- May 26, 2020
- 593
- 537
New home of my old saves
If you got here, you probably know me from as the guy who posts organized saves for the game My New Life Revamp.The repository exists because some people may want to play the game from a point in story earlier than the current release, but if I would make a new post for saves of each release, it would be hard to track them in the game's thread (while, by always editing the same post, it can be kept linked in the thread's OP). Not to mention that my lenghty detailed descriptions would clog the thread a lot!
Another repository existed, but I want it to be easy to navigate and people started posting stuff in between the saves and, since I'm not a moderator, I can't "mechanically" prevent people from posting on a thread, even if the thread was created by myself.
So, I'm making a new one and kindly asking people beforehand to NOT post anything here, keeping the thread clean
If you feel an urge to post something here, first go trough this checklist:
* Is it any form of "Do you have a save at X point of the story?" or "Do you have a save with X alternative path?" ?
Answer: If you don't see it in this thread or in the game's thread post for the current release saves, then no, I do not. All the saves I produce go from my computer to that post, and from there to here when I produce saves of a new release.
* Is it a request to other users/players to see if someone else has the save you want?
Answer: Post it on the game's thread. It will reach more people and keep the repository clean.
* Is it any form of "I tried using your save and I had a problem"?
Answer: Message me directly or post it on the game's thread mentioning me by putting " [_user=2387134]Jieigh[/user] " in your post, without the underscore.
* Is it a problem unrelated to using my saves but you saw me helping people around and want to bring my attention to it?
Answer: Same as above
* Do you still think what you have to say fits here better than anywhere else?
Answer: I don't know how, but don't post it here. Message me, mention me on the game's thread, create a new thread if you must, find out my real address and come knock on my door, but don't post it here.
Also, kinda foreseeing a question:
"If you don't want people messing with your organized thread, why not use a file hosting website intead?"
Answer: Because I already have too many accounts on too many sites to manage. Also, most file hosting services have either an upload limit which I don't want to deal with, or a download limit which I don't want to impose on the users, or (likely) both
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