Daz Looking for Daz Animation tips

Lewdboys Studio

New Member
Jun 18, 2023
I made this HJ animation loop, pose it manually for over an hour. I'm asking if there's any tool or tip you would like to share to make animation easier and smooth in daz3d.
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Sep 4, 2017
Looks robotic.

Try looking for general animation courses or even blender courses. A lot of the knowledge still applies.
A couple of good starting points are the 12 principles of animation or look up the book "Richard Williams Animator's survival kit" that can be found for free on the web.


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Game Developer
Jul 2, 2017
Personally I think it's a pretty good Daz animation. Should probably throw in a bit of motion on the rest of the bodies so they're not too motionless.

The two things I reacted to was that the DoF is so narrow that it looks like it blurs parts of the hand/genitals, or maybe it's the low framerate (a result of making it a gif? It looks like 6fps or so). The other was that it looks like the hand clips pretty hard into the penis on the downstroke.

Overall I wouldn't be ashamed if it was my animation - but then I'm not very good at Daz animating so I don't know what that's worth ;)


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
I wasn't going to comment on this again but since people keep comenting saying it's good, here: your animation has most of the mistakes on that list. would recommend watching the whole thing.There is also this one:

To me the biggest mistake is that the dick doesn't move with the hand, next time you fap, look down and see if you dick just stays there completely inmobile or if the movements of your hand actually move your dick.

The second biggest is that the entire arm moves just up and down like a machine.

I'm curious what Saki_Sliz thinks of this animation?
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I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
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Aug 17, 2019
I wasn't going to comment on this again but since people keep comenting saying it's good, here: your animation has most of the mistakes on that list. would recommend watching the whole thing.There is also this one:

To me the biggest mistake is that the dick doesn't move with the hand, next time you fap, look down and see if you dick just stays there completely inmobile or if the movements of your hand actually move your dick.

The second biggest is that the entire arm moves just up and down like a machine.

I'm curious what Saki_Sliz thinks of this animation?
Just a question, have you ever animated in Daz?

They're two different software that excel at two different things. Daz is a hobbyist software, largely used by people who've never animated a thing in their life up to that point. Which is exactly what it's made to do. Make life easier for the newcomer. That being said, you can get some good stuff out of Daz, if you know what you're doing. But it'll (currently) never hang with Blender. Why?

Because Blender is trying to be an industry standard. It has to hang with Maya (which it won't and likely never will do) in this context, so it has to be more advanced than the aforementioned Daz. Anyone who's learning animation in Blender is likely a lot more serious about it (e.g. KisX) than your average Daz AVN dev is and the tools/abilities reflect it.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
Just a question, have you ever animated in Daz?

They're two different software that excel at two different things. Daz is a hobbyist software, largely used by people who've never animated a thing in their life up to that point. Which is exactly what it's made to do. Make life easier for the newcomer. That being said, you can get some good stuff out of Daz, if you know what you're doing. But it'll (currently) never hang with Blender. Why?

Because Blender is trying to be an industry standard. It has to hang with Maya (which it won't and likely never will do) in this context, so it has to be more advanced than the aforementioned Daz. Anyone who's learning animation in Blender is likely a lot more serious about it (e.g. KisX) than your average Daz AVN dev is and the tools/abilities reflect it.

As stated on my first response what this guy needs are universal principles thats why i recommended the 12 prinicples of animation that were created during the creation of snow white. a hand drawn cartoon created decades before computers were invented.
As for your poin about being serious, he asked for daz animation tips so universal tips apply. If you are not serious, don't ask for tips in the first place. But given the fact that he asked, I'm gonna assume he at least wants to improve.

There are plenty of games that use daz and have good animations, so it's absolutely doable. If you put up the excuse that it is a bare bones tool for amateurs, the guys that created snow white only had pen and paper and these skills didn't even exist back then, they had to create them, so they were below amateur level.

The fact of the matter is that in real life everything moves naturally in arcs and limbs never move all together, here is a very easy exercise you can do right now:
look to your side, your eyes move first then your head turns. In fact, if you try to move your head without moving your eyes it's very dificult.
Something similar happens with hour hands and arm when fapping, try fapping while moving your entire arm up and down whithout any wrist rotation, see how weird it feels.

