I'd be willing to proofread it.
I'm still noob on this forum and game development. PM me most atrocious examples from my game and how to correct them.

I can write walkthrough if it's necessary.
The attack seemed to arbitrarily not want to come out, sometimes I'd fire it off and have it ready a second later, but other times I'd shoot and it felt like it took ages for me to be able to hit the bats/clowns again.
There is stamina points, hit chance and evasion chance.

I intentionally didn't make all of them 100% or 0%. That would be too predictable. Psi Ball have 95% to hit. Sometimes your missing. Sometimes enemies missing on you. For better understanding how much stamina you spend by casting spells there is Cat's mind in which you can see freaky stamina bar.

These limitations are made for the purpose that the player didn't standing in one place by spreading spells all around but sometimes he is forced to moves around to avoid the attacks and using the shield.
While I know thoughts aren't the most rational thing, having the layout of the "dungeon" be randomly strewn-about chunks of space with zero design sense is just... eugh.
Not really so. There is design but nontraditional. You can explore this level for grinding max amount of Psi Points or you can go straight forward to the end but with much less Psi Points as outcome.
It would be far more interesting (in my opinion) to have the mind-spaces be personalized for every woman you're trying to mess with, or if you discovered more about them as you traveled through.
This is exactly what i'm planning. Personal mind level for every person or series of small levels for them. In version 0.2f you have two person Mrs. Carslon and Mss. Van Der Snork. Van Der Snork character is in beginning of development but you can explore her memories through exploring House Aura and there is not aggressive clowns inside.
And Cat's mind for spell's testing of fast grind. His mind is the only plaice where stamina bar displayed because it's look ugly but may be useful for testing. He still didn't person.

But i'm thinking about providing voyeur quests through his mind.
it'd be more interesting to have it be a puzzle game where you have to piece together things like memories, desires, etc. to go further into each woman's mind and use that to bend them to your will, since that's the angle being played here.
What i present in this version of Carlson's mind it's just shooting range for Psi Points collection. Because core mechanics is around Psi Points gains and Psi Points spends. In the future versions i'm planning to put "memories" about her relationships with husband into her mind. I even built dead ends rooms preliminary.
This puzzle idea look very promising. In the next updates i will pay more attention to the exploration, new characters and puzzles.