Bruh i think YOU misunderstood what I've tried to say

First of all it was just a theory and I'm NOT saying that its impossible for him to "fall in love" and marry a random girl but the MC was ALREADY in like FIVE possible relationships...
(btw i forgot their names
) Ok, seems like in the "original" timeline the childhood crush "flees" anyways and let's say the sister and mother figure were not viable options... What about the photographer then? seems like a logical choice, or maybe the idol? she's clearly have a crush on him independent of the "wife" interference or even the sister's friend? she seems to be the final harem member given the hints...
How could all of them simply got out of the picture for some random girl take their place?
And AGAIN its just a theory! i could be
(and probably am 
) totally wrong here...
JUST HER PRESENCE ALREADY CHANGED ALL! And not only that but she's actively and openly trying change the future by building a HAREM!
And also giving MANY information about the future to many people... so what "info" she's trying to avoid? Its more than a little suspicious