Also the guys on the videos mainly use maya...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Thanks for tagging me in lobotomist

I don't know about you guys, but I find being a dev requires a range of skill. Coding, writing, Art, animation, etc. Something I've noticed about life is that the brain sucks at remembering things. Videos like the playlist lobotomist provided are great... when you can focus on animation for a while. But I imagine for most, game dev work is spread out across months. Unless one actually practices the various tricks and tips mentioned in the videos, it's very unlikely we'll remember. Unless we do animation/writing/or art as a profession, I find these kinds of videos don't help, unless you modify your work flow so that you can really focus on just one thing, such as a month just for writing, or a month just for doing animations. A month to focus on something can really make you feel like going from 0 to 100, especially if you are able to find opportunities to make use of the videos.

Back onto the topic, my thoughts. I'm a dumb squid brain. As far as I know, I would give the animation a good thumbs up (y)

I know when I do get around to animating, I'll often make unique physics rigs to help automate a lot of the complexity, such as moving both the dick and hand together in various ways, maybe even make the dick a bit springy. But the point is not to make an over engineer or over detailed animation, but rather, make it easy to tweak various parameters of the animation. I myself hold the third principle of animation as the highest, , but staging is deceptively simple, because what it really is about is understanding unspoken rhetorical theory, and manipulating what the viewers are thinking and seeing. The reason I say I'm a squid brain is because I often have to make a range of animations and then by comparing what each style does, I can identify things that are good, or too much. So right now, I can't really say yay or nay without comparing several.

For example, if the hand job was meant to be really aggressive, then to communicate aggressive I would be faster, make the dick a bit floppy, and have the hand jerk the cock around. But I would also zoom out, that is because there is a lot of physical nuances going on, and basically way too much information for our brains to process coming through the screen. So in this case, i would zoom out so that the handjob takes up less of the screen space. I may explore how important it is to show the characters, but the main reason to zoom out is so that the viewer can focus on the handjob, but then be able to stop focusing on it, but still have there in the back of their mind as their brain simplifys all the detailed movement into background information. But when you start doing this, you get into a similar field to staging, and that is Composition, which is the static art version of non verbal rhetorical theory.

Like i was mentioning in my first paragraph, being a game dev is a lot of hats, and you may want to experiment with a lot of things, but may not have all the expertise. It can be really hard to practice expertise when you only need to dabble in each subject field. Worrying about things like composition I find only really matters if you are going to be focusing on very artistic stuff, such as full scene renders, or if you are trying to use comics as a main form of communication, which is what I want to do eventually, once I get my game engine to that stage.

but that's a special case, but for the topic of this thread, since the animation is zoomed in, with the hand job being the focus, you wouldn't want to be too aggressive, so no fast movement. And since you aren't moving too fast, then there isn't a physics reason for why the dick would move to far (side to side or flopping or etc.). If anything, what I would play with (if their was a physics rig) would be to simulate friction or the skin sticking a bit. I don't mean the effect with the skin moving, that was well done. Instead, the hand is moving up and down too perfectly, too sinusoidal, and the wrist is too stiff. most girls like to add a bit of wrist movement because it makes them think they are using more skill, and making the hand job more interesting. So when the hand first goes down, it should act like its stuck in place (due to static friction being higher than kinetic friction), but only go down a little bit to simulate the flexibility of the skin on both the dick and hand, the wrist should flex (thus flexing the dick a bit) due to the hand meeting resistance and stopping, and the wrist is relaxed enough to bend, and when enough force is applied, the hand should 'slip' down for a moment before the decent is controlled, and similar physics happen when trying to bring the hand back up. I've seen this effect done on many hand jobs by lewd 3D artist, 1 because they focus on animation only and thus have the time/energy to explore how to add more and make their animations better, 2 most moved to blender so that they can modify the rig as they need to, because the raw bone animation such as what daz/source film maker allows is like solving calculous by smashing rocks together, it is brutal and sucks but it is possible.

But, for a daz animation, I would say the above animation is good, I couldn't ask for more and has some interesting details and I think the pacing is good given the composition of the animation.


Oct 8, 2017
I know this is an old thread but that animation is pretty good for what its worth. I think for the most part your average player/user will not notice some aspects of it being robotic etc. (They are too busy fapping or being in a horny state to hyper analyze the quality of animation xD). I personally didn't catch the robotic hand movement until I read that persons comment and then focused on it.
