Tool Ren'Py Modified UnRen (ForAll v9.4 + URM v2.0.3) Universal Mods Installer DBZ Edition (Updated 2024-02-17)

Sep 4, 2017
I have several mods that were written by myself and several of the modders here that are universal.
Some of these mods need to be in different paths (Unren = Base Folder, environtment.txt = Base Folder, Others = Game Folder)
Also 1 mod (Universal Renpy Mod by 0x52) is packed in a rpa file which is nice and simple but to keep it that way it must be copied into the Game folder after copying Unren into the Base folder and running the rpa unpacking.
That makes setting up every Renpy game a multistep process so I set about integrating those mods directly into Unren so I can copy this 1 file into the Base Folder and have it write the other mods into their respective locations.

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Also included are a couple of my own mods :

DBZ_Config_Keys.rpy - sets keys to dismiss hard pauses to the same keys as normal dismiss

environment.txt disables the splash screen and also disables intra-text pauses.

*** Disabling Intra-Text pauses can under rare circumstances interfere with how the game display transitions. If so just delete environment.txt from the Base Folder and restart the game(In extensive testing I have only came across 1 game where this happened)

Menu1.jpg Help-Credits1.jpg VirusTotal 1.jpg VirusTotal 2.jpg VirusTotal 3.jpg VirusTotal 4.jpg

Current Version

View attachment [CLASSIC-MENU]

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Older Versions
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May 28, 2017
One question: is in this mod something like this included?
file = open("variables.txt","w")
file.write(', '.join(dir()))
I like to analyze the variables sometimes in an external editor and a buildin shortcut would be awesome.
Sep 4, 2017
One question: is in this mod something like this included?
file = open("variables.txt","w")
file.write(', '.join(dir()))
I like to analyze the variables sometimes in an external editor and a buildin shortcut would be awesome.
yes there is actually the Universal Renpy Mod by 0x52 included in this.. I haven't updated this yet to the newest version (1.4.1) but 1.3.2 is included and it easily edits and can display searchable lists of variables on the fly in the game
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Sep 4, 2017
Updated the tool to include the newest version of 0x52 's URM v1.5.1!

It's a great mod and the new features he has included are very much worth checking out if you havent tried it yet then check it out here...

Also... im working on including a couple more of the "universal" mods. If theres a mod that is not limited to just one game that you would like to see incorporated into the launcher let me know.

edit 1/1 4:07pm:

ugh had some problems with my base 64 conversions and decoding back after ive reverted back to ver 1 for now until i figure out where i went wrong
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Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
Quick question... instead of incorporating mods like URM, would it be possible to incorporate curl instead so it can download the latest version of these mods? that way it only needs to have links updated in the bat file. Not only would we always have access to the latest version of these addons, it would also make it a helluva lot easier for you to maintain and keep it up to date...

on a sidenote... I've got no idea where I got the original from, maybe you know who made this one, sadly the author didn't leave any info as to its origin in a embedded comment. It's a 'mod' to have transparent dialogue textboxes, choice boxes and a few other things like custom quick menu... I've modified it to disable some stuff I don't fancy myself (still in there, just commented) and made some changes to how the quick menu shows. I'm attaching it here, if you are able to figure out who made it, then this one might be a nice addition. I know there's one other transparent textbox replacer but it works different (uses an image) and also doesn't work on all games... so far the attached one hasn't failed me once...

EDIT: I realize these addons will most likely be contained in zip files. I see two ways to handle this. (and maybe you will even come up with other ones ;) )

One would be to use powershell to extract the archive to a temp folder then move the addon in-place, that way you only need to update the link and the argument for powershell...

