is stored inside "script_version.txt", inside the game folder of each unpacked renpy games.
when you open the file script_version.txt ; you discover a strange numbers (7,4,6). saying for exemple a vn game use version 7.4.6
7.4.6 is bigger than 7.3.5 telling us, a game has no chance to run on windows XP.
So Linux is the last hope of this PC from the hell trash. Our ancestors used that pc, why cannot we do it in 2024. Yes we can !
what is the best linux which has still 32 bit kernels and long life support ? ===>
if you have a dvd burner and a windows pc, you can burn the iso file to a blank dvd with this excellent windows free tool ===>
i have tested a lot of linux distributions, (linux mint, opensuse, poppy linux, ubuntu based ones) , for playing renpy games on 32 bit, and debian is still the best in term of efficiency.
the visual novel games are running faster under debian.
furthermore, having a low end pc can help us to see what kind of linux brands sucks
if you have not a dvd drive on your old 32 bit only pc, you can put the debian iso file directly an usb flash disk.
so you have to find a windows (at least windows 8) pc and use a well known easy program called ===>
i have not found a better program than rufus to make usb sticks. it works only on windows lol
this tool will help you to put the iso dvd file on a bootable usb stick.
1) plug a usb stick on your pc
2) run the rufus exe file probalbly in your download windows folder. click ok when prompted
3) select the device which is your usb key
4) let the delfault settings here, just click select and go find the debian iso file in your download windows
5) still let all the default settings and just click start
6) rufus will ask you what kind of write mode you want, please choose the recommended one.
7) A last normal warning will say everything will be deleted on your usb key just say yes
8) take a coffee, rufus will take a lot of time coping the debian 12 on your usb key
once you have a debian burned dvd or the usb key ready. here comes a tricky part.
if you don't tell your old pc to boot on your dvd, or to boot on your usb, you wont be abe to install linux on it.
so you have to boot your pc and try to find the bios key. (for me it is F2 key, for others it might be the DEL key)
you may have to reboot your pc a lot of times to test all the F keys to open the bios at startup.
Then you have to find a boot menu or the boot device priority menu
usually on the bios the first device to be booted on is your hard disk, but you have to read your bios instructions to move USB CD or USB KEY at position one before your hard disk position 2.
usually it is the F5/F6 ke to move the devices , but some other older pc it might be others key (it should be told in the bios help section on screen).
one your dvd or usb key are before your hard drive device (in terms of boot priority) , press F10 to save settings and reboot your pc.
Make sure you have your debian dvd or your debian usb key plugged on your pc.
if everything are done correctly the next time you boot your pc to should see a debian menu showing
Debian/Gnu linux installer menu (bios mode)
1) let the default first choice (graphical install) and press ok
2) you shoud see select your language, choose what suits you most then click continue
3) debian 12 will ask your location, choose what you want
4) select also your keyboard
5) debian will install drivers and programs in your pc memory, and then after a short period will ask to configure the network.
usually old pc have at least a wired connection and a wifi connection,
if you do not have an internet connection with your old pc, it does not matter, debian will install from the usb stick only
jump to 7)
6) please choose the wireless adapter debian is showing you.
if everything went good, it should see the wifi networks around, select yours, and select WPA/PSK
type your wifi password
7) Debian will ask to choose a name for your pc, put what your want , or let the default one
8) Debian will ask a domain name, leave it blank
9) Debian will ask you to choose a password for the administrator account. you can either choose a password or leave it blank to disable the admistrator account
10) Debian will now want to setup your personal account , and ask your name , your are not obliged to tell your name, you may leave it blank
11) important : debian will ask for your username and password, choose a username and password and remember them both. you will be obliged to log in with that username each time. then clck continue
12) debian will set up the clock and timezine, please choose your region timezone accordingly
13) important : debian will ask if you wan to use your entire disk, or crypting the entire disk, choose the first default choice. on low end pc encryption is taking too much ressources. do not choose that. just say use entire disk.
