I know that I shouldn't complain, because it's already so much if we get some animated things. After who the develope go. But ... the first night with Caroline ass fuck and... no animation? I can understand if the pussy one you do in images. But the first time anal thing and... no animation. Is so sad

I hope the rest of the game is animated or at last most of them, This game deserve every sex scene animated. I know that is hard to do every thing animated. But with a graphic like this, the game really need it. I dubit it we see a 0.6e

also because i think soon we see something like Christmas event 2 and this time i how in some real sex scene in.
Oh well i go to the game and see how the update continue after the night sex with Caroline.
For now me rank are
I prefer voluptuous body to lollicon thing. Surelly Sarah do not go in the lolli thing. But if it were not because she is MC'sister and red haired, i think for me she go in the last palace. But because i like incest more, i put her at the penultimate place for now.
Anyway Mother/Caroline are the best