Another would be to store the packed versions as releases in a github repo of your own and include a distro link in the bat file to "latest release" like so "/owner/name/releases/latest/download/"
this would be a bit more work to keep the different repo's up-to-date but saves you from updating the bat file since the links then always get the latest release of each addon mod. Provided you keep the tags updated and don't include version numbers in the name of the zip file.
here's some info on this method: and
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Sep 4, 2017
Quick question... instead of incorporating mods like URM, would it be possible to incorporate curl instead so it can download the latest version of these mods? that way it only needs to have links updated in the bat file. Not only would we always have access to the latest version of these addons, it would also make it a helluva lot easier for you to maintain and keep it up to date...

on a sidenote... I've got no idea where I got the original from, maybe you know who made this one, sadly the author didn't leave any info as to its origin in a embedded comment. It's a 'mod' to have transparent dialogue textboxes, choice boxes and a few other things like custom quick menu... I've modified it to disable some stuff I don't fancy myself (still in there, just commented) and made some changes to how the quick menu shows. I'm attaching it here, if you are able to figure out who made it, then this one might be a nice addition. I know there's one other transparent textbox replacer but it works different (uses an image) and also doesn't work on all games... so far the attached one hasn't failed me once...

EDIT: I realize these addons will most likely be contained in zip files. I see two ways to handle this. (and maybe you will even come up with other ones ;) )

One would be to use powershell to extract the archive to a temp folder then move the addon in-place, that way you only need to update the link and the argument for powershell...

Another would be to store the packed versions as releases in a github repo of your own and include a distro link in the bat file to "latest release" like so "/owner/name/releases/latest/download/"
this would be a bit more work to keep the different repo's up-to-date but saves you from updating the bat file since the links then always get the latest release of each addon mod. Provided you keep the tags updated and don't include version numbers in the name of the zip file.
here's some info on this method: and
Those are definitely good ideas and I explored similar concepts thinking the same thing... how should we go about getting this all automated.

My Problem is I'm just not there yet in terms of knowledge. I just started dipping my toes into any kind of coding/scripting a bit over a year ago with Renpy and then python... Prior to this I've never even attempted a batch script. I hadn't even typed a dos command since around 2000 lol

so far I've just tried to contribute smaller mods and basically release them with the idea that they could be taken and used or adjusted by anyone with more knowledge.

I did happen to find after a lot of failed googling 2 generic mod installers/ managers but I haven't had much of a chance to look at them to see if the are compatible with Renpy. I went back to work driving tourists in Las Vegas lol.

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I would be happy if anyone wanted to play around with this and either collaborate or just take it and run with the concept. The point for me is to contribute and help out any way I can since I've gotten so much great info and ideas from the modders here


New Member
Jun 26, 2018
I have updated the script to include version 1.6.1 of the Universal Renpy Mod as well as integrated the Transparent Window mod mentioned by FaceCrap. The 1.6.1 verson of URM has a built in update feature to update itself to the latest version, and while testing my changes that feature worked just fine. Of course now that I am ready to upload my changes that function of URM seems broken. But it appears to be an issue with the server 0x52 is using to host the updates, so I am thinking it will probably get fixed without needing a new version. I may look into a repo or some other solution if that does not resolve in the next week or so.

Please pay attention as the menu options have changed to accomidate now including the Transparent Window and Quick Menu mod.
Sep 4, 2017
I have updated the script to include version 1.6.1 of the Universal Renpy Mod as well as integrated the Transparent Window mod mentioned by FaceCrap. The 1.6.1 verson of URM has a built in update feature to update itself to the latest version, and while testing my changes that feature worked just fine. Of course now that I am ready to upload my changes that function of URM seems broken. But it appears to be an issue with the server 0x52 is using to host the updates, so I am thinking it will probably get fixed without needing a new version. I may look into a repo or some other solution if that does not resolve in the next week or so.

Please pay attention as the menu options have changed to accomidate now including the Transparent Window and Quick Menu mod.
Very cool! I had been meaning to get back to update the included mods but hadn't had a chance. the new auto update in urm will help alot and the quick menu mod was on my list for sure to add in when time permitted

I like the transparent mod and I seriously weighed including it but ultimately decided not to as i had set out to include only mods that were truly universal or as close to it as possible
It works well for many games and the dev does/did an amazing job of making targeted patches for individual games as the incompatibilities were discovered. there are some current and past games it doesnt work with but now that ive used thede mods so much even the KB input mod doesnt quite work every game if the dev changes layers and the choice menu too much.

In fact i had originally intended to include my Textbox selector mod that had multiple colors/tranparency adjustment/a full transparent (NULL) box/ and an option to select the original included png that the dev intended. I just never got it clean enough to where i was happy wit the layout (wanted a grid whith sample boxes that were clickable and updated on the fly)

That and i wanted tomake it more like URM with that light touch and no overwriting of screens.rpy for easy removal without damaging the game or saves

The transparent textbox mod is definately a good addition and you're work is appreciated i just downloaded it to use it myself.

maybe this will get me to make the other fixes i wanted to include soon. the newer unren versions handle the times when the dev puts all scripts into a subfolder instead of the game folder. unren 0.92 has always errored at that and then we had to go in and move any rpyc into the game folder and run again

Thanks again for the work in incorporating updated mods! awesome
Sep 4, 2017
Well I finally had some time to get in and make a couple updates and improvements... The tool is now updated with URM 1.9.3
It now skips that check for rpyc files that errored out all the time when the devs placed rpyc scripts in subfolders, now includes updated rpatool and includes "try harder" rpyc decompiling

still have some more work to do like what was suggested by ThatGuy2748 including probably the quick menu mod and *Maybe the transparent box mod but the textbox mod is questionable since it can break games and isnt *technically* universal

  • Yay, update!
Reactions: effninefivehuman
Sep 4, 2017
Well hmmm I'm not 100 % sure since I'm having search dysfunction issues today.. Do you have a link to that game page so I can take a look? All my searches with option marked for titles only have been giving mixed results and 50 pages of irrelevant results so I'm having trouble finding that one.

But at fist glance from just that snippet it seems as though you do not have PowerShell installed on your machine or maybe you do and it is not in your path? That would surely cause the issue since without PowerShell the rpatool cant be constructed since Unren uses Base64 data to store it for processing and uses PowerShell code to handle the combining and converting back to usable python file.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
Well hmmm I'm not 100 % sure since I'm having search dysfunction issues today.. Do you have a link to that game page so I can take a look? All my searches with option marked for titles only have been giving mixed results and 50 pages of irrelevant results so I'm having trouble finding that one.

But at fist glance from just that snippet it seems as though you do not have PowerShell installed on your machine or maybe you do and it is not in your path? That would surely cause the issue since without PowerShell the rpatool cant be constructed since Unren uses Base64 binary data to store it for processing and uses PowerShell code to handle the combining and converting back to usable python file.
i have 1660585089198.png
Sep 4, 2017
Ok 2 things...
  • Do you have the link to the game? I'll need to download the game and test it also.
    • Need to check the game's Ren'Py version as not all versions work will all Unren
    • Need to check the game to see if the Dev altered the included Ren'Py files or the Python Library. (Often Devs try to stop modders by changing these files or removing the files that Unren needs to dissasemble the encoded assets)
  • Is PowerShell included in your System Environment Variables in the PATH section?
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If you needed to complete these steps then you will now be able to launch PowerShell from any working directory from command prompt or terminal as it will be accessible system wide

*Also one last note.... I have made a few small changes in the last week or so and I've renamed and cleaned the main post to better label the New 1.1 version vs the (OLD) one with no initial versioning (From me). I tested the 1.1 updated ver and it works with all of my current games so we just gotta see what is different with that particular game or with your PC

** Actually one more last note/question...

Where did you place the Unren Bat? did you run that from the base folder that has the corruption.exe? or did you place it inside the folder named "game"?

I've heard it *might* run from "game" but I've never tried and I would be sure to place the Unren file in the base folder where the game Exe is
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Please help. UnRen doesn't work. RedRoom.
"Cannot locate python.exe, unable to continue. Are you sure we're in the game's root directory?"
I installed the newest python. Still nothing.
Sep 4, 2017
Please help. UnRen doesn't work. RedRoom.
"Cannot locate python.exe, unable to continue. Are you sure we're in the game's root directory?"
I installed the newest python. Still nothing.
It's not your Python that is the cause... its the game engine files
Yeah Im not sure why so many devs all of a sudden switched the engine files to python 2.7 all at the same time but its extremely simple to fix. Just make a second copy of the folder in "lib" folder called "py2-*******" (******* = Your OS) and rename it deleting the "py2-"

***** DON'T only rename the original because the required files will look for the "py2-" and if you renamed it without a copy then it fails *****

so "py2-windows-x86_64" you would copy and create a second folder named "windows-x86_64"

Run Unren and it will work as intended then after you can delete the copy and leave the original "py2-windows-x86_64" folder to run the game


New Member
Jun 26, 2018
Again, I am not the creator of this script, I am simply updating elements to try to maintain compatibility.
So I've updated the file again. I've changed the following:
  • Updated Universal Renpy Mod to version 1.13.2
  • Fixed the code to allow the script to run for situations where the python folder is py2-*** or py3-*** as well as the original options
  • Added an option "C" to the menu that will perform the following tasks from the script:
    • Create DBZ_Config Keys (so you can access dev tools, etc)
    • Create DBZ_KB_Input (so you can select choices by keyboard numbers)
    • Create 0x52URM (adds Universal Renpy Mod)

I like to use the option C since generally if I'm just playing a game I don't need to unpack all the game files.

If anyone has questions, let me know!

Happy Gaming!


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2022
Hey! please tell me how to make the Shift-A combination work? I need a font-enabler. it's just that other authors, out of a false sense of beauty, insert such disgusting fonts from which blood begins to pour from their eyes, but this is not enough for them, they forbid the choice of font. this is unacceptable! in other VNs where shift-A works, I simply select the default font (open-sans regular) - and the problem is solved.

a partial solution to this problem is to decompile the project and search for the font name in order to make a substitution, naming a new, more readable font with the old name. but not all games allow themselves to be decompiled - and this is disgusting.

but it doesn't matter if you know how to find out from the console the names of the fonts that are loaded into the project - then you can make a substitution. the main thing is to know the names of the fonts. but I don't know how you can find out the names of the loaded fonts from the console - maybe there is a way to find out?
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Sep 4, 2017
Hey! please tell me how to make the Shift-A combination work? I need a font-enabler. it's just that other authors, out of a false sense of beauty, insert such disgusting fonts from which blood begins to pour from their eyes, but this is not enough for them, they forbid the choice of font. this is unacceptable! in other VNs where shift-A works, I simply select the default font (open-sans regular) - and the problem is solved.

a partial solution to this problem is to decompile the project and search for the font name in order to make a substitution, naming a new, more readable font with the old name. but not all games allow themselves to be decompiled - and this is disgusting.

but it doesn't matter if you know how to find out from the console the names of the fonts that are loaded into the project - then you can make a substitution. the main thing is to know the names of the fonts. but I don't know how you can find out the names of the loaded fonts from the console - maybe there is a way to find out?
A bit unrelated to this particular tool but why not just create a .rpy patch with the font changed?
I don't think you need to know the font to change it.

I've just tested this on numerous games so it should work unless the dev specifically changes the init order of gui.rpy

here is a quick patch.


extract zip
open zz_font_patch.rpy
change "YourFont.ext" to the name of the font you wish to use
copy the font you named into the patch "game" folder so there are 2 files in "game"
merge/copy those into the target game's own "game" folder

View attachment
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Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2022
A bit unrelated to this particular tool but why not just create a .rpy patch with the font changed?
I don't think you need to know the font to change it.

I've just tested this on numerous games so it should work unless the dev specifically changes the init order of gui.rpy

here is a quick patch.


extract zip
open zz_font_patch.rpy
change "YourFont.ext" to the name of the font you wish to use
copy the font you named into the patch "game" folder so there are 2 files in "game"
merge/copy those into the target game's own "game" folder

View attachment 2344120
thanks. i will try it.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
Again, I am not the creator of this script, I am simply updating elements to try to maintain compatibility.
So I've updated the file again. I've changed the following:
  • Updated Universal Renpy Mod to version 1.13.2
  • Fixed the code to allow the script to run for situations where the python folder is py2-*** or py3-*** as well as the original options
  • Added an option "C" to the menu that will perform the following tasks from the script:
    • Create DBZ_Config Keys (so you can access dev tools, etc)
    • Create DBZ_KB_Input (so you can select choices by keyboard numbers)
    • Create 0x52URM (adds Universal Renpy Mod)

I like to use the option C since generally if I'm just playing a game I don't need to unpack all the game files.

If anyone has questions, let me know!

Happy Gaming!
0x52URM is now v1.13.3

  • 1.13.3 (2023-01-31)
    • Fix: The was an intermittent issue with variables not changing back during a rollback
    • Fix: Renaming characters with parentheses in the name now works