14) Debian will display all your hard disk drives, you may select which one you want. important (all former datas will be definitely lost on that disk)
15) Debian will format your data preparing the system to install
16) important : Debian will show propose what you want to install as a graphical desktop manager. By default it will be Gnome. do not let default choice here
Gnome is a fat desktop environnement which make your pc too slow (you can believe me it sucks like a deep pain in the ass). if you choose gnome your renpy games will be too slow.
please choose XFCE and uncheck gnome. Gnome is a programing nightmare worst than windows XP. XFCE is modern and smooth and wont ruin your pc
17) Debian wil either download stuff if your are connected to wifi, to install the system updated, and the xfce interface.
18) please take a coffee it may be long
19) when debian finishing installing it will either ask you to remove the dvd or the usb key from your pc.
20) Reboot. congratulations you have debian 12 32 bit installed on your old PC.
Now you have a running 32 old pc under debian 12
at first boot it will ask for your username and password, xfce deskto do not display by default your username, you have to type your username, then your password and click connect
you cannot either use the default navigator (firefox) to dowload the renpy games zip files, or copy zip files from usb sticks by a normal copy paste.
on your desktop your should see a system file hard disk icon, double click on it, then on the locations on the left click on your home icon
you shoud see your desktop documents images music folder. here you can right click and create a new folder for example RenpyGames, and paste there your renpy games
zip files. once copied you can extract zip files by rightclicking and click extract here.
the hardest part has been done
you cannot know the renpy version of a game, untill you extract it.
let's talk about versioning again. on the renpy.org website, you are learning a lot of stuff on versioning. For instance, a lot of persons do not know that since version 8.0, 32 bit processor are no more supported. That means that even if you have windows 10 32 bit pc or a linux 32 bit, you cannot play anymore a renpy game.
they are encouraging game programmers to use renpy 8.0 , but by doing they are forcing the programmers to change their program to python3. That is maybe why there are still proposing 7.7.3, and they were forced to continue the 7.X versions
"32 bit sensation" they called it
32 bit is not dead
Renpy 7 is not dead
Renpy 8.0 will be an ecological disaster
Now i start a list of Renpy VN games running well on low end 32 bit linux PC
with 3 important informations
1) the last developer version of the game
2) the renpy software theorical version to create the game (the one in script_version.txt)
3) if the game runs well out of the box if unziped on Debian 12 32 bit.
there may be 2 outcomes here,
- the game may be running via some minor fixes
- the game is not compatible with debian 32 bit.
3) the real suspected renpy version running
Lets start the list of games running well on debian 32 bit pc
if you have other game tested i will add to the list
version 0.7.5
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.4.6
debian12 32bit out of the box yes
real RenPy version 7.4.6
just create a shorcut launcher (right click on destop) and find the eternum.sh in your extracted game folder.
version 0.16c
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.5.3
debian12 32bit out of the box yes with extra Fix
real RenPy version 7.5.3
the developer ZetanDS seems to have forgotten a unique file in the linux-i686 folder. Great Scott !
1) first download
if you are familiar with terminal comand the command for extracting files for a bz2 file is tar -xvf renpy-7.5.3-sdk.tar.bz2
2) browse the sdk folder and find the lib folder, then go for a folder named py2-linux-i686. on the internet i686 means 32 bit.
3) inside py2-linux-i686 find the file named "renpy". right click and select copy
4) inside DesertStalker folder go to the same path, lib directory then py2-linux-i686 folder, then right click and paste the renpy file here.
