Multi-enemy swarm


New Member
Jan 2, 2025

I loved The Agnietta, Parasite Infection and Jumble Strikers.
But I never had that "swarm" feeling of enemies...

So I decided to create a "proof of concept" of a swarm!
The swarm is 10 000 enemies in size at the start of the demo.

This is not a game, this is only a mechanic, but I would love to see a game with it!

As I never used a game engine (and don't have the time anymore), I cannot do it.
But I can help anyone who wish to code such a swarm.

As it is too heavy to be here, I pushed the demo in a Github repo:

Fallen Branch

Mar 1, 2020
If we are to name genre that would be interesting with such a spam hopping someone pick this up:
- tower defense
- dungeon keeper like
- diablo like
- rogue like
- rts (4X)
- bullet hell
I feel like as long as you don't try to use it for style it should be an interesting idea. (The problem being that it would be way to costly for something that can be cheaply faked.)