So far so good..
Sure, the translations could be better, but hey.. that's a minor issue atm.. at least it's not as bad as the "Engrish" some of the Russian games has with a rudimentary machine-translation.
My biggest gripe with the game atm is the lack of being able to click through the MANDATORY SLOW ASS BLACK SCREENS between scenes... that is REALLY driving me up the walls...
Yes.. you're cooking a burger.. that doesn't mean I need to look at a black screen for 10 minutes while the sizzling sound plays...
Make the sound effects skippable!
Also.. a bit of variation in the route you walk to town/work ect instead of just the same 2 pictures... PLUS.. what's up with not reversing the order when you go back.. shouldn't the graffiti wall come first and then the "nice looking wall" ?

(not to mention.. these 2 images you can't just "click to skip"... just like the black screens)
Renders are nice, sure, you can nit-pick about stuff like the runny mascara when the mother and daughter cries, but eh.. doesn't ruin it for me.
Also.. it's SOOOO NICE to see a different "apartment layout" than the one used in about 80% of other VN's on this site.