5)once file copied, please select the file named renpy and rename it to DesertStalker
6) delete the renpy-7.5.3-sdk and renpy-7.5.3-sdk.tar.bz2 file (right click move to trashcan)
Now create a shorcut launcher (right click on destop) and find the DesertStalker.sh in your extracted game folder.
you have now the possibility to play Desert Stalker
on a 32 bit PC 
version 0.12.0
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.4.5
debian12 32bit out of the box : not working due to renpy 8
real RenPy version : (thanks scrumbles )
the only version on the game runing for me was version 0.9.9 on linux debian 32 bit.
maybe the developer irphaeus, do not tell anybody and goes to the dark side and secretly started to use Renpy 8.0 executable files without updating correcly its folder.
i have tried to use the 7.4.5 sdk with no success. meaning someone is lying to us
this game seems not to be coded with SDK 7.4.5
So it seems that irphaeus has changed the renpy engine. meaning that it would not be possible to play this game on 32 bit machine. furthermore, his game do not really use renpy new features. it would be a lot more intelligent to use renpy 7.7.3 which has a lot a feature of renpy 8.
so irphaeus is now doing bad zip releases, first of all (the script_version.txt) is incorrect, the lib directories contains only 64bit executables, and the root of game package contains WaifuAcademy-32.exe. this may mislead users, that version 12.0 can be run on windows 32bit or linux 32bit. Great Scott !
the last 32 bit version of WaifuAcademy is here 0.9.9. it might be downloaded here
Since version 0.10.0 and up irphaeus uses renpy 8.0 without telling anyone. it sadly means this game wont run on 32 bit computers, windows or linux...
Version 0.16.1 Beta
RenPy Script_version.txt 8.2.3
Debian 12 32 bit out of the box : this game wont play in 32 bit linux or 32 bit windows.
Real Renpy Version : to be determined.
i wanted to create a thread because, there is a lot of old pc still functionning on earth, that have only a 32 bit processor. For those who are not experts
i use for instance a samsung nc10 netbook found in a trashcan which has an atom processor for example. this processor does not know 64 bit stuff.
these old pc have windows XP. Fine, why do not use windows XP then ? Renpy developers does not support XP since version 7.3.5 (source renpy.org). Great Scott !!
Almost no windows programs is running under Windows XP nowadays, and renpy versions does not support anymore windows XP, and barely you cannot even install a web navigator like firefox or internet explorer on windows XP.
on this old xp netbook, you cannot go on the web anymore with firefox, you cannot play f95zone renpy games either, cause renpy games crashes
when i first came on this forum to discover visual novels, the forum moderators do not really tell what is the version used for the visual novels games.
a user on F95zone, one day told me, it is stored inside "script_version.txt", inside the game folder of each unpacked renpy games.
when you open the file script_version.txt ; you discover a strange numbers (7,4,6). saying for exemple a vn game use version 7.4.6
7.4.6 is bigger than 7.3.5 telling us, a game has no chance to run on windows XP.
So Linux is the last hope of this PC from the hell trash. Our ancestors used that pc, why cannot we do it in 2024. Yes we can !
what is the best linux which has still 32 bit kernels and long life support ? ===>
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if you have a dvd burner and a windows pc, you can burn the iso file to a blank dvd with this excellent windows free tool ===>
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i have tested a lot of linux distributions, (linux mint, opensuse, poppy linux, ubuntu based ones) , for playing renpy games on 32 bit, and debian is still the best in term of efficiency.
the visual novel games are running faster under debian.
furthermore, having a low end pc can help us to see what kind of linux brands sucks
if you have not a dvd drive on your old 32 bit only pc, you can put the debian iso file directly an usb flash disk.
so you have to find a windows (at least windows 8) pc and use a well known easy program called ===>
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i have not found a better program than rufus to make usb sticks. it works only on windows lol
this tool will help you to put the iso dvd file on a bootable usb stick.
1) plug a usb stick on your pc
2) run the rufus exe file probalbly in your download windows folder. click ok when prompted
3) select the device which is your usb key
4) let the delfault settings here, just click select and go find the debian iso file in your download windows
5) still let all the default settings and just click start
6) rufus will ask you what kind of write mode you want, please choose the recommended one.
