There's a genuine lack of experimentation OR reading in this game, is everyone this lazy?
Just about everything in this game is counter-intuitive, compared to more mainstream survival games. Thankfully, the latest updates include list of available keys - it should help somewhat.
Fortunately, most people seem to be doing fine, and just asking for things they're stuck at. It would be nice if people had an easier time finding John's guide.
that aside I hope we get a way to get life orbs without having to abort, I enjoy having an army of my own kids going around
I never built a midwifery, so all my births have a chance to produce life orbs. Or on a bad day, my life orbs have a chance of producing children.
Since I'm doing the challenge of capturing only one breedable native and breeding all the population from her, it's killing two birds with one stone. I already got enough to rejuvernate the old man.
By the way, turns out he loses the old man recipes when rejuvernated. Fortunately, I already have made enough basic rejuvernation potions for the old woman. I wonder if she'll also forget how to sew.
would anyone try to make a challenge of capturing only one female and breed the whole village (except some quest npc or big natives)
It's pretty fun. And I guess people who hate NTR would enjoy fathering the entire village themselves (with female manjuu to ensure there are no men there).
Can I take over already established villages/bases or is it feasible to make my camp inside caves or an island?
Caves reset every time you enter them. Seems risky to build there.
If it's any indication. I have 28+ hours on my current save file. It's day 52. The male MC spend 2 in game days hunting for shit, literal shit as in feces. 40 stone planters. He knows what needs to be done. He's level 659... he's still a virgin

In my experience, normal gameplay produces plenty of shit (from hunted and caught animals), but if that's not enough, you should build a pig farm. Pig farms produce shit at a steady rate.
Oh my fuckin.....
...So how long did it take everyone else to figure out the grapple attack can use left
and right click?
I read pretty much every post in this almost 300-page thread, and I think you're the first to mention it.
Does right-clicking produce a different animation?