News #27 - Changes and release date
Hey guys!
I want to start this post by saying that this is a very important message so please read it all, I’ll try to keep it short and simple.
Milfy City
There will be a lot of changes starting the new month along with the game release schedule. Due to a lot of bad circumstances that I won’t even bother to write about, the process of producing this game will change. Maybe for the better, maybe for worse, it’s all up to you to decide. The general plan has not changed and version 1.0 will be released this year with all the basic content and storylines finished. (Without additional/not main characters.)
So what does that generally mean? It means that in the next month we will start releasing the updates in increments and the first one will be version 0.71. The naming of each version will be different depending on the size of the update, so the second update in July can be called v.0.75. The bigger the update the bigger the version number difference up until it finally gets to version 1.0
Release version 0.71 on 14th July
Starting in the month of July the game will be updated every two weeks. The first update of the game will be on the 14th then on the 31st. The promised minimal sizes of each update will be 200 images and 20 animations, but that doesn’t mean that the update can’t have 1000 images and 150 animations. I just want to disclose the amount of content we can put into the game within that time frame. This first month will also be a test of how it will work and how we can change things to improve and to release an even bigger amount of content in the future.
What to expect in that update?
For now, I can’t say, since we have to change a lot of things. I’ll start posting information and previews after version 0.71 on what to expect next leading up to 1.0
Will I still be quiet and post rarely?
Nope. My attitude changed dramatically. Since I can’t work at my own pace and when I’m quiet people think that I’m not working, not creating anything. Maybe it’s stupid but that made me feel very upset. I’ll now be very active here and on Discord which I encourage you to join
One more thing
There will be more moderation here and on the Discord. Criticism is good, pointing out my mistakes also but insulting and swearing will not be tolerated and will end up with a permanent ban even on here.
Okay, I think that’s most of the important information

I hope that most of you will like this change and those who don’t can wait a few months till the release of version 1.0
As always - Thank you all again for your continued support!