7) A last normal warning will say everything will be deleted on your usb key just say yes
8) take a coffee, rufus will take a lot of time coping the debian 12 on your usb key
once you have a debian burned dvd or the usb key ready. here comes a tricky part.
if you don't tell your old pc to boot on your dvd, or to boot on your usb, you wont be abe to install linux on it.
so you have to boot your pc and try to find the bios key. (for me it is F2 key, for others it might be the DEL key)
you may have to reboot your pc a lot of times to test all the F keys to open the bios at startup.
Then you have to find a boot menu or the boot device priority menu
usually on the bios the first device to be booted on is your hard disk, but you have to read your bios instructions to move USB CD or USB KEY at position one before your hard disk position 2.
usually it is the F5/F6 ke to move the devices , but some other older pc it might be others key (it should be told in the bios help section on screen).
one your dvd or usb key are before your hard drive device (in terms of boot priority) , press F10 to save settings and reboot your pc.
Make sure you have your debian dvd or your debian usb key plugged on your pc.
if everything are done correctly the next time you boot your pc to should see a debian menu showing
Debian/Gnu linux installer menu (bios mode)
1) let the default first choice (graphical install) and press ok
2) you shoud see select your language, choose what suits you most then click continue
3) debian 12 will ask your location, choose what you want
4) select also your keyboard
5) debian will install drivers and programs in your pc memory, and then after a short period will ask to configure the network.
usually old pc have at least a wired connection and a wifi connection,
if you do not have an internet connection with your old pc, it does not matter, debian will install from the usb stick only
jump to 7)
6) please choose the wireless adapter debian is showing you.
if everything went good, it should see the wifi networks around, select yours, and select WPA/PSK
type your wifi password
7) Debian will ask to choose a name for your pc, put what your want , or let the default one
8) Debian will ask a domain name, leave it blank
9) Debian will ask you to choose a password for the administrator account. you can either choose a password or leave it blank to disable the admistrator account
10) Debian will now want to setup your personal account , and ask your name , your are not obliged to tell your name, you may leave it blank
11) important : debian will ask for your username and password, choose a username and password and remember them both. you will be obliged to log in with that username each time. then clck continue
12) debian will set up the clock and timezine, please choose your region timezone accordingly
13) important : debian will ask if you wan to use your entire disk, or crypting the entire disk, choose the first default choice. on low end pc encryption is taking too much ressources. do not choose that. just say use entire disk.
14) Debian will display all your hard disk drives, you may select which one you want. important (all former datas will be definitely lost on that disk)
15) Debian will format your data preparing the system to install
16) important : Debian will show propose what you want to install as a graphical desktop manager. By default it will be Gnome. do not let default choice here
Gnome is a fat desktop environnement which make your pc too slow (you can believe me it sucks like a deep pain in the ass). if you choose gnome your renpy games will be too slow.
please choose XFCE and uncheck gnome. Gnome is a programing nightmare worst than windows XP. XFCE is modern and smooth and wont ruin your pc
17) Debian wil either download stuff if your are connected to wifi, to install the system updated, and the xfce interface.
18) please take a coffee it may be long
19) when debian finishing installing it will either ask you to remove the dvd or the usb key from your pc.
20) Reboot. congratulations you have debian 12 32 bit installed on your old PC.
Now you have a running 32 old pc under debian 12
at first boot it will ask for your username and password, xfce deskto do not display by default your username, you have to type your username, then your password and click connect
you cannot either use the default navigator (firefox) to dowload the renpy games zip files, or copy zip files from usb sticks by a normal copy paste.
on your desktop your should see a system file hard disk icon, double click on it, then on the locations on the left click on your home icon
you shoud see your desktop documents images music folder. here you can right click and create a new folder for example RenpyGames, and paste there your renpy games
zip files. once copied you can extract zip files by rightclicking and click extract here.
