Seeking Looking for ambient noises that are fine with being in a hentai game


Jul 15, 2022

I'm working on making an NSFW Hentai game and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for ambient noises and/or sound effects for level design and scenes. I thought I found a few but I checked their ToS and found out that they do not allow their work to be used in pornography.

The resource I'm using for current ambient noises is while searching under the "Creative Commons" tag line. I would consistently use them but the resources are limited and nearly anything ambient on say a "country side" for example... always has some guy's unmuffled F-150 in the back ground or anything undesired that ruins the scene. Especially since my game takes place in a medieval time period...

Incase any other H-Game devs are wondering. is what I use for free VA's and sex sounds.

Both paid and free recommendations are welcome.

Thanks! :giggle: