From the personal journals of Kniestmund, High Priest of the Realm:
"The appointed day arrived, wherein the young King, having achieved the age of dominion, was to ascend to his rightful throne. His mother, the Queen Regent, a woman of noble bearing, did relinquish the crown unto her son, the true heir. Upon that very day, as ordained by ancient custom, the new King was to select a Queen, a consort to perpetuate the royal bloodline.
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From every corner of the Kingdom, Lords and Nobles of high estate did present their daughters, maidens of surpassing beauty, each a vision of comeliness beyond mortal compare. Their finery, and most importantly their bodies, were objects of envy for all.
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Yet, the King, in a turn most unexpected, did confound the assembled court. His gaze, and subsequently his outstretched hand, fell not upon the presented maidens, but upon a figure to the left of the gathering – his own mother, the now former Queen Regent!
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A hush, profound and absolute, descended upon the court. Never in my years, nor in the annals of our history, had such a thing been witnessed. Nevertheless, when the young sovereign and his mother did retire to the royal bedchamber, there to consummate their union, the throng erupted in applause, as is the way of things. And I, Kniestmund, followed in their wake, a necessary witness to the consummation of their divine bond.
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Before the youth, her own son, the Queen Regent did disrobe, with a measured grace, revealing her regal form.
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The act itself, the sacred joining, was swift. Scarcely half a minute had elapsed ere the King's seed, the essence of royalty, found its haven within the very womb that had borne him into this world. A holy joining, and a curious one at that. May the gods determine what comes of it."