the hardest part has been done
you cannot know the renpy version of a game, untill you extract it.
let's talk about versioning again. on the renpy.org website, you are learning a lot of stuff on versioning. For instance, a lot of persons do not know that since version 8.0, 32 bit processor are no more supported. That means that even if you have windows 10 32 bit pc or a linux 32 bit, you cannot play anymore a renpy game.
they are encouraging game programmers to use renpy 8.0 , but by doing they are forcing the programmers to change their program to python3. That is maybe why there are still proposing 7.7.3, and they were forced to continue the 7.X versions
"32 bit sensation" they called it
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32 bit is not dead
Now i start a list of Renpy VN games running well on low end 32 bit linux PC
1) the last developer version of the game
2) the renpy software theorical version to create the game (the one in script_version.txt)
3) if the game runs well out of the box if unziped on Debian 12 32 bit.
there may be 2 outcomes here,
- the game may be running via some minor fixes
- the game is not compatible with debian 32 bit.
3) the real suspected renpy version running
Lets start the list of games running well on debian 32 bit pc
if you have other game tested i will add to the list
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:version 0.7.5
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.4.6
debian12 32bit out of the box yes
real RenPy version 7.4.6
just create a shorcut launcher (right click on destop) and find the eternum.sh in your extracted game folder.
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:version 0.16c
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.5.3
debian12 32bit out of the box yes with extra Fix
real RenPy version 7.5.3
the developer ZetanDS seems to have forgotten a unique file in the linux-i686 folder. Great Scott !
1) first download
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sdk file and extract renpy-7.5.3-sdk.tar.bz2 by righclicking on it extract hereif you are familiar with terminal comand the command for extracting files for a bz2 file is tar -xvf renpy-7.5.3-sdk.tar.bz2
2) browse the sdk folder and find the lib folder, then go for a folder named py2-linux-i686. on the internet i686 means 32 bit.
3) inside py2-linux-i686 find the file named "renpy". right click and select copy
4) inside DesertStalker folder go to the same path, lib directory then py2-linux-i686 folder, then right click and paste the renpy file here.
5)once file copied, please select the file named renpy and rename it to DesertStalker
6) delete the renpy-7.5.3-sdk and renpy-7.5.3-sdk.tar.bz2 file (right click move to trashcan)
Now create a shorcut launcher (right click on destop) and find the DesertStalker.sh in your extracted game folder.
you have now the possibility to play Desert Stalker
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:version 0.12.0
RenPy Script_version.txt 7.4.5
debian12 32bit out of the box : not working due to renpy 8
real RenPy version : (thanks scrumbles )
the only version on the game runing for me was version 0.9.9 on linux debian 32 bit.
maybe the developer irphaeus, do not tell anybody and goes to the dark side and secretly started to use Renpy 8.0 executable files without updating correcly its folder.
i have tried to use the 7.4.5 sdk with no success. meaning someone is lying to us
So it seems that irphaeus has changed the renpy engine. meaning that it would not be possible to play this game on 32 bit machine. furthermore, his game do not really use renpy new features. it would be a lot more intelligent to use renpy 7.7.3 which has a lot a feature of renpy 8.
so irphaeus is now doing bad zip releases, first of all (the script_version.txt) is incorrect, the lib directories contains only 64bit executables, and the root of game package contains WaifuAcademy-32.exe. this may mislead users, that version 12.0 can be run on windows 32bit or linux 32bit. Great Scott !
the last 32 bit version of WaifuAcademy is here 0.9.9. it might be downloaded here
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Since version 0.10.0 and up irphaeus uses renpy 8.0 without telling anyone. it sadly means this game wont run on 32 bit computers, windows or linux...
You must be registered to see the links
Version 0.16.1 Beta
RenPy Script_version.txt 8.2.3
Debian 12 32 bit out of the box : this game wont play in 32 bit linux or 32 bit windows.
Real Renpy Version : to